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DOGE Greatly Surpasses BTC and ADA, Here's What's Happening

DOGE 大大超越 BTC 和 ADA,这就是正在发生的事情

发布: 2023/11/29 06:11 阅读: 459



DOGE 大大超越 BTC 和 ADA,这就是正在发生的事情

Santiment on-chain data vendor has published an X post to report that despite the recent successful attempts of Bitcoin to recover, it has been outpaced by the original meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin, which also left Cardano's native token, ADA, behind as this important metric of DOGE has surged.

Santiment 链上数据供应商发布了一篇 X 帖子,报告称,尽管比特币最近成功尝试复苏,但它的速度已被原始模因加密货币狗狗币超越,这也让卡尔达诺的原生代币 ADA 落后于这一重要指标。 DOGE已经飙升。

DOGE leaves BTC and ADA behind

DOGE 将 BTC 和 ADA 抛在了后面

Santiment has reported that while Bitcoin is trying to recover, traders continue to take their profits off the table. Meanwhile, growth in existing Bitcoin wallets that contain more than zero BTC has ceased growing.

Santiment 报道称,尽管比特币正在努力复苏,但交易者仍在继续获利了结。与此同时,包含超过零比特币的现有比特币钱包的增长已停止增长。

Cardano wallets are also dropping in number, the Santiment X post says; however, the winner here seems to be Dogecoin — DOGE wallets are surging in number at the moment, per data shared by Santiment.

Santiment X 帖子称,卡尔达诺钱包的数量也在下降;然而,这里的赢家似乎是狗狗币——根据 Santiment 分享的数据,狗狗币钱包的数量目前正在激增。

The X post states that "drops are a sign of capitulation, often foreshadowing price jumps."

X 帖子指出,“下跌是投降的迹象,通常预示着价格上涨。”

💸 #Bitcoin traders are profit taking, as growth in existing wallets with more than 0 $BTC has slowed. Meanwhile, #Dogecoin wallets are surging and #Cardano wallets are dropping in number. Drops are a sign of capitulation, often foreshadowing price jumps. https://t.co/YXdnA9vo4I pic.twitter.com/jF5VaWEL9n

💸 #比特币交易者正在获利了结,因为现有钱包中超过 0 美元的 BTC 的增长已经放缓。与此同时,#Dogecoin 钱包数量激增,#Cardano 钱包数量却在下降。下跌是投降的迹象,通常预示着价格上涨。 https://t.co/YXdnA9vo4I pic.twitter.com/jF5VaWEL9n

— Santiment (@santimentfeed) November 27, 2023

- Santiment (@santimentfeed) 2023 年 11 月 27 日

Top Dogecoin developer warns DOGE army against this trap


Earlier this week, major Dogecoin development contributor known as Mishaboar on social media published a post on the X platform, where he issued a major warning to newbie DOGE investors (and not only to them).

本周早些时候,社交媒体上名为 Mishaboar 的主要狗狗币开发贡献者在 X 平台上发布了一篇帖子,他向新手 DOGE 投资​​者(而不仅仅是他们)发出了重大警告。

Mishaboar warned them against sharing their private information and sending money to so-called "influencers" on various social media platforms, and especially to watch out for those scam artists on Telegram. The developer likened Telegram to hell in this particular case. He stated that these fake self-proclaimed influencers promise crypto holders access to closed Telegram channels in return for their donations/fees or personal data and emphasized that holders must not believe those promises and fall for sweet-sounding scam offers.

Mishaboar 警告他们不要在各种社交媒体平台上分享私人信息和向所谓的“影响者”汇款,尤其要提防 Telegram 上的骗子。在这种特殊情况下,开发人员将 Telegram 比作地狱。他表示,这些假冒的自称有影响力的人承诺加密货币持有者可以访问封闭的 Telegram 频道,以换取他们的捐赠/费用或个人数据,并强调持有者不得相信这些承诺并落入听起来甜蜜的骗局。

Mishaboar also pointed out that among these scammers there may be accounts with a large number of followers, and even have some popular X users among them. However, he said that having well-known X personalities among their followers does not necessarily mean these "influencers" are legitimate.


DOGE surpasses BTC and ETH by daily transactions


On Friday last week, and also during the weekend, Dogecoin saw a major spike in its daily transactions count — this metric surpassed one million daily transfers. It was the second largest spike this year; the previous one took place in the summer and constituted more than two million daily DOGE transfers. The current surge surpassed $100,000 in value. This way, DOGE surpassed BTC and ETH, again.

上周五以及周末,狗狗币的每日交易数量大幅增加——这一指标超过了每日一百万笔转账。这是今年第二大涨幅;上一次发生在夏天,每天的 DOGE 转账量超过 200 万次。目前的价值飙升超过了 100,000 美元。这样,DOGE 再次超越了 BTC 和 ETH。

Some analysts relate this surge in meme coin transactions to the rising interest of whales and institutional investors. The aforementioned X post published by Santiment can sort of serve as confirmation of that.

一些分析师将模因币交易的激增与鲸鱼和机构投资者的兴趣上升联系起来。 Santiment 发布的上述 X 帖子可以作为这一点的确认。

However, the person who cofounded Dogecoin in 2013 and is now a pretty active X app user, Billy Markus, commented on an X post about the rise of DOGE transactions and stated that it was down to the use of Ordinals based on Dogecoin (they are known as Doginals) and altcoins — both are created on the DRC-20 token standard launched this summer on the DOGE chain.

然而,2013 年狗狗币的联合创始人、现在是一名非常活跃的 X 应用程序用户的比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 在一篇有关 DOGE 交易兴起的 X 帖子中评论道,并表示这归因于基于狗狗币的序数的使用(它们是称为 Doginals)和山寨币——两者都是根据今年夏天在 DOGE 链上推出的 DRC-20 代币标准创建的。


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