首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币 (DOGE) Whale 售出 1 亿枚代币 — Mollars 代币赢得域名纠纷

Dogecoin (DOGE) Whale Sells 100 Million Coins — Mollars Token Wins Domain Dispute

狗狗币 (DOGE) Whale 售出 1 亿枚代币 — Mollars 代币赢得域名纠纷

发布: 2024/02/09 18:01 阅读: 424



A recent whale transaction caught the attention of DOGE holders. The blockchain tracker “Whale Alert” uncovered a multi-millionaire transfer that could indicate an incoming price dip in the world’s largest memecoin’s value.

最近的一笔鲸鱼交易引起了 DOGE 持有者的注意。区块链追踪器“鲸鱼警报”发现了一笔百万富翁的转账,这可能表明世界上最大的模因币的价值即将下跌。

According to the data, around $7,800,000 worth of $DOGE was transferred from an unknown wallet to the exchange Robinhood. While the intention of the transaction is unknown, the most likely scenario points to the investor swapping the amount to another currency.

数据显示,价值约 780 万美元的 $DOGE 从一个未知钱包转移到了 Robinhood 交易所。虽然交易的意图尚不清楚,但最有可能的情况是投资者将金额交换为另一种货币。

While the community expected this episode to result in a price dip for Dogecoin, the currency is currently trading at 0.50% gains over the past 24 hours.

虽然社区预计这一事件将导致狗狗币价格下跌,但该货币目前在过去 24 小时内上涨 0.50%。

Doge Price Analysis

While daily profits are a well-welcomed reward by Dogecoin investors, the larger picture of the asset’s performance is not as positive.


The currency has been stuck in a “limbo” for nearly 2 years. Since May 2022, Doge has been effectively trading sideways,  with occasional spikes reaching above $0.10. At this time of writing, the crypto is valued at $0.78, trading at a near 2% deficit in the monthly charts.

该货币已陷入“困境”近两年。自 2022 年 5 月以来,Doge 一直在横向交易,偶尔会飙升至 0.10 美元以上。截至撰写本文时,该加密货币的估值为 0.78 美元,在月度图表中交易价格下跌近 2%。

Data from CoinMarketCap shows an even more worrying 15% loss over the past 12 months. During that time frame, Dogecoin has been bombarded with news related to Elon Musk’s Twitter endeavor.

CoinMarketCap 的数据显示,过去 12 个月内损失了 15%,更令人担忧。在此期间,狗狗币受到了与埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 Twitter 活动相关的新闻轰炸。

Not even the potential of the currency has to be a part of Musk’s idea for transforming the social media platform into a payment system that was able to cause an upward breakthrough in $DOGE’s value.

甚至货币的潜力也不一定是马斯克将社交媒体平台转变为支付系统的想法的一部分,该系统能够导致 $DOGE 价值的向上突破。

Blockchain analysis platform “IntoTheBlock” shows that nearly 40% of dogecoin holders are at a loss for their initial investment. Furthermore, its prediction analysis indicates that over 83% of indicators are either “bearish” or “neutral”.


Mollars Recovers its Official Website

In other news, the new project gaining rapid popularity among Ethereum blockchain users has successfully recovered its “.com” domain.

Mollars 恢复其官方网站其他消息中,在以太坊区块链用户中迅速流行的新项目已成功恢复其“.com”域名。

Mollars, a store of value token designed to save millions in cross-chain fees, recently saw its official website “mollars.com” taken from, without any explanation as to why. The episode happened last week and left thousands of investors worried about the future of the project.

Mollars 是一种旨在节省数百万跨链费用的价值存储代币,最近其官方网站“mollars.com”被盗,但没有任何解释。这一事件发生在上周,让数千名投资者对该项目的未来感到担忧。

In the meantime, the Mollars team reassured the community that this technical difficulty was not their fault. As to not leave the public hanging, the project launched the alternate “mollars.cc” version where traders could track the token presale updates and buy more $MOLLARS.

与此同时,Mollars 团队向社区保证,这种技术困难不是他们的错。为了不让公众悬而未决,该项目推出了替代的“mollars.cc”版本,交易者可以跟踪代币预售更新并购买更多 $MOLLARS。

After recovering its official domain, the “.cc” version now redirects to “mollars.com”.


Njalla, The Service Provider Who Tried to Take “Mollars.com”

The unexpected event happened after domain service provider “Njalla” snagged the URL from the project.

试图夺取“Mollars.com”的服务提供商 Njalla 域名服务提供商“Njalla”从该项目中获取 URL 后发生了意外事件。

Njal.la is a questionable “anonymous domain host”, created by the former convict “Paul Sande”, best known as the founder of Piratebay. According to sources, the company felt within its right to snag the URL, despite Mollars having a valid contract for the domain use.

Njal.la 是一个可疑的“匿名域名托管服务商”,由前罪犯“Paul Sande”创建,他最出名的身份是 Piratebay 的创始人。据消息人士透露,尽管 Mollars 拥有有效的域名使用合同,但该公司认为自己有权获取该 URL。

The domain host’s official website is adamant that clients “have the full control over the domain name”, but its business practices say otherwise. In truth, the company sees itself as more of a “lender” than an actual domain provider, and that could cause a conflict of interest between the two parties.


Today there are hundreds of complaints online from former clients who had their products taken from them by Njalla. Some reviews even go further as to say that the company lifted their websites, only to resell the domain at a significant profit in auctions.

如今,网上有数百起前客户的投诉,他们的产品被 Njalla 拿走了。一些评论甚至更进一步说,该公司解除了他们的网站,只是为了在拍卖中转售域名以获取可观的利润。

Given the popularity that Mollars has seen over the past month, the brand “mollars.com” has also significantly increased in value over that period. Perhaps, given the company planned on reselling the domain for hundreds of thousands of dollars in the future.

鉴于 Mollars 在过去一个月中的受欢迎程度,品牌“mollars.com”的价值在此期间也显着增加。或许,考虑到该公司计划未来以数十万美元的价格转售该域名。

However, this could result in a class-action lawsuit as Mollars became a figurehead that represents thousands of investors and moved millions of dollars.


Mollars Presale Continues

After the turmoil has passed, the currency is celebrating reaching the milestone of selling over 13% of its total supply.

Mollar 预售继续 动荡过后,该货币正在庆祝其销售量达到总供应量 13% 以上的里程碑。

Over 1,314,278 $MOLLARS have been sold, representing more than a third of the total presale supply. The project aims to reach 4 million tokens by May. However, with its increasing popularity, funding could conclude sooner if the hard cap is reached.

已售出超过 1,314,278 $MOLLARS,占预售总量的三分之一以上。该项目的目标是到 5 月份达到 400 万枚代币。然而,随着其越来越受欢迎,如果达到硬上限,融资可能会更快结束。

The currency is currently being offered at $0.50, with an expected ICO price of $0.62.

该货币目前的报价为 0.50 美元,预计 ICO 价格为 0.62 美元。


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