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Dogecoin Devotees Pivot to This New Memecoin, Eyeing a Fresh Financial Frontier


发布: 2023/11/13 00:20 阅读: 919





  • Dogecoin flounders in 2023 after gaining 4% thus far.
  • 狗狗币在迄今为止上涨 4% 后,将在 2023 年陷入困境。

  • RebelSatoshi attracts meme coin lovers after promising a 150% presale surge. 
  • RebelSatoshi 在承诺预售激增 150% 后吸引了 meme 硬币爱好者。

The crypto market began recovering in Q4 after performing poorly between Q1 and Q3. As a result, top crypto coins like Dogecoin (DOGE) have surged, promising massive gains in the future. Meanwhile, Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ), an emerging meme coin, is stealing the limelight from top altcoins after promising investors a 150% ROI during its presale. 

在第一季度和第三季度表现不佳后,加密货币市场在第四季度开始复苏。结果,像狗狗币(DOGE)这样的顶级加密货币价格飙升,有望在未来获得巨大收益。与此同时,Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) 是一种新兴的模因币,在预售期间向投资者承诺 150% 的投资回报率后,抢走了顶级山寨币的风头。

Why are Dogecoin proponents gravitating toward RebelSatoshi? Let’s look at the predictions for 2023 and beyond to discover!

为什么狗狗币支持者偏向 RebelSatoshi?让我们看看对 2023 年及以后的预测来发现答案!



Dogecoin Performs Poorly in 2023: Gains a Meager 4%!


Dogecoin has underperformed in 2023. On January 1, DOGE was trading around $0.070. After facing alternating bullish and bearish cycles, Dogecoin stabilized around $0.073 in November. This DOGE price difference means Dogecoin has only climbed 4.29% thus far in 2023.

狗狗币在 2023 年表现不佳。1 月 1 日,狗狗币的交易价格约为 0.070 美元。在经历了牛市和熊市交替周期后,狗狗币在 11 月份稳定在 0.073 美元附近。这种 DOGE 价格差异意味着狗狗币 2023 年迄今为止仅上涨了 4.29%。

This dire performance has left investors asking, is Dogecoin dead, or is it set to rally soon? According to analysts, DOGE will correct downward to close the 2023 trading at $0.067. Analysts base this prediction on DOGE losing investors to emerging meme coins, which promise massive gains in the near term.

这种可怕的表现让投资者不禁要问,狗狗币是死了还是很快就会反弹?分析师称,DOGE 将向下修正,2023 年收盘价为 0.067 美元。分析师的这一预测是基于 DOGE 正在失去投资者,而新兴的 meme 代币有望在短期内带来巨大收益。

In the long term, analysts believe Dogecoin will resurge in 2024 and continue climbing to close the year at $0.089. The 2025 DOGE forecast is more bullish, with analysts setting the end-of-2025 Dogecoin prediction at $0.240. This forecast makes DOGE one of the best cryptos to buy now.

从长远来看,分析师认为狗狗币将在 2024 年复苏,并继续攀升,年底收于 0.089 美元。 2025 年 DOGE 的预测更为乐观,分析师将 2025 年底狗狗币的预测定为 0.240 美元。这一预测使 DOGE 成为现在最值得购买的加密货币之一。

Analysts peg this prediction on DOGE gaining more adoption due to the belief that X, formerly Twitter, might integrate it as the platform gears up to transition to a financial hub. Notably, Elon Musk, X’s CEO, is a renowned DOGE proponent, explaining why DOGE HODLers are pinning their hopes on X integrating DOGE.

分析师认为 DOGE 将获得更多采用,因为他们相信 X(前身为 Twitter)可能会在该平台准备向金融中心转型时将其整合。值得注意的是,X 的首席执行官埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 是著名的 DOGE 支持者,他解释了为什么 DOGE HODLers 将希望寄托在 X 整合 DOGE 上。

Rebel Satoshi Charms Meme Coin Enthusiasts With Massive Presale Returns!

叛逆中本聪以巨额预售回报吸引 Meme 硬币爱好者!

Rebel Satoshi, an upcoming meme coin that aims to bring together the silent majority and topple centralized crypto organizations, has seen massive investor interest since the start of its public presale. The project’s allure emanates from its mission to awaken the sleeping sheep and unite them to rewrite the rules that centralized entities impose.

Rebel Satoshi是一种即将推出的模因币,旨在将沉默的大多数聚集在一起并推翻中心化的加密货币组织,自公开预售开始以来就引起了投资者的广泛兴趣。该项目的吸引力源于其使命,即唤醒沉睡的绵羊并团结它们重写中心化实体施加的规则。

To achieve this feat, Rebel Satoshi depends on its native token, dubbed $RBLZ. $RBLZ is a deflationary ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. Moreover, $RBLZ boasts a supply cap of 250 million tokens, which is significantly lower than other meme coins. This feature explains why meme coin lovers are increasingly embracing RebelSatoshi.

为了实现这一壮举,Rebel Satoshi 依赖于其原生代币 $RBLZ。 $RBLZ 是以太坊区块链上的通缩 ERC-20 代币。此外,$RBLZ 的供应上限为 2.5 亿个代币,这明显低于其他 meme 币。这一特征解释了为什么模因币爱好者越来越多地拥抱 RebelSatoshi。

By November, Rebel Satoshi had started the Early Bird Round of its ongoing public presale. During this round, investors can purchase $RBLZ at $0.01. The next stage in the RebelSatoshi presale is Rebel, and $RBLZ will have a price tag of $0.013. By surging to $0.013, Rebel Satoshi will have offered Early Bird $RBLZ investors a 30% ROI. 

到 11 月,Rebel Satoshi 已经开始了正在进行的公开预售的早鸟轮。在这一轮中,投资者可以以 0.01 美元的价格购买 $RBLZ。 RebelSatoshi 预售的下一阶段是 Rebel,$RBLZ 的价格标签为 0.013 美元。通过飙升至 0.013 美元,Rebel Satoshi 将为早鸟 $RBLZ 投资者提供 30% 的投资回报率。

Moreover, RebelSatoshi has set its end-of-presale target at $0.025. Once $RBLZ attains this price milestone, Early Bird investors will see their $RBLZ holdings surge 150%. This price forecast makes $RBLZ the best cryptocurrency to buy now!

此外,RebelSatoshi 已将预售结束目标定为 0.025 美元。一旦 $RBLZ 达到这一价格里程碑,早鸟投资者将看到他们的 $RBLZ 持有量飙升 150%。这一价格预测使 $RBLZ 成为现在最值得购买的加密货币!

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via telegram (https://t.me/RBLZRED

如需了解最新更新和更多信息,请务必访问 Rebel Satoshi 官方预售网站或通过电报联系 Rebel Red (https://t.me/RBLZRED)

Please note that the Discord and Telegram communities are for Recusants and $RBLZ holders only. 

请注意,Discord 和 Telegram 社区仅适用于 Recusants 和 $RBLZ 持有者。

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免责声明:此赞助内容未经 CaptainAltcoin 认可,CaptainAltcoin 对其准确性或质量不承担任何责任。我们建议读者在与任何特色公司互动之前先进行自己的研究。所提供的信息不是财务或法律建议。 CaptainAltcoin 或任何第三方均不建议购买或出售任何金融产品。投资加密资产具有高风险;考虑潜在的损失。 CaptainAltcoin 对因使用或依赖此内容而造成的任何损害或损失不承担任何责任。

The post Dogecoin Devotees Pivot to This New Memecoin, Eyeing a Fresh Financial Frontier appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

狗狗币爱好者转向新模因币,着眼于新的金融前沿这篇文章首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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