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DOGE Price On The Verge Of Skyrocketing To $0.1

DOGE 价格即将飙升至 0.1 美元

发布: 2023/09/04 23:30 阅读: 260



If support at $0.06 holds firmly, investors are likely to throw their weight behind the price of Dogecoin while booking long positions ahead of the release of the much-awaited Elon Musk’s biography. Meanwhile, the short-term resistance at $0.064 must come out of the way and open the path to the next hurdle at $0.07.

如果 0.06 美元的支撑位稳固,投资者可能会大力支持狗狗币的价格,同时在期待已久的埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 传记发布之前预订多头头寸。与此同时,0.064 美元的短期阻力位必须被打破,并为下一个阻力位 0.07 美元打开道路。



The 100-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) at $0.07 implies that bulls should come ready to face a heated moment with the bulls.

100 天指数移动平均线 (EMA) 位于 0.07 美元,这意味着多头应该准备好面对多头的激烈时刻。

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DOGE Price Bullish Climb Taps Buy Signal

订阅与我们一起展示加密货币革命,一次一份时事通讯。立即订阅,将每日新闻和市场更新直接发送到您的收件箱,以及我们数以百万计的其他订阅者(没错,数以百万计的人都爱我们!) - 您还在等什么?DOGE 价格看涨攀升触发买入信号

A buy signal from the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator confirms the growing bullish influence. If upheld, the call to buy DOGE, which manifested with the bullish cross (the blue MACD line flipping above the red signal line), trading volume may start to soar, thus validating movement not only to $0.07 but a rally targeting highs above $0.1.

移动平均收敛分歧(MACD)指标发出的买入信号证实了看涨影响力的不断增强。如果维持买入 DOGE 的呼声(表现为看涨交叉(蓝色 MACD 线翻转到红色信号线上方)),交易量可能会开始飙升,从而验证走势不仅会达到 0.07 美元,而且还会上涨至 0.1 美元以上的高点。

In addition to the buyer congestion in the region between $0.06 and $0.062, Dogecoin enjoys support at the lower ascending trendline. It must be defended at all costs. A break below the upper trendline saw DOGE price slide persistently to $0.056 in August.

除了 0.06 美元至 0.062 美元之间区域的买家拥挤之外,狗狗币还在较低的上升趋势线处获得支撑。必须不惜一切代价捍卫它。跌破上方趋势线后,DOGE 价格在 8 月份持续下滑至 0.056 美元。

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In that case, keeping Dogecoin well-grounded above this trendline is critical for the resumption of the uptrend, at least to $0.07 with the possibility of an extension to $0.1.

在这种情况下,将狗狗币保持在该趋势线之上对于恢复上升趋势至关重要,至少达到 0.07 美元,并有可能延伸至 0.1 美元。

On the contrary, losing that support would mean a delay in the recovery on top of potential losses to $0.054 and $0.044.

相反,失去该支撑将意味着除了可能损失 0.054 美元和 0.044 美元之外,复苏也会延迟。

Traders cannot ignore the fact that DOGE price holds below all three key moving averages on the daily chart – the 50-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) (red), the 100-day EMA (blue), and the 200-day EMA (purple).

交易者不能忽视这样一个事实,即 DOGE 价格低于日线图上的所有三个关键移动平均线——50 日指数移动平均线 (EMA)(红色)、100 日 EMA(蓝色)和 200 日 EMA(紫色的)。

Can Elon Musk’s Biography Trigger DOGE Price Rally?

埃隆·马斯克的传记能否引发 DOGE 价格上涨?

CEO of Tesla and the owner of X, formerly Twitter, Elon Musk is looking forward to the release of his biography written by Walter Isaacson. His close relationship with the largest meme coin has seen speculators presage a price rally.

特斯拉首席执行官兼 X(前 Twitter)所有者埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)期待着沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)撰写的传记的发布。他与最大的模因币的密切关系使投机者预示着价格上涨。

The biography is expected to lay bare to the world Musk’s involvement with Dogecoin amid rumors of secretly funding the development of the project. According to the Wall Street Journal, the biography dissects the billionaire’s influence on DOGE.

预计这本传记将向世界揭露马斯克与狗狗币的关系,因为有传言称他正在秘密资助该项目的开发。据《华尔街日报》报道,这本传记剖析了这位亿万富翁对 DOGE 的影响。

It is not news that Musk’s comments and actions before and after buying X contributed to DOGE price swings. Speculations have continued to mount on whether the social media company will consider Dogecoin to power crypto payments on X – a move many believe could cause the price to skyrocket.

马斯克在购买 X 前后的言论和行动导致 DOGE 价格波动,这已经不是什么新闻了。关于这家社交媒体公司是否会考虑使用狗狗币来支持 X 上的加密支付的猜测不断增多——许多人认为此举可能会导致价格飙升。

Further fueling the speculations is a recent remark by Musk, who said that X (the Everything app) will “never” launch its own native token.

马斯克最近的言论进一步加剧了猜测,他表示 X(Everything 应用程序)将“永远”不会推出自己的原生代币。

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