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Dogecoin Beri Tanda: Apakah Harga Akan Segera Naik Lagi?


发布: 2024/07/01 14:46 阅读: 206



In a recent development, prominent crypto analyst Ali Martinez has identified a significant buy signal on Dogecoin's (DOGE) three-day chart.

在最近的进展中,著名的加密货币分析师阿里·马丁内斯(Ali Martinez)在狗狗币(DOGE)的三日图表上发现了一个重要的买入信号。

This signal originates from the TD (Tom DeMark) Sequential indicator, a tool employed by technical analysts to anticipate potential trend reversals. The news has sparked a buzz among investors and enthusiasts who are keenly watching DOGE's next move.

该信号源自 TD (Tom DeMark) 顺序指标,这是技术分析师用来预测潜在趋势反转的工具。这一消息引起了投资者和爱好者的热议,他们密切关注着 DOGE 的下一步行动。

Technical Analysis Insights on Dogecoin


As reported by U. Today, the TD Sequential indicator, introduced by Tom DeMark in his 1994 book The New Science of Technical Analysis, is renowned for its precision in identifying trend reversals.

据《今日美国》报道,汤姆·德马克 (Tom DeMark) 在其 1994 年出版的《技术分析新科学》一书中介绍了 TD 序贯指标,该指标以其在识别趋势反转方面的精确性而闻名。

The indicator comprises two key components: a nine-candle setup (momentum) and a 13-candle countdown (trend exhaustion). When the countdown approaches certain levels, it signals a possible trend reversal. In Dogecoin's case, the indicator suggests a potential price rebound in the near future.

该指标由两个关键部分组成:9 根蜡烛线设置(动量)和 13 根蜡烛线倒计时(趋势耗尽)。当倒计时接近一定水平时,就预示着趋势可能会逆转。就狗狗币而言,该指标表明价格在不久的将来可能会反弹。

Analyst Ali's observation of a TD Sequential buy signal has elevated expectations for a bullish movement in DOGE's price. The indicator suggests that after a period of downtrend, the memecoin may be poised to make an upward move. This is seen as a significant development, especially in light of its recent performance.

分析师 Ali 对 TD Sequential 买入信号的观察提高了人们对 DOGE 价格看涨走势的预期。该指标表明,经过一段时间的下跌趋势后,模因币可能会上涨。这被视为一项重大进展,特别是考虑到其最近的表现。

Dogecoin, which recently surpassed the 90 million wallet address milestone, has had a turbulent year. The memecoin frenzy earlier this year propelled its price to new heights, but that momentum has since waned.

最近突破 9000 万钱包地址里程碑的狗狗币经历了动荡的一年。今年早些时候的模因币狂热将其价格推至新高,但此后这种势头已经减弱。

Despite the lack of fresh catalysts to drive its price higher, Dogecoin's large user base remains a testament to its enduring popularity.


Market Sentiment and Future Prospects


While technical indicators point to a potential rebound, Dogecoin continues to face criticism from prominent figures in the crypto industry.


Last month, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse slammed DOGE, calling it a "parody of Bitcoin" and suggesting it does not benefit the industry. His comments echoed sentiments from other industry leaders who have questioned the coin's long-term viability.

上个月,Ripple 首席执行官布拉德·加林豪斯 (Brad Garlinghouse) 猛烈抨击 DOGE,称其为“比特币的模仿”,并暗示它不会给该行业带来好处。他的言论呼应了其他质疑代币长期可行性的行业领袖的观点。

However, despite facing regular criticism, Dogecoin has maintained its position among the top 10 cryptocurrencies on CoinMarketCap, with a market cap of $17.7 billion. This resilience underscores the strong community support and widespread acceptance that Dogecoin enjoys.

然而,尽管经常受到批评,狗狗币仍然保持着 CoinMarketCap 十大加密货币的地位,市值达 177 亿美元。这种韧性凸显了狗狗币所享有的强大社区支持和广泛接受度。

Market Sentiment and Future Prospects


The conflicting signals surrounding Dogecoin, from technical indicators hinting at a rebound to ongoing criticism from industry leaders, paint a complex picture of its future.


For investors, the key takeaway is the potential for volatility. The TD Sequential buy signal has provided a glimmer of hope for those bullish on Dogecoin, suggesting a trend reversal may be on the horizon.

对于投资者来说,关键的一点是潜在的波动性。 TD序贯买入信号为那些看涨狗狗币的人带来了一线希望,表明趋势逆转可能即将到来。


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