首页 > 资讯新闻 > Rebel Satoshi 与 Bonk 和 Dogecoin 一起成为 Meme 加密货币领域的关键参与者

Rebel Satoshi Gains Momentum as A Key Player Alongside Bonk and Dogecoin in the Meme Crypto Space

Rebel Satoshi 与 Bonk 和 Dogecoin 一起成为 Meme 加密货币领域的关键参与者

发布: 2024/02/04 06:12 阅读: 318





  • Bonk’s (BONK) Coinbase listing sparks excitement; analysts expect a 51% price surge.
  • Bonk (BONK) Coinbase 上市引发兴奋;分析师预计价格将飙升 51%。



  • Doom runs on Dogecoin (DOGE) thanks to Ordinals, sparking positive price predictions of a surge to $0.096 in the coming weeks.
  • 得益于 Ordinals,Doom 在狗狗币 (DOGE) 上运行,引发了未来几周价格飙升至 0.096 美元的积极预测。



  • Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) is set to outpace top crypto coins, as its presale nets investors a 150% ROI.
  • Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) 将超越顶级加密货币,因为其预售可为投资者带来 150% 的投资回报率。



Meme coins have established a distinct space in the market, captivating investors with their fusion of humor and financial potential. Among these top altcoins, BONK and Dogecoin have held sway for quite some time. However, a fresh contender, Rebel Satoshi, has emerged, introducing fresh fervor to the space. Why are investors redirecting their attention from the successes of BONK and DOGE to $RBLZ? Let’s explore.

Meme 币在市场上建立了独特的空间,以其幽默和财务潜力的融合吸引了投资者。在这些顶级山寨币中,BONK 和狗狗币已经占据主导地位相当长一段时间了。然而,一个新的竞争者——反叛中本聪——的出现,给这个领域带来了新的热情。为什么投资者将注意力从 BONK 和 DOGE 的成功转向 $RBLZ?让我们来探索一下。



Coinbase Adds Support for BONK, Sparking Bullish Forecasts

Coinbase 增加对 BONK 的支持,引发看涨预测

On December 13, Coinbase officially announced the listing of BONK via its social media channels. Trading for the memecoin on the Solana network commenced on December 14, following the exchange’s listing of BONK.

12月13日,Coinbase通过社交媒体渠道正式宣布BONK上线。随着 BONK 交易所上市,memecoin 于 12 月 14 日开始在 Solana 网络上进行交易。

Following the commencement of BONK trading, the price of the coin has seen a substantial decline from $0.000013 on December 14 to $0.000011 on January 30. This resulted in a decrease in the value of BONK by 12.9%. Some analysts who are bullish on top DeFi coins have anticipated a market turnaround for the Bonk network and expect BONK prices to climb to $0.000017 by the end of March.

BONK交易开始后,币价从12月14日的0.000013美元大幅下跌至1月30日的0.000011美元。这导致BONK的价值下跌了12.9%。一些看好顶级 DeFi 代币的分析师预计 Bonk 网络的市场将出现好转,并预计 BONK 价格将在 3 月底攀升至 0.000017 美元。

However, many hardcore Ethereum chain experts are weary of BONK’s use case as a cryptocurrency. These concerns, coupled with increasing market volatility, have led experts to forecast a drop to $0.0000095 in Bonk network prices and a 15.6% decrease in BONK market cap.

然而,许多铁杆以太坊链专家对 BONK 作为加密货币的用例感到厌倦。这些担忧,加上市场波动加剧,导致专家预测 Bonk 网络价格将跌至 0.0000095 美元,BONK 市值将下降 15.6%。





Dogecoin Channels Announce Increased Activity for DOGE as User Uploads “Doom” Video Game


On January 23, it was announced that the Ordinals, initially pioneered on Bitcoin, is now enabling developers to introduce functionality to the Dogecoin network. It announced that Doom, the iconic first-person shooter game from 1993, is now playable on the Dogecoin network, enabled by a new protocol storing significant data on a blockchain.

1 月 23 日,宣布最初在比特币上首创的 Ordinals 现在使开发人员能够向狗狗币网络引入功能。该公司宣布,1993 年推出的标志性第一人称射击游戏《毁灭战士》现在可以在狗狗币网络上玩,并通过在区块链上存储重要数据的新协议实现。

Following this exciting news, the price of DOGE saw a marginal 1.92% increase in value from $0.0782 on January 23 to close at $0.0797 on January 30. In terms of the DOGE price prediction, analysts foresee a 21.5% price increase in the value of Dogecoin, forecasting the price to hit $0.096 by mid-February.

在这一令人兴奋的消息之后,DOGE 的价格从 1 月 23 日的 0.0782 美元小幅上涨 1.92%,到 1 月 30 日收于 0.0797 美元。就 DOGE 价格预测而言,分析师预计狗狗币的价格将上涨 21.5% ,预测到 2 月中旬价格将达到 0.096 美元。

However, some other analysts foresee DOGE prices dipping below $0.060 by mid-March, citing the anxiety that is to come with the SEC’s delay of spot ETF for top altcoins. Amid this bearish prediction, investors are turning to Rebel Satoshi’s $RBLZ.

然而,其他一些分析师预计 DOGE 价格到 3 月中旬将跌破 0.060 美元,理由是 SEC 推迟推出顶级山寨币现货 ETF 将会带来焦虑。在这种悲观预测中,投资者开始转向 Rebel Satoshi 的 $RBLZ。



Rebel Satoshi Usurps Other Crypto ICOs With 120% Surge

反叛者中本聪以 120% 的飙升取代了其他加密货币 ICO

As the crypto market continues to evolve, Rebel Satoshi’s presale emerges as a unique investment opportunity, offering a compelling case for investors pondering how to enter the cryptocurrency space. With a solid foundation on Ethereum and a successful presale, Rebel Satoshi demonstrates substantial potential. Experts believe now is an opportune moment to consider investing in this innovative project.

随着加密货币市场的不断发展,Rebel Satoshi 的预售成为一个独特的投资机会,为考虑如何进入加密货币领域的投资者提供了一个令人信服的案例。凭借以太坊的坚实基础和成功的预售,Rebel Satoshi 展现出了巨大的潜力。专家认为,现在是考虑投资这一创新项目的最佳时机。

Amid the crypto boom, Rebel Satoshi stands out with its successful presale, having sold over 100 million $RBLZ and raised over $1.5 million, aiming for the $2 million milestone. Built on Ethereum, one of the most secure blockchains, the platform assures investors of its reliability and security. Thorough auditing by Source Hat validates the safety and credibility of Rebel Satoshi‘s smart contracts, making it a standout choice in the crypto landscape.

在加密货币热潮中,Rebel Satoshi 凭借其成功的预售脱颖而出,已售出超过 1 亿美元的 RBLZ,并筹集了超过 150 万美元的资金,目标是达到 200 万美元的里程碑。该平台建立在最安全的区块链之一以太坊上,向投资者保证其可靠性和安全性。 Source Hat 的彻底审核验证了 Rebel Satoshi 智能合约的安全性和可信度,使其成为加密领域的杰出选择。

Furthermore, after a 120% gain to $0.022 when the $RBLZ token presale entered Monarchs Round 4, experts predict that the coin will have increased by 150% from the beginning to $0.025 per token by the time the presale ends. Analysts consider the $RBLZ token to be among the best cryptocurrencies to buy before its February launch.

此外,当 $RBLZ 代币预售进入 Monarchs 第 4 轮时,其价格上涨了 120% 至 0.022 美元,专家预测,到预售结束时,该代币将比开始时上涨 150%,达到每个代币 0.025 美元。分析师认为 $RBLZ 代币是在 2 月份推出之前最值得购买的加密货币之一。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,请务必访问 Rebel Satoshi 官方预售网站或通过 Telegram 联系 Rebel Red

The post Rebel Satoshi Gains Momentum as A Key Player Alongside Bonk and Dogecoin in the Meme Crypto Space appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

后反叛中本聪作为 Meme 加密空间中的 Bonk 和 Dogecoin 的关键参与者获得动力,首先出现在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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