フロントページ > 情報ニュース > DOGE共同創設者、ビットコイン・マキシスを「不安定なサイコパスの集団」と非難

DOGE Co-Founder Slams Bitcoin Maxis as 'Mentally Ill Group of Insecure Losers'


リリース: 2023/08/13 04:30 読む: 458



Billy Markus, who founded DOGE together with Jackson Palmer as a fun pastime and a side project in 2013, has shared his take on the way Bitcoiners are "preaching" BTC on crypto Twitter and called them "the literal worst at marketing."


Markus commented on a video by BTC maximalist Robert Breedlove interviewing Jason Lowery, in which the latter praises Bitcoin, calling it "not a coin but the future of warfare," "future of security" and "future of people securing their data." He also casually criticized Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg as the new "god kings."


Billy Markus mocked Bitcoin maxis' methods of trying to win over new people into Bitcoin, saying that what they say is "Come join our clearly mentally ill group of insecure losers!"


Bitcoin maximalists are known for their superior attitude towards everything else in the crypto market except BTC, as they keep calling all altcoins "s-coins." Some of them, especially Max Keiser, urges the SEC to shut down major crypto exchanges as casinos and declare all altcoins as securities. Basically, that is what the SEC and Gary Gensler are doing now.


Markus and Palmer are the creators of the first ever meme cryptocurrency, which was basically a joke on Bitcoin and based on Bitcoin code and the proof-of-work consensus algorithm.

マーカスとパーマーは史上初のミーム暗号通貨の作成者です。これは基本的にビットコインに関するジョークであり、ビットコイン コードとプルーフ オブ ワーク コンセンサス アルゴリズムに基づいています。

Still, they claim they did it for fun. In January last year, Markus stated that he and Palmer earned hardly any money on DOGE. But he stated that new meme coins are being created to earn on them deliberately.


Still, Markus does not plan to build "Dogecoin 2.0" or any other new digital currency. According to his earlier tweet, "something wacky" must happen to make him go back to Dogecoin and become an active part of its current team.

それでも、マーカス氏は「ドージコイン 2.0」やその他の新しいデジタル通貨を構築する予定はない。彼の以前のツイートによると、彼がドージコインに戻り、現在のチームの一員として活躍するには、「何か奇抜な出来事」が起こったに違いないとのこと。


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