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DOGE ETF, SOL ETF May Potentially Emerge by 2025, Lark Davis Explains How

Lark Davis 解释 DOGE ETF、SOL ETF 可能会在 2025 年出现

发布: 2024/02/04 06:12 阅读: 675



Lark Davis 解释 DOGE ETF、SOL ETF 可能会在 2025 年出现

Crypto YouTuber Lark Davis has shared a video in which he elaborates why he expects the second largest cryptocurrency, Ethereum, to see $4,000 as the first stop on its way to $10,000.

加密货币 YouTuber Lark Davis 分享了一段视频,在视频中他详细阐述了为什么他预计第二大加密货币以太坊将达到 4,000 美元,成为其迈向 10,000 美元的第一步。

He also said that altcoin-based ETFs may flood into the market soon enough, and those would include Solana and Dogecoin ETFs in particular.

他还表示,基于山寨币的 ETF 可能很快就会涌入市场,其中尤其包括 Solana 和狗狗币 ETF。

Ethereum To $4,000 By May 23rd [Last Chance] pic.twitter.com/qvMtHiMd92

以太坊将于 5 月 23 日涨至 4,000 美元 [最后机会] pic.twitter.com/qvMtHiMd92

— Lark Davis (@TheCryptoLark) February 2, 2024

— Lark Davis (@TheCryptoLark) 2024 年 2 月 2 日

Ethereum heading for $4,000

以太坊涨至 4,000 美元

The main message that Lark Davis wanted to get across on X was that he believes it is highly likely that Ethereum will reach $4,000 by the end of May this year — May 23, to be exact, this is the date when the regulator is expected to green-light a spot Ethereum ETF.

Lark Davis 希望在 X 上传达的主要信息是,他认为以太坊极有可能在今年 5 月底达到 4000 美元——确切地说,5 月 23 日,这是监管机构预计将达到 4000 美元的日期。为现货以太坊 ETF 开绿灯。

Davis made a reminder that Standard Chartered bank made this prediction, drawing the deadline at $4,000. The main reason why the banking giant made such a prediction is because it expects a spot Ethereum ETF to be approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission this year, therefore, the bank’s thesis says, the ETF will drive massive demand for Ethereum, the same as it did for Bitcoin.

戴维斯提醒说,渣打银行做出了这一预测,并将最后期限定为 4,000 美元。这家银行巨头做出这样的预测的主要原因是,它预计以太坊ETF现货将在今年获得美国证券交易委员会的批准,因此,该银行的论文称,该ETF将带动对以太坊的大量需求,就像比特币确实如此。

BlackRock and the other spot-based Bitcoin ETFs started scooping up astounding chunks of BTC before the SEC regulator approved their filings, and they continue to buy 5x more BTC than the daily amount of Bitcoin produced by miners.

在美国证券交易委员会监管机构批准其申请之前,贝莱德和其他基于现货的比特币 ETF 开始大量买入比特币,并且它们购买的比特币数量比矿商每日生产的比特币数量多出 5 倍。

So far, the regulator has been delaying its decision on the Ethereum ETF, however, Davis agrees with the Standard Chartered forecast that it is likely to make an approval on May 23.

到目前为止,监管机构一直在推迟对以太坊 ETF 的决定,不过,戴维斯同意渣打银行的预测,即可能会在 5 月 23 日获得批准。


Davis voiced the opinion that once the SEC permits spot Ethereum ETFs to start trading, this would give a start to hedge funds deciding to launch exchange-traded funds based on other altcoins.

戴维斯表示,一旦美国证券交易委员会允许现货以太坊 ETF 开始交易,这将促使对冲基金决定推出基于其他山寨币的交易所交易基金。

The YouTuber supposed that the cryptocurrency market may see ETFs launched based on such altcoins as Dogecoin, Solana, Chainlink, Avalanche, maybe even by the end of 2024. What led him to this thought was the Franklin Templeton fund.

这位 YouTuber 认为,加密货币市场可能会看到基于狗狗币、Solana、Chainlink、Avalanche 等山寨币推出的 ETF,甚至可能到 2024 年底。促使他产生这一想法的是富兰克林邓普顿基金。

In a recent interview to Bloomberg, a rep of this fund hinted that the market may see more ETF filings coming from them, and the rep stated that Ethereum seems like a good candidate for that to begin with.

在最近接受彭博社采访时,该基金的一名代表暗示,市场可能会看到他们提交更多 ETF 申请,该代表表示,以太坊似乎是一个不错的候选者。


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