表紙 > 情報ニュース > ドージコインのシグナル: 価格はすぐに再び上昇するでしょうか?

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ドージコインのシグナル: 価格はすぐに再び上昇するでしょうか?

リリース: 2024/07/01 14:46 読む: 206



In a recent development, prominent crypto analyst Ali Martinez has identified a significant buy signal on Dogecoin's (DOGE) three-day chart.


This signal originates from the TD (Tom DeMark) Sequential indicator, a tool employed by technical analysts to anticipate potential trend reversals. The news has sparked a buzz among investors and enthusiasts who are keenly watching DOGE's next move.

このシグナルは、トレンド反転の可能性を予測するためにテクニカル アナリストが使用するツールである TD (Tom DeMark) Sequential インジケーターから発生します。このニュースは、DOGEの次の動きに注目している投資家や愛好家の間で話題を呼んだ。

Technical Analysis Insights on Dogecoin


As reported by U. Today, the TD Sequential indicator, introduced by Tom DeMark in his 1994 book The New Science of Technical Analysis, is renowned for its precision in identifying trend reversals.

U. Today が報じたように、Tom DeMark が 1994 年の著書『The New Science of Technical Analysis』で紹介した TD シーケンシャル指標は、トレンドの反転を特定する精度で有名です。

The indicator comprises two key components: a nine-candle setup (momentum) and a 13-candle countdown (trend exhaustion). When the countdown approaches certain levels, it signals a possible trend reversal. In Dogecoin's case, the indicator suggests a potential price rebound in the near future.

このインジケーターは、9 キャンドルのセットアップ (モメンタム) と 13 キャンドルのカウントダウン (トレンド枯渇) という 2 つの主要なコンポーネントで構成されます。カウントダウンが特定のレベルに近づくと、トレンド反転の可能性を示します。ドージコインの場合、この指標は近い将来に価格が反発する可能性を示唆しています。

Analyst Ali's observation of a TD Sequential buy signal has elevated expectations for a bullish movement in DOGE's price. The indicator suggests that after a period of downtrend, the memecoin may be poised to make an upward move. This is seen as a significant development, especially in light of its recent performance.


Dogecoin, which recently surpassed the 90 million wallet address milestone, has had a turbulent year. The memecoin frenzy earlier this year propelled its price to new heights, but that momentum has since waned.


Despite the lack of fresh catalysts to drive its price higher, Dogecoin's large user base remains a testament to its enduring popularity.


Market Sentiment and Future Prospects


While technical indicators point to a potential rebound, Dogecoin continues to face criticism from prominent figures in the crypto industry.


Last month, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse slammed DOGE, calling it a "parody of Bitcoin" and suggesting it does not benefit the industry. His comments echoed sentiments from other industry leaders who have questioned the coin's long-term viability.


However, despite facing regular criticism, Dogecoin has maintained its position among the top 10 cryptocurrencies on CoinMarketCap, with a market cap of $17.7 billion. This resilience underscores the strong community support and widespread acceptance that Dogecoin enjoys.

しかし、定期的に批判にさらされているにもかかわらず、ドージコインは時価総額177億ドルで、CoinMarketCapの仮想通貨トップ10の地位を維持している。この回復力は、Dogecoin が享受しているコミュニティの強力なサポートと広く受け入れられていることを強調しています。

Market Sentiment and Future Prospects


The conflicting signals surrounding Dogecoin, from technical indicators hinting at a rebound to ongoing criticism from industry leaders, paint a complex picture of its future.


For investors, the key takeaway is the potential for volatility. The TD Sequential buy signal has provided a glimmer of hope for those bullish on Dogecoin, suggesting a trend reversal may be on the horizon.

投資家にとって重要なのは、ボラティリティの可能性です。 TDシーケンシャルの買いシグナルはドージコインの強気派に一縷の希望をもたらし、トレンド反転が近いかもしれないことを示唆している。


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