首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币和柴犬出现井喷式增长,但实用币 ROE 抢尽风头

Dogecoin and Shiba Inu See Spurts of Growth, but Utility Coin $ROE Steals the Limelight

狗狗币和柴犬出现井喷式增长,但实用币 ROE 抢尽风头

发布: 2023/09/05 01:30 阅读: 759



As Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) continue making airwaves based on their bullish momentum, Borroe ($ROE) is stealing the show based on its quest to streamline the Web3 financing sector using cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain.

随着狗狗币 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 继续凭借其看涨势头而大肆宣传,Borroe ($ROE) 正在抢尽风头,因为它致力于利用人工智能和人工智能等尖端技术来简化 Web3 融资领域。区块链。

Borroe is Emerging as a Web3 Catalyst

Borroe 正在成为 Web3 催化剂

To stir an internet revolution where individual efforts will be amicably compensated, Web3 is accelerating this narrative as content creators are often shortchanged in the current Web2.

为了掀起一场互联网革命,让个人的努力得到友好的补偿,Web3 正在加速这一叙述,因为内容创建者在当前的 Web2 中经常受到欺骗。

Nevertheless, the lack of financing is usually an impediment to attaining the full potential of Web3, given that it has experienced sluggish growth in recent times.

然而,鉴于 Web3 最近增长缓慢,缺乏融资通常会成为充分发挥 Web3 潜力的障碍。

To change this state of affairs, the Borroe network is emerging as a Web3 accelerator. It revamps the financing process so that content creators are not left out.

为了改变这种状况,Borroe 网络作为 Web3 加速器应运而生。它改进了融资流程,使内容创作者不会被排除在外。

Borroe is a revolutionary AI-based NFT marketplace. It enables Web3 participants to get immediate cash, whereby their future earnings or invoices are used as collateral. As a result, it is emerging as one of the most popular NFTs.

Borroe 是一个革命性的基于人工智能的 NFT 市场。它使 Web3 参与者能够立即获得现金,并将他们未来的收入或发票用作抵押品。因此,它正在成为最受欢迎的 NFT 之一。

Borroe seeks to tackle the liquidity challenges faced by Web3 content creators because this usually hinders their success.

Borroe 致力于解决 Web3 内容创作者面临的流动性挑战,因为这通常会阻碍他们的成功。

Based on the seamless and timely access of the much-needed working capital, Web3 participants can scale heights through the delivery of their projects. As a result, Borroe is deemed one of the best cryptos to buy, given that it’s emerging as a notable Web3 catalyst.

基于无缝、及时地获取急需的营运资金,Web3 参与者可以通过交付项目来攀登高峰。因此,Borroe 被认为是最值得购买的加密货币之一,因为它正在成为著名的 Web3 催化剂。

Borroe avails premium features, such as advanced analytics thanks to AI. Its governance token called $ROE is the gateway.

Borroe 利用高级功能,例如人工智能的高级分析。其名为 $ROE 的治理代币是网关。

$ROE continues to steal the limelight for its high adoption rates, despite the token being in the presale stage. For instance, at stage 1 presale, more than 67 million $ROE  tokens have been purchased. New investors are continuously eyeing the ecosystem to get more tokens for long-term holding.

尽管代币正处于预售阶段,但 $ROE 仍因其高采用率而继续成为众人瞩目的焦点。例如,在第一阶段预售中,已购买了超过 6700 万美元的 ROE 代币。新投资者不断关注该生态系统,以获得更多代币进行长期持有。

Therefore, $ROE is making a point as a good crypto to buy, which seeks to jumpstart the Web3 sector.

因此,$ROE 被认为是一种值得购买的优质加密货币,旨在推动 Web3 领域的发展。

Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Continue Making a Name for Themselves


Previously deemed as meme coins, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are changing that narrative. They are presenting themselves as notable altcoins that are giving investors an impressive ROI.


Dogecoin is the eighth-largest cryptocurrency based on market cap at the time of writing. This meme coin is attracting more participants because its price went up by 4.9% in the past week at the time of writing, according to CoinGecko data.

截至撰写本文时,狗狗币是市值第八大的加密货币。根据 CoinGecko 的数据,这款 meme 代币正在吸引更多参与者,因为在撰写本文时,其价格在过去一周上涨了 4.9%。

Elon Musk has been a heavy DOGE proponent and this has occasionally helped the coin surge. Market analyst Michael van De Poppe recently noted that Dogecoin would soar by 150%. Musk will have to integrate DOGE into X (formerly Twitter) to surge the token.

埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)一直是 DOGE 的坚定支持者,这偶尔会帮助该代币飙升。市场分析师 Michael van De Poppe 最近指出,狗狗币将飙升 150%。马斯克必须将 DOGE 整合到 X(以前的 Twitter)中才能飙升代币。

Meanwhile, Shiba Inu continues to enjoy a bullish trend thanks to its newly launched network called Shibarium. As a Layer 2 blockchain, Shibarium is pushing SHIB adoption through the roof, given that 500K Shibarium wallets recently embraced Shiba Inu.

与此同时,由于其新推出的名为 Shibarium 的网络,柴犬继续享受看涨趋势。作为第 2 层区块链,Shibarium 正在大力推动 SHIB 的采用,因为最近有 50 万个 Shibarium 钱包接受了 Shiba Inu。

Furthermore, Shibarium is also pushing the SHIB burn rate higher. It is bullish because once the circulating supply is slashed, the price goes up.  

此外,Shibarium 还推高了 SHIB 燃烧率。这是看涨的,因为一旦流通供应量减少,价格就会上涨。

Learn more about Borroe here:

在这里了解有关 Borroe 的更多信息:

访问 Borroe 预售 |加入 Telegram 群组 |在 Twitter 上关注 Borroe

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