首页 > 资讯新闻 > 埃隆·马斯克是否希望狗狗币成为 X 的支付选项?

Is Elon Musk Eying Toward Dogecoin to Make It Payment Option for X?

埃隆·马斯克是否希望狗狗币成为 X 的支付选项?

发布: 2023/09/05 01:05 阅读: 750



One of the major highlights of 2023 was the purchase of popular social media company Twitter. Multibillionaire, and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX like companies, Elon Musk bought the microblogging platform. Recently Musk was reported to have a plan to create a blockchain-based social media and an “everything” app. He preferred Dogecoin (DOGE) for payment methods over the platform. 

2023 年的一大亮点是收购流行的社交媒体公司 Twitter。亿万富翁、特斯拉和 SpaceX 等公司的首席执行官埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 买下了这个微博平台。最近据报道,马斯克计划创建一个基于区块链的社交媒体和一个“一切”应用程序。他更喜欢狗狗币(DOGE)作为平台上的支付方式。

Forbes reported that Musk set out on a mission to turn Twitter into the “everything app” called X last year. The Tesla CEO has shown interest in a significant “PayPal update” that has the potential to create turmoil in the prices of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

《福布斯》报道称,马斯克去年开始了一项使命,将 Twitter 打造成名为 X 的“一切应用程序”。这位特斯拉首席执行官对一项重大的“PayPal 更新”表现出了兴趣,该更新有可能引发比特币和其他加密货币价格的动荡。

The upward momentum of Bitcoin’s price this year has slowed down in recent weeks. However, cryptocurrency traders are anticipating an eventful September. This decline in Bitcoin’s price has also had a downward impact on Dogecoin, which Elon Musk has referred to as his favorite Bitcoin alternative. 


Dogecoin, originally created as a meme-based fork of Bitcoin as a playful gesture, has seen its value affected by these market dynamics.


It has recently come to light that Musk has been discreetly providing financial support for the development of Dogecoin. This support has continued despite Dogecoin’s price plummeting by 90% from its all-time high, which coincided with the declines seen in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

最近有消息称,马斯克一直在谨慎地为狗狗币的开发提供资金支持。尽管狗狗币的价格从历史高点暴跌 90%(与比特币和其他加密货币的下跌同时发生),但这种支持仍在继续。

Before his acquisition of Twitter last year at a staggering $44 Billion, Musk contemplated the idea of establishing a fresh social media platform built on blockchain technology. 

在去年以惊人的 440 亿美元收购 Twitter 之前,马斯克曾考虑过建立一个基于区块链技术的全新社交媒体平台。

According to an excerpt from the new book titled “Elon Musk” by his biographer Walter Isaacson, this platform could have featured a payment system utilizing Dogecoin, the semi-humorous cryptocurrency for which he had been providing quiet financial support.

根据他的传记作者沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)题为《埃隆·马斯克》(Elon Musk)的新书的摘录,该平台可能具有利用狗狗币(Dogecoin)的支付系统,这是一种半幽默的加密货币,他一直在默默地为其提供财务支持。

The exact extent of Musk’s financial support or investment in Dogecoin remains unclear. However, he has previously expressed his ambition to “upgrade” Dogecoin with the goal of surpassing Bitcoin and becoming the predominant currency worldwide.


In July, Musk, who has stated that he holds personal investments in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin, discreetly incorporated the Dogecoin Ð symbol into his X account. This action coincided with numerous engagements with Dogecoin enthusiast accounts. 

今年 7 月,马斯克曾表示自己持有比特币、以太坊和狗狗币等加密货币的个人投资,并谨慎地将狗狗币 Ð 符号合并到他的 X 账户中。这一行动恰逢狗狗币爱好者账户的大量参与。

Many observers in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency markets speculated that Musk’s intentions for X could potentially be a “game-changer” of significant proportions.

比特币和加密货币市场的许多观察家推测,马斯克对 X 的意图可能会在很大程度上“改变游戏规则”。

Dogecoin had surged into the top ten cryptocurrencies in 2021, driven by meme culture and influencer-driven enthusiasm. However, it experienced a decline in 2022, along with the Bitcoin price and other prominent cryptocurrencies. 

在 meme 文化和影响者驱动的热情的推动下,狗狗币在 2021 年跻身十大加密货币之列。然而,它在 2022 年经历了下跌,比特币价格和其他主要加密货币的价格也随之下跌。

Nevertheless, Dogecoin managed to retain a portion of its previous gains, resulting in a combined Dogecoin network valuation of approximately $9 Billion. 

尽管如此,狗狗币仍成功保留了之前的部分收益,狗狗币网络的综合估值约为 90 亿美元。

At the press time, DOGE price is trading at $0.63 following an uptick of 1.6% in the last week. 

截至发稿时,DOGE 价格在上周上涨 1.6% 后,目前交易价格为 0.63 美元。


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