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Dogecoin’s dog statue to be installed in Japan at beginning of November

Dogecoin 的狗雕像将于 11 月初在日本安装

发布: 2023/10/06 00:15 阅读: 468



A monumental statue of Kabosu, the Shiba Inu dog behind the Doge meme, is set to be installed in Sakura City, Japan in early November thanks to a crowdfunding effort by Dogecoin supporters.

在狗狗币支持者的众筹努力下,日本佐仓市将于 11 月初安装一座纪念性的 Kabosu 雕像,Kabosu 是 Doge meme 背后的柴犬。

According to the late 2022 announcement, the statue is being created to honor Kabosu on her 17th birthday this year and the 9th anniversary of Dogecoin on December 6th. The crowdfunding campaign was launched on Nov. 2, 2022 by the Dogecoin Foundation, Own The Doge, and Kabosu’s owner Atsuko Sato.

根据 2022 年末的公告,这座雕像的建造是为了纪念 Kabosu 今年的 17 岁生日以及 12 月 6 日狗狗币诞生 9 周年。该众筹活动由狗狗币基金会、Own The Doge 和 Kabosu 的所有者 Atsuko Sato 于 2022 年 11 月 2 日发起。

Within the first 72 hours, the effort raised over $42,000 in cryptocurrency donations to reach their initial goal. However, the recent major downturn in crypto markets has diminished the value of the funds raised. Still, donations have continued and the Doge community has their sights set on making the statue as large and impressive as possible.

在最初的 72 小时内,该活动筹集了超过 42,000 美元的加密货币捐款,以实现最初的目标。然而,最近加密货币市场的严重低迷已经削弱了所筹集资金的价值。尽管如此,捐款仍在继续,总督社区的目标是让这座雕像尽可能大、更令人印象深刻。

“This is surely one of the most important and impactful things the Doge community has ever created. The statue will provide an IRL location for those inspired by the Doge to pilgrimage and gather.”

Tridog of Own The Doge

“这无疑是 Doge 社区有史以来创造的最重要和最有影响力的事情之一。这座雕像将为那些受到总督启发的人提供一个现实生活场所,供他们朝圣和聚会。”总督的三狗

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The bronze monument is planned for Sakura Furusato Square near Kabosu’s home, where she often takes walks with Sato. Supporters hope the statue becomes a “Doge Mecca” for the meme’s fans to congregate and celebrate Kabosu’s enduring positive impact.


Donations to the “Bronze The Doge” campaign can be made via Dogecoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. The organizers say the funds will be held in secure digital wallets until the statue’s construction. Kabosu’s statue is set to be installed in early November just in time for her birthday, on Nov. 2, according to an April announcement.

可以通过狗狗币、以太坊和其他加密货币向“青铜总督”活动捐款。组织者表示,在雕像建成之前,资金将保存在安全的数字钱包中。根据 4 月份的公告,卡博苏的雕像将于 11 月初安装,正好赶上她的生日 11 月 2 日。

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