首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币链上活动激增,但 SCORP 为投资者提供了更多上涨空间

Dogecoin On-Chain Activity Surges But SCORP Offers More Upside for Investors

狗狗币链上活动激增,但 SCORP 为投资者提供了更多上涨空间

发布: 2024/02/09 17:00 阅读: 920

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


A recent surge in Dogecoin on-chain activity has DOGE holders feeling optimistic, but Scorpion Casino’s SCORP token presents an intriguing alternative for investors seeking upside exposure.

最近狗狗币链上活动的激增让 DOGE 持有者感到乐观,但 Scorpion Casino 的 SCORP 代币为寻求上行机会的投资者提供了一个有趣的选择。

Popular crypto analyst Ali reported a spike of over 1000% in new Dogecoin addresses created over the past week.

受欢迎的加密货币分析师 Ali 报告称,过去一周创建的新狗狗币地址激增了 1000% 以上。

As Ali stated on X (Twitter):

正如阿里在 X(Twitter)上所说:

“The Dogecoin network is witnessing remarkable growth, with new addresses increasing by a staggering 1,100% over the past week! On January 29 alone, a record 247,240 new DOGE addresses were created, marking an all-time high.”

“狗狗币网络正在见证显着的增长,过去一周新地址增长了惊人的 1,100%!仅在 1 月 29 日,就创建了创纪录的 247,240 个新 DOGE 地址,创下历史新高。”

This influx of new users reflects strengthening momentum for the memecoin.


Adding credence to this positive on-chain data, Dogecoin’s technical setup also implies gathering bullish momentum. As altFINS posted in their DOGE analysis:

狗狗币的技术设置也意味着看涨势头正在增强,这为这一积极的链上数据增添了可信度。正如 altFINS 在 DOGE 分析中发布的那样:

“Bullish breakout from Channel Down pattern could signal resumption of Uptrend, with upside to $0.10 near-term and $0.11 medium-term. Price successfully retested breakout level. Stop Loss $0.067 (just below support).”

“看涨突破下行通道模式可能预示着上行趋势的恢复,近期上涨至 0.10 美元,中期上涨至 0.11 美元。价格成功重新测试突破水平。止损 0.067 美元(略低于支撑位)。”

The analysis points to key zones of support at $0.08 and $0.07 if prices retreat. Meanwhile, DOGE faces resistance around $0.10 initially, with scope to push toward the $0.11 level in the medium-term if bullish momentum persists.

分析指出,如果价格回落,关键支撑位为 0.08 美元和 0.07 美元。与此同时,DOGE 最初面临 0.10 美元左右的阻力,如果看涨势头持续存在,则中期有空间推向 0.11 美元水平。

Scorpion Casino ($SCORP) Offers Better Returns

Scorpion Casino ($SCORP) 提供更好的回报

With Dogecoin appearing well-positioned for additional upside, it’s Scorpion Casino’s SCORP token that’s truly capturing investor imaginations. SCORP recently raised an impressive $3.5 million throughout its presale and now prepares for an imminent listing on leading exchange BitMart.

随着狗狗币似乎处于有利位置,有望获得额外的上涨空间,Scorpion Casino 的 SCORP 代币真正吸引了投资者的想象力。 SCORP 最近在预售中筹集了令人印象深刻的 350 万美元,现在正在为即将在领先交易所 BitMart 上市做准备。

Scorpion Casino isn’t merely spouting hollow promises either – some presale participants have already received over $5,000 USDT in under a month thanks to the platform’s daily withdrawal rewards program. This ability for investors to access returns from the get-go is driving significant FOMO leading up to SCORP’s listing.

Scorpion Casino 也不仅仅是空口承诺——由于该平台的每日提款奖励计划,一些预售参与者在不到一个月的时间内就收到了超过 5,000 美元的 USDT。投资者从一开始就获得回报的能力正在推动 SCORP 上市之前的重大 FOMO 情绪。

Adding mainstream appeal, Scorpion Casino also boasts ambassador partnerships with celebrities from music and television. This unique approach expands SCORP’s potential audience beyond typical crypto investors.

Scorpion Casino 还与音乐界和电视界的名人建立了大使合作关系,增加了主流吸引力。这种独特的方法将 SCORP 的潜在受众扩展到典型的加密货币投资者之外。

So, what makes SCORP stand out from other gambling-focused tokens? As a licensed and transparent operator, Scorpion Casino wants to become a top destination for crypto gambling worldwide. The platform already provides access to 30,000+ sports betting markets per month alongside hundreds of casino games and live betting options.

那么,是什么让 SCORP 从其他专注于赌博的代币中脱颖而出呢?作为一家获得许可且透明的运营商,Scorpion Casino 希望成为全球加密货币赌博的首选目的地。该平台每月已提供 30,000 多个体育博彩市场的访问权限,以及数百种赌场游戏和现场投注选项。

SCORP enables a variety of utilities across the Scorpion Casino ecosystem, including access to exclusive games, participation in affiliate programs to earn referral income, and enticing staking rewards.

SCORP 支持 Scorpion Casino 生态系统中的各种实用程序,包括访问独家游戏、参与联盟计划以赚取推荐收入以及诱人的赌注奖励。

Indeed, Scorpion Casino’s tokenomics promotes consistent buy pressure while rewarding long-term SCORP holders. Each day, the platform uses profits to buy back SCORP tokens from exchanges at market value. These tokens are then divided into two streams:

事实上,Scorpion Casino 的代币经济学促进了持续的购买压力,同时奖励长期 SCORP 持有者。每天,该平台都会利用利润以市场价值从交易所回购 SCORP 代币。然后这些令牌被分为两个流:

  • 50% are permanently destroyed/burned, reducing circulating supply and placing upward pressure on SCORP price
  • 50% 被永久销毁/烧毁,减少循环供应并对 SCORP 价格造成上行压力

  • The remaining 50% goes toward staking rewards for SCORP holders, with greater adoption and profit-driving larger rewards
  • 剩下的 50% 用于为 SCORP 持有者提供质押奖励,以获得更大的采用率和更大的利润驱动奖励

This innovative tokenomics approach lets SCORP holders benefit from the success of Scorpion Casino in the form of supply reductions and staking rewards. As the platform grows, so too does the upside potential for investors.

这种创新的代币经济学方法让 SCORP 持有者以供应减少和质押奖励的形式从 Scorpion Casino 的成功中受益。随着平台的发展,投资者的上行潜力也随之增加。

Seizing Opportunity in SCORP’s Final Presale Stages


Right now, SCORP tokens can still be purchased for the bargain price of $0.029 each. However, the token price will be fixed at $0.05 when official exchange trading begins – meaning buyers in the presale stand to gain an instant 80% ROI after listing.

目前,SCORP 代币仍可以以每个 0.029 美元的低价购买。然而,当正式交易所交易开始时,代币价格将固定在 0.05 美元——这意味着预售的买家在上市后将立即获得 80% 的投资回报率。

Thus far, contributions to the SCORP presale have exceeded $4 million. Investors can buy using ETH, USDT or BNB while the presale window remains open. The forthcoming Bitmart listing promises to introduce SCORP to a major new exchange marketplace soon.

迄今为止,SCORP 预售的捐款已超过 400 万美元。在预售窗口保持开放期间,投资者可以使用 ETH、USDT 或 BNB 进行购买。即将上市的 Bitmart 有望很快将 SCORP 引入一个主要的新交易市场。

On top of that, Scorpion Casino’s team is constantly adding new features and improving the user experience on their dashboard, as shown in one of their latest tweets:

最重要的是,Scorpion Casino 的团队不断添加新功能并改善其仪表板上的用户体验,如他们最新的推文之一所示:

Notably, once this presale concludes no additional SCORP tokens will ever enter circulation again. Combined with the platform’s perpetual burn mechanism which constantly decreases supply, obtaining SCORP tokens during the presale likely presents the most favorable pricing available going forward.

值得注意的是,一旦预售结束,任何额外的 SCORP 代币将不会再次进入流通。结合平台不断减少供应的永久销毁机制,在预售期间获得 SCORP 代币可能会提供未来最优惠的价格。

As the presale enters its final days, investors are quickly jumping at the opportunity to get SCORP tokens before the fixed listing price takes effect. With demand rising rapidly within the home stretch, the remaining token allocation has potential to sell out swiftly.

随着预售进入最后几天,投资者迅速抓住了在固定上市价格生效之前获得 SCORP 代币的机会。随着冲刺阶段需求的迅速增长,剩余的代币分配有可能迅速售罄。

Between perpetual token burns, staking rewards and presale discounts, Scorpion Casino’s SCORP presents a more compelling opportunity than Dogecoin for investors seeking robust upside exposure. The presale countdown induces further hype leading into the home stretch, as FOMO intensifies around the final allocation sell-out.

在永久代币销毁、质押奖励和预售折扣之间,Scorpion Casino 的 SCORP 为寻求强劲上涨空间的投资者提供了比狗狗币更具吸引力的机会。随着最终分配售空的“害怕错过”情绪加剧,预售倒计时引发了进一步的炒作,进入最后冲刺阶段。

Visit Scorpion Presale

访问 Scorpion 预售




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