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Dogecoin and Bitcoin Get Boost from Robinhood

狗狗币和比特币得到 Robinhood 的提振

发布: 2023/08/31 02:00 阅读: 962



Robinhood Markets has announced the addition of several highly-requested features to its Robinhood Wallet, including support for Bitcoin and Dogecoin transactions.

Robinhood Markets 宣布为其 Robinhood 钱包添加几项备受期待的功能,包括对比特币和狗狗币交易的支持。

The update allows Robinhood's vast user base, spanning over 140 countries, to send, receive, and hold these cryptocurrencies. "This new feature release aligns with our goal of democratizing finance and reducing barriers to entry in the DeFi space," said Johann Kerbrat, General Manager of Robinhood Crypto.

此次更新允许 Robinhood 遍布 140 多个国家/地区的庞大用户群发送、接收和持有这些加密货币。 Robinhood Crypto 总经理 Johann Kerbrat 表示:“这一新功能的发布符合我们实现金融民主化和减少 DeFi 领域进入壁垒的目标。”

This marks a significant expansion for the platform, which initially enabled Bitcoin and Dogecoin trading back in 2018. 

这标志着该平台的重大扩张,该平台最初于 2018 年启用了比特币和狗狗币交易。

Alongside Bitcoin and Dogecoin, Robinhood has also initiated in-app swaps for Ethereum, starting with a limited rollout for select users. This feature will let users swap over 200 types of tokens without having to hold Ethereum in their accounts, a distinct advantage over many other crypto wallets.

除了比特币和狗狗币之外,Robinhood 还启动了以太坊的应用内兑换,首先针对特定用户进行有限的推出。该功能将允许用户交换 200 多种类型的代币,而无需在账户中持有以太坊,这与许多其他加密钱包相比具有明显的优势。

The company aims to extend this functionality to all its users in the coming weeks. Kerbrat notes, "We've simplified many complexities in the broader Web3 ecosystem to make it more accessible for everyday people."

该公司的目标是在未来几周内将此功能扩展到所有用户。 Kerbrat 指出:“我们简化了更广泛的 Web3 生态系统中的许多复杂性,使其更适合普通人使用。”

However, the news comes at a time when Robinhood faces challenges, particularly in the cryptocurrency sector. Despite a 10% increase in total revenue to $486 million, and its first profitable quarter since going public, the company has experienced a decline in cryptocurrency revenue and monthly active users. This dip in activity recently led to a 9.3% plunge in Robinhood's shares, sparking investor concern.

然而,这一消息发布之际,罗宾汉正面临挑战,尤其是在加密货币领域。尽管总收入增长了 10%,达到 4.86 亿美元,并且是上市以来的第一个盈利季度,但该公司的加密货币收入和月活跃用户数却出现了下降。最近,这种活动的减少导致 Robinhood 的股价暴跌 9.3%,引发了投资者的担忧。

Despite the challenges, Robinhood continues to innovate. The company has introduced various other features since March, including support for Polygon and Arbitrum networks, a Web3 browser, and a rewards program to educate users. With iOS support currently available and Android support expected later this year, Robinhood is keen on expanding its global reach. 

尽管面临挑战,Robinhood 仍在继续创新。自 3 月份以来,该公司推出了各种其他功能,包括对 Polygon 和 Arbitrum 网络的支持、Web3 浏览器以及教育用户的奖励计划。目前已提供 iOS 支持,预计今年晚些时候将支持 Android,Robinhood 热衷于扩大其全球影响力。


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