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Will DOGE Make a Comeback or will New Meme Coins Dominate? Find Out Now!

DOGE 会卷土重来还是新 Meme 币会占据主导地位?马上去查!

发布: 2023/12/31 19:02 阅读: 699



Dogecoin was the first memecoin to go mainstream. In 2021, the project hit an all-time high of $0.09721 and attracted a huge social media following. Over the last two years, this audience has driven up Dogecoins price, posting memes on social media and spreading word of the memecoin. However, after a poor performance in 2023, experts believe a new memecoin could outperform Dogecoin.

狗狗币是第一个成为主流的模因币。 2021 年,该项目创下 0.09721 美元的历史新高,并吸引了大量社交媒体关注者。在过去的两年里,这些受众在社交媒体上发布模因并传播模因币的信息,推高了狗狗币的价格。然而,在 2023 年表现不佳之后,专家认为新的 memecoin 可能会超越狗狗币。

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Dogecoin Struggles With An Uphill Battle

Although still ranked the number one memecoin, Dogecoin has faced several struggles in 2023. Most notably, its inability to sustain any long term positive market momentum. The project has experienced several price surges in 2023, though has consistently crashed after hitting the $0.09721 threshold. This trend is now repeating itself in December. Since hitting $0.1 Dogecoins price has fallen by 2.93% and is trading at $0.09277.

狗狗币在一场艰苦的战斗中挣扎虽然狗狗币仍然排名第一,但狗狗币在 2023 年也面临着一些困境。最值得注意的是,它无法维持任何长期积极的市场势头。该项目在 2023 年经历了几次价格飙升,但在触及 0.09721 美元门槛后一直暴跌。这种趋势在 12 月份又重演了。自触及 0.1 美元以来,狗狗币价格已下跌 2.93%,交易价格为 0.09277 美元。

Another challenge Dogecoin is facing is fierce competition. Top competitor Shiba Inu has hit several milestones in 2023, introducing lucrative new projects like Shibarium, and increasing in value by 32% in December. Comparatively, Dogecoin has increased in value by 24% over the last month, and its ecosystem has experienced very little growth.

狗狗币面临的另一个挑战是激烈的竞争。主要竞争对手 Shiba Inu 在 2023 年实现了多个里程碑,推出了 Shibarium 等利润丰厚的新项目,并在 12 月份价值增长了 32%。相比之下,狗狗币的价值较上个月增长了 24%,但其生态系统增长甚微。

The future of Dogecoin will ultimately depend on the project’s development. As of December 2023 Dogecoin’s price relies on social media hype and influencers such as Elon Musk, who has consistently driven up Dogecoin’s price over the last two years. To take control of its future, Dogecoin needs to build its ecosystem and offer more than just a memecoin. If the project fails to take action, experts predict that Dogecoin could lose its status as the number one memecoin as early as 2025.

狗狗币的未来最终将取决于该项目的发展。截至 2023 年 12 月,狗狗币的价格依赖于社交媒体炒作和埃隆·马斯克等影响者,后者在过去两年中持续推高狗狗币的价格。为了掌控自己的未来,狗狗币需要建立自己的生态系统,并提供的不仅仅是模因币。如果该项目未能采取行动,专家预测狗狗币最早可能会在 2025 年失去第一大模因币的地位。

Could This New Memecoin Dominate The Market?

In addition to other challenges, Dogecoin also faces fierce competition from new projects in the market. Projects like Meme Moguls are gaining significant traction and could quickly take the spotlight away from Dogecoin. For example, in just one month, Meme Moguls has raised over $715,000 during its pre-sale and attracted thousands of investors in just two presale stages. On its current trajectory, it could be worth more than Dogecoin in just one year.

这个新的 Memecoin 能否主宰市场? 除了其他挑战之外,狗狗币还面临着市场新项目的激烈竞争。像 Meme Moguls 这样的项目正在获得巨大的关注,并可能很快将人们的注意力从狗狗币上夺走。例如,在短短一个月内,Meme Moguls 在预售期间筹集了超过 715,000 美元,并在短短两个预售阶段吸引了数千名投资者。按照目前的轨迹,它的价值可能在短短一年内就超过狗狗币。

Unlike Dogecoin, Meme Moguls offers great utility. It introduces the world’s first stock market for memes, allowing investors to trade meme-based assets and build their investing skills. Within the Meme Moguls ecosystem, investors will be able to take part in simulated investing, compete against top funds, compete in tournaments, and more.

与狗狗币不同,Meme Moguls 提供了巨大的实用性。它引入了世界上第一个模因股票市场,允许投资者交易基于模因的资产并培养他们的投资技能。在 Meme Moguls 生态系统中,投资者将能够参与模拟投资、与顶级基金竞争、参加锦标赛等等。

All of this is designed to empower the next generation of investors, teaching them new investing strategies and helping them build their network in Meme Mogul’s bustling community.

所有这一切都是为了赋予下一代投资者权力,教他们新的投资策略,并帮助他们在 Meme Mogul 繁华的社区中建立自己的网络。

Currently in the second stage of its presale, Meme Moguls native token has increased in value from $0.0019 to $0.0023. Within the next year, experts predict that $MGLS could hit highs of $0.19, outperforming top memecoins such as Dogecoin and Pepe.

目前,Meme Moguls 原生代币正处于预售第二阶段,其价值已从 0.0019 美元增至 0.0023 美元。专家预测,明年 MGLS 可能会触及 0.19 美元的高位,表现优于 Dogecoin 和 Pepe 等顶级 memecoin。

While such high returns are a great selling point for the project, Meme Moguls offers a number of reasons why investors should get involved. For example, during each presale round, one lucky investor will win $10,000 as part of a giveaway, and other prizes, such as gadgets and vacations, will also be available. These rewards make Meme Moguls an extremely lucrative investment, and have already attracted thousands of new investors.

虽然如此高的回报是该项目的一大卖点,但 Meme Moguls 提供了投资者应该参与的许多理由。例如,在每一轮预售期间,一位幸运的投资者将赢得 10,000 美元作为赠品的一部分,并且还将提供其他奖品,例如小工具和假期。这些奖励使 Meme Moguls 成为一项极其有利可图的投资,并且已经吸引了数千名新投资者。

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