首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币 DOGE-1 月球任务日期定于 11 月 15 日至 20 日!

Dogecoin’s DOGE-1 Moon Mission Date Set for November 15-20!

狗狗币 DOGE-1 月球任务日期定于 11 月 15 日至 20 日!

发布: 2023/08/15 20:00 阅读: 313



In a last-minute twist that has set the space and cryptocurrency communities abuzz, the curtain has been lifted on a significant update concerning the eagerly anticipated DOGE-1 Moon mission. A freshly minted press release has unequivocally announced that the mission’s launch window has been locked in, spanning from November 15 to November 20, 2023. This pivotal moment marks the commencement of an extraordinary journey that intertwines cutting-edge space exploration with the irrepressible energy of the Dogecoin phenomenon.

在引起太空和加密货币社区热议的最后一刻,备受期待的 DOGE-1 月球任务的重大更新拉开了序幕。一份新发布的新闻稿明确宣布,该任务的发射窗口已锁定,即 2023 年 11 月 15 日至 11 月 20 日。这一关键时刻标志着一段非凡旅程的开始,它将尖端太空探索与不可抑制的能量交织在一起。狗狗币现象。

The DOGE-1 Moon Mission, a groundbreaking endeavour etched in the annals of commercial space exploration, stands as a testament to the innovative spirit that fuels the cryptocurrency universe. Fueled entirely by the power of Dogecoin, this audacious mission was conceived under the collaborative banner of Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) and SpaceX, with the announcement igniting a fervent buzz back in May 2021. Now, with the details solidified, the world stands poised to witness a cosmic rendezvous that blends technology, finance, and the inexorable allure of the moon.

DOGE-1 月球任务是一项载入商业太空探索史册的开创性努力,它证明了推动加密货币宇宙发展的创新精神。这项大胆的任务完全由狗狗币的力量推动,是在 Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) 和 SpaceX 的合作旗帜下构想的,这一宣布早在 2021 年 5 月就引起了热烈的讨论。现在,随着细节的确定,世界已准备就绪见证一场融合了技术、金融和月球不可抗拒的魅力的宇宙交会。

The orchestrators of this extraordinary feat, GEC and SpaceX, have woven a narrative that encapsulates the essence of collaboration in the digital age. This historic event will see the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket serve as the celestial steed for the DOGE-1 Moon Mission. The launch will manifest as a collaborative endeavor within the Nova-C/IM-1 mission, a captivating partnership uniting the talents of Intuitive Machines and NASA.

这一非凡壮举的策划者 GEC 和 SpaceX 编织了一个故事,概括了数字时代合作的本质。在这一历史性事件中,SpaceX 猎鹰 9 号火箭将充​​当 DOGE-1 月球任务的天马。这次发射将体现为 Nova-C/IM-1 任务中的一次协作努力,这是联合 Intuitive Machines 和 NASA 人才的迷人合作伙伴关系。

Central to the DOGE-1 mission is its payload, a compact 40-kilogram cubed satellite poised to transform the moon into an arena of scientific exploration. Outfitted with an array of sophisticated onboard sensors and a camera, this unassuming yet technologically sophisticated satellite will traverse the lunar expanse, gathering and transmitting invaluable lunar-spatial data. The moon, once an enigma suspended in the night sky, is on the brink of revealing its secrets, thanks to this marriage of cutting-edge engineering and digital currency innovation.

DOGE-1 任务的核心是其有效载荷,这是一颗 40 公斤立方的紧凑型卫星,准备将月球转变为科学探索的舞台。这颗不起眼但技术先进的卫星配备了一系列复杂的机载传感器和摄像机,将穿越月球广阔的区域,收集和传输宝贵的月球空间数据。由于尖端工程与数字货币创新的结合,曾经悬浮在夜空中的一个谜团现在正处于揭示其秘密的边缘。

As the world eagerly anticipates the November launch window, it’s important to note that this remarkable odyssey has not been without its share of challenges. Originally slated for liftoff in the first quarter of 2022, the DOGE-1 mission encountered delays, stemming from the intricate timelines associated with SpaceX’s ambitious Nova-C mission. However, these setbacks have merely added to the anticipation, underscoring the intricate dance of technological advancement and the unpredictable nature of cosmic endeavours.

当全世界都在热切期待 11 月的发布窗口时,值得注意的是,这一非凡的旅程并非没有挑战。 DOGE-1 任务原定于 2022 年第一季度升空,但由于 SpaceX 雄心勃勃的 Nova-C 任务的复杂时间表而出现延误。然而,这些挫折只是增加了人们的期待,凸显了技术进步的错综复杂和宇宙努力的不可预测性。

With the countdown now set, the DOGE-1 Moon Mission beckons on the horizon, poised to etch a resplendent chapter in the chronicles of space exploration and cryptocurrency innovation. As November 15 inches closer, the world watches with bated breath, ready to witness the convergence of digital finance and the cosmos, a momentous union that is nothing short of transcendent.

随着倒计时的到来,DOGE-1 月球任务即将到来,准备在太空探索和加密货币创新的编年史中写下辉煌的篇章。随着 11 月 15 日的临近,全世界都屏息以待,准备见证数字金融与宇宙的融合,这是一个无与伦比的重要联盟。



狗狗币 DOGE-1 月球任务日期定于 11 月 15 日至 20 日!首先出现在比特币世界上。


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