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DOGE Founder Reveals His Actual Net Worth — You’ll Be Surprised

DOGE 创始人透露他的实际净资产——你会感到惊讶

发布: 2023/11/28 20:20 阅读: 204



DOGE 创始人透露他的实际净资产——你会感到惊讶

Billy Markus, who created the original meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin together with Jackson Palmer in 2013, has taken to the X platform (formerly know as Twitter) to comment on a media article about his net worth as of 2023.

比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 于 2013 年与杰克逊·帕尔默 (Jackson Palmer) 一起创建了最初的模因加密货币狗狗币 (Dogecoin),他在 X 平台(以前称为 Twitter)上对一篇有关其截至 2023 年净资产的媒体文章发表了评论。

In his typical ironic manner, Markus (known on the X app as Shibetoshi Nakamoto) criticized that publication and stated that his actual net worth is much less than the figure mentioned by the undisclosed media.

马库斯(在 X 应用程序上被称为 Shibetoshi Nakamoto)以其典型的讽刺方式批评了该出版物,并表示他的实际净资产远低于未公开媒体提到的数字。

Does Markus indeed have $5 million? Here’s his comment

马库斯真的有 500 万美元吗?这是他的评论

The article published by Techiegamers stated that as of this year, Markus is worth $5 million in Markus commented on that, saying that if he did have those $5 million he would be “way more chill about money”.

Techiegamers 发表的文章称,截至今年,马库斯的身价为 500 万美元,马库斯对此发表评论称,如果他确实拥有这 500 万美元,他将“对金钱更加冷静”。

Billy Markus revealed that contrary to what the article says, he has a lot less than $1 million and jokingly added that he has “a very large interest in making money”.

比利·马库斯透露,与文章所说的相反,他的身家远远低于 100 万美元,并开玩笑地补充说,他“对赚钱有很大的兴趣”。

it’s hilarious that this is one of the first articles about me on the internet as my net worth is well under a million dollars and i have a very large interest in making money 🤣if i did have 5 million dollars tho, i would be wayyyyyy more chill about money pic.twitter.com/0xGqhLWWnk

有趣的是,这是互联网上关于我的第一篇文章,因为我的净资产远低于 100 万美元,而且我对赚钱非常感兴趣🤣如果我确实有 500 万美元,我会更多对金钱保持冷静 pic.twitter.com/0xGqhLWWnk

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) November 14, 2023

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2023 年 11 月 14 日

According to Markus’ earlier tweets, he loves his job, which is likely to be related to software engineering, and he would not swap it for a position in the X app’s team working for Elon Musk, despite the fact that they two are on friendly terms, communicating mostly via tweets.

根据马库斯之前的推文,他热爱自己的工作,这可能与软件工程有关,他不会用它来换取为埃隆·马斯克工作的 X 应用程序团队中的职位,尽管事实上他们两个关系很好。术语,主要通过推文进行交流。

As reported earlier, in 2021, as the DOGE price plunged by around 90% from its all-time high of $0.7376 reached in May of that year and this caused Markus to face major financial losses.

正如之前报道的那样,2021 年,DOGE 价格从当年 5 月达到的历史高点 0.7376 美元暴跌约 90%,这导致 Markus 面临重大财务损失。

Billy Markus sells some of his Ethereum


Markus is an active X app user, who now has 2.1 million followers and is using the Subscription feature on the X platform integrated by Elon Musk, which allows content creators to charge a monthly fee from subscribers for additional content. Besides, Markus also uses the Monetization feature that entitles him to a share of X app’s profits from advertising.

Markus 是 X 应用程序的活跃用户,目前拥有 210 万关注者,并且正在使用埃隆·马斯克集成的 X 平台上的订阅功能,该功能允许内容创作者向订阅者收取额外内容的月费。此外,Markus 还使用货币化功能,使他有权分享 X 应用程序的广告利润。

At the start of this year, Markus even was forced to sell some of his Ethereum to pay the taxes for 2022. In an ironic twist of fate, the second largest crypto went up right after that sale, so Markus sold his ETH for a much less fiat amount than he could have.

今年年初,马库斯甚至被迫出售部分以太坊来缴纳 2022 年的税款。命运的讽刺是,第二大加密货币在出售之后立即上涨,因此马库斯以高得多的价格出售了他的以太坊。比他能拥有的法定金额要少。

In one of his recent posts on X, he revealed that he likes Bitcoin and Ethereum as assets and hates all ERC-20 tokens. He quit his DOGE project several months after it was launched in 2013 and since then has not been investing in crypto, apart from buying some Ether. He has never mentioned holding Bitcoin or other crypto in his tweets.

在他最近在 X 上发布的一篇帖子中,他透露他喜欢比特币和以太坊作为资产,讨厌所有 ERC-20 代币。他在 2013 年推出 DOGE 项目几个月后就退出了该项目,从那时起,除了购买一些以太币之外,他就没有再投资加密货币。他从未在推文中提到持有比特币或其他加密货币。

Despite his fame and influence within the crypto community, Markus prefers to avoid publicity and communicate to crypto fans only on social media.


no one in public has recognized me, fortunately i would honestly hate that


— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) November 14, 2023

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2023 年 11 月 14 日


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