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Dogecoin: DOGE Payments Could Come to X: MyDoge Wallet CTO

Dogecoin:DOGE 支付可能会出现在 X:MyDoge Wallet 首席技术官

发布: 2023/12/22 10:04 阅读: 781



Dogecoin (DOGE) fans have long awaited the token’s integration on X’s payment feature. Although there has been no confirmation on when DOGE could make its way into X, MyDoge Wallet CTO (Chief Technology Officer) Alex Lewis recently shed some light on the development.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 粉丝长期以来一直期待该代币集成到 X 的支付功能中。尽管尚未确认 DOGE 何时进入 X,但 MyDoge Wallet 首席技术官(首席技术官)Alex Lewis 最近透露了一些进展情况。

While speaking with Fabrice Calmels, Lewis said the social media platform has applied for all necessary licenses to become a custodial service. The licenses would make the platform perform similarly to PayPal or Venmo. Lewis stated, “That is a money transmitter. Its similar to PayPal Venmo Cash App, like all these apps that we know to send money, you can do that.

刘易斯在与法布里斯·卡尔梅尔斯交谈时表示,该社交媒体平台已申请所有必要的许可证,以成为托管服务。这些许可证将使该平台的性能与 PayPal 或 Venmo 类似。刘易斯说:“这是一个货币传输器。它类似于 PayPal Venmo Cash 应用程序,就像我们知道的所有这些汇款应用程序一样,您可以做到这一点。”

Also Read: Dogecoin Founder Had Another Crypto Project Before 2014; What Happened to It?

另请阅读:Dogecoin 创始人在 2014 年之前还有另一个加密项目;这是怎么回事?

In August 2021, X received a Currency Transmitter License (CTL) from Rhode Island state. The license allows X to add crypto payments. The platform also received a money-transmitter license from the state of Pennsylvania. The licenses will allow users to connect their bank accounts directly to X.

2021 年 8 月,X 获得了罗德岛州颁发的货币发送器许可证 (CTL)。该许可证允许 X 添加加密货币支付。该平台还获得了宾夕法尼亚州的汇款许可证。这些许可证将允许用户将他们的银行账户直接连接到 X。

Lewis further stated, “You can have your bank account connected to X app, and then you have a Dogecoin balance as well that you can use for payments and tipping in parallel, so I honestly believe this was coming.

Lewis 进一步表示,“你可以将你的银行账户连接到 X 应用程序,然后你就有了狗狗币余额,你可以用它来并行付款和小费,所以我真诚地相信这即将到来。”

Will Dogecoin (DOGE) rally after an X integration?

X 整合后狗狗币 (DOGE) 会反弹吗?

Dogecoin’s (DOGE) price has struggled for most of 2023. Since January, the token’s price has risen by only about 28%. Bitcoin (BTC), on the other hand, has surged by over 150%, and Solana (SOL) has rallied by over 700% in the same time frame.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 的价格在 2023 年的大部分时间里都在挣扎。自 1 月份以来,该代币的价格仅上涨了约 28%。另一方面,比特币 (BTC) 飙升了 150% 以上,Solana (SOL) 在同一时间段内上涨了 700% 以上。

Also Read: Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Prediction: December End 2023

另请阅读:狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格预测:2023 年 12 月末

If X’s payment feature includes Dogecoin (DOGE), we may see a surge in adoption. A rise in adoption could significantly increase DOGE’s price. However, we do not have any confirmation from the social media platform on when the integration could occur. Elon Musk, the owner of X, is one of the biggest proponents of Dogecoin (DOGE), and it won’t be surprising to see the popular memecoin make its way to the platform.

如果 X 的支付功能包括狗狗币 (DOGE),我们可能会看到采用率激增。采用率的提高可能会显着提高 DOGE 的价格。然而,我们没有从社交媒体平台得到任何关于何时可以进行整合的确认。 X 的所有者埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 是狗狗币 (DOGE) 的最大支持者之一,看到流行的模因币进入该平台也就不足为奇了。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-doge-payments-could-come-to-x-mydoge-wallet-cto-tbt74468.html

资料来源:https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-doge- payments-could-come-to-x-mydoge-wallet-cto-tbt74468.html


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