比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 于 2013 年与杰克逊·帕尔默 (Jackson Palmer) 一起创立了 DOGE,将其作为一种有趣的消遣和副业项目,他分享了他对比特币支持者在加密推特上“宣扬”比特币的方式的看法,并称他们是“营销方面最糟糕的人”。
Markus commented on a video by BTC maximalist Robert Breedlove interviewing Jason Lowery, in which the latter praises Bitcoin, calling it "not a coin but the future of warfare," "future of security" and "future of people securing their data." He also casually criticized Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg as the new "god kings."
马库斯评论了比特币极端主义者罗伯特·布里德洛夫 (Robert Breedlove) 采访杰森·洛厄里 (Jason Lowery) 的视频,后者在视频中赞扬了比特币,称其“不是硬币,而是战争的未来”、“安全的未来”和“人们保护数据安全的未来”。他还漫不经心地批评埃隆·马斯克和马克·扎克伯格是新的“神王”。
Billy Markus mocked Bitcoin maxis' methods of trying to win over new people into Bitcoin, saying that what they say is "Come join our clearly mentally ill group of insecure losers!"
比利·马库斯(Billy Markus)嘲笑比特币马克西斯试图吸引新人进入比特币的方法,说他们所说的是“来加入我们明显患有精神疾病的缺乏安全感的失败者群体吧!”
man bitcoiners are the literal worst at marketing"come join our clearly mentally ill group of insecure losers!"
— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) August 12, 2023男性比特币爱好者在营销方面是最差的“快来加入我们这群明显患有精神疾病、缺乏安全感的失败者吧!”——Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2023 年 8 月 12 日
比特币极端主义者以其对除 BTC 之外的加密货币市场中的其他一切事物的优越态度而闻名,因为他们一直将所有山寨币称为“s-coin”。其中一些人,尤其是 Max Keiser,敦促 SEC 关闭作为赌场的主要加密货币交易所,并将所有山寨币宣布为证券。基本上,这就是 SEC 和 Gary Gensler 现在正在做的事情。
Markus and Palmer are the creators of the first ever meme cryptocurrency, which was basically a joke on Bitcoin and based on Bitcoin code and the proof-of-work consensus algorithm.
不过,他们声称这样做是为了好玩。去年一月,马库斯表示,他和帕尔默在 DOGE 上几乎没有赚到任何钱。但他表示,人们正在创造新的模因币,故意从中获利。
Still, Markus does not plan to build "Dogecoin 2.0" or any other new digital currency. According to his earlier tweet, "something wacky" must happen to make him go back to Dogecoin and become an active part of its current team.