首页 > 资讯新闻 > 《大空头》续集?迈克尔·伯里 (Michael Burry) 对市场指数的看跌押注

The Big Short sequel? Michael Burry’s bearish bets on market indices

《大空头》续集?迈克尔·伯里 (Michael Burry) 对市场指数的看跌押注

发布: 2023/08/15 20:30 阅读: 329

原文作者:crypto.ro global


Michael Burry, famed for his uncanny market predictions showcased in “The Big Short,” has made another move, one that suggests he may be anticipating a downturn in the market.

迈克尔·伯里 (Michael Burry) 因其在《大空头》中的不可思议的市场预测而闻名,他又采取了另一举措,这表明他可能预计到市场将出现低迷。

The big bet against S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100

做空标普 500 指数和纳斯达克 100 指数的大赌注

According to the latest securities filings, his firm Scion Asset Management has made bearish bets against two key market indices. The company has acquired put options against the Invesco QQQ Trust ETF with a notional value of $739 million and against the SPDR S&P 500 ETF with a value of $886 million.

根据最新的证券备案文件,他的公司 Scion Asset Management 对两个关键市场指数进行了看跌押注。该公司已收购了名义价值为 7.39 亿美元的 Invesco QQQ Trust ETF 的看跌期权和价值为 8.86 亿美元的 SPDR S&P 500 ETF 的看跌期权。

It remains unclear due to regulatory frameworks how much was paid for these options or their current value, and whether they were held outright or as part of a larger trade.


Deciphering Burry’s strategy


Given Burry’s historical feats, namely his well-timed bet against the U.S housing market that predicted the 2008 financial crisis, these recent moves have set the investment community abuzz.

鉴于伯里的历史功绩,即他对美国房地产市场的适时押注,预测了 2008 年金融危机,他最近的这些举动引起了投资界的热议。

It’s worth noting that the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 have shown remarkable resilience this year, gaining about 17% and 39% respectively. Moreover, notable giants like Nvidia and Meta Platforms have been key drivers of this year’s impressive rally.

值得注意的是,标普500指数和纳斯达克100指数今年表现出了非凡的韧性,分别上涨了约17%和39%。此外,像 Nvidia 和 Meta Platforms 这样的知名巨头是今年令人印象深刻的反弹的关键驱动力。

Adding another layer of intrigue, the filings revealed that Burry’s fund also offloaded its investments in Chinese e-commerce behemoths JD.com and Alibaba Group Holdings, along with regional banks like PacWest and Western Alliance Bancorp.

更令人感兴趣的是,文件显示,巴里的基金还出售了对中国电子商务巨头京东和阿里巴巴集团控股公司以及 PacWest 和 Western Alliance Bancorp 等地区银行的投资。

Implications for the cryptocurrency sphere


While Burry’s moves primarily revolve around traditional market structures, their potential repercussions for the cryptocurrency space cannot be ignored. Historically, significant downturns in traditional markets have had cascading effects on digital currencies.

虽然 Burry 的举措主要围绕传统市场结构,但它们对加密货币领域的潜在影响不容忽视。从历史上看,传统市场的大幅下滑对数字货币产生了连锁反应。

Despite the macroeconomic moves, the crypto market has shown resilience. Bitcoin continues to hold below the $29,400 mark, demonstrating the asset’s stability. Other major cryptos like Ethereum, Cardano, Solana and Dogecoin have seen minor fluctuations, further emphasizing the dynamic nature of the crypto market.

尽管宏观经济发生变化,加密货币市场仍表现出弹性。比特币继续保持在 29,400 美元大关下方,证明了该资产的稳定性。以太坊、卡尔达诺、Solana 和狗狗币等其他主要加密货币出现了小幅波动,进一步强调了加密货币市场的动态本质。

New long positions highlighted


The recent disclosures also showcased the fund’s bullish stance on several firms. Scion Asset Management augmented its stake in the luxury online market, RealReal Inc, by an impressive 100%.

最近披露的信息还显示了该基金对几家公司的看涨立场。 Scion Asset Management 将其在奢侈品在线市场 RealReal Inc 的股份增加了 100%,令人印象深刻。

Furthermore, it revealed fresh investments in iHeartMedia, HanesBrands, and Warner Bros. Discovery. Interestingly, while iHeartMedia and HanesBrands witnessed a dip of 16% or more this year, Warner Brothers Discovery surged by approximately 43%.

此外,它还透露了对 iHeartMedia、HanesBrands 和 Warner Bros. Discovery 的新投资。有趣的是,虽然 iHeartMedia 和 HanesBrands 今年的股价下跌了 16% 或更多,但华纳兄弟探索频道 (Warner Brothers Discovery) 却飙升了约 43%。

In a move that perhaps showcases diversification, the firm acquired 10,000 shares of the iShares MSCI Japan ETF, enjoying a 13.5% rise this year.

该公司收购了 10,000 股 iShares MSCI Japan ETF 股票,今年股价上涨了 13.5%,此举或许体现了多元化。


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