首页 > 资讯新闻 > SpaceX 为下一次星际飞船发射做好准备,对火星火箭进行了大规模测试

SpaceX readies for next Starship launch with huge test of Mars-bound rocket

SpaceX 为下一次星际飞船发射做好准备,对火星火箭进行了大规模测试

发布: 2023/12/22 11:27 阅读: 399

原文作者:Anthony Cuthbertson


SpaceX 为下一次星际飞船发射做好准备,对火星火箭进行了大规模测试

Starship fires all six Raptor engines while tethered to Texas launchpad


SpaceX has performed a crucial test of its Starship rocket ahead of the next launch attempt of the Mars-bound craft.

在下一次发射火星飞船之前,SpaceX 对其 Starship 火箭进行了关键测试。

The upper stage Starship, which will sit atop a Super Heavy booster during the next flight test, was anchored to a launchpad at SpaceX’s Starbase facility in Texas, before all six of its Raptor engines were fired up on Wednesday.

在下一次飞行测试期间,上层星舰将安装在超重型助推器上,该星舰被固定在 SpaceX 位于德克萨斯州 Starbase 设施的发射台上,周三其所有六台猛禽发动机均已启动。

“Flight 3 Starship completed a full-duration static fire with all six of its Raptor engines,” SpaceX wrote in a post to X, formerly Twitter.

“Flight 3 Starship 的全部六台 Raptor 发动机完成了全程静态起火,”SpaceX 在 X(前身为 Twitter)的帖子中写道。

The private space firm shared slow motion and drone video shots of the engine test, showing all six Raptors firing successfully.


When fully stacked, Starship is the tallest and most powerful rocket ever built, however it is yet to deliver a payload to orbit.


SpaceX has already performed two flight tests, with the first one in April ending in a fiery explosion when the two stages attempted to separate. The second test last month achieved separation but both stages broke apart shortly after.

SpaceX 已经进行了两次飞行测试,第一次是在 4 月份,当两个级试图分离时发生了剧烈爆炸。上个月的第二次测试实现了分离,但不久后两个阶段都破裂了。

No date has been set for the next launch attempt but SpaceX boss Elon Musk hinted last month that flight tests could occur more frequently in the future after engineers were able to build a launchpad that could withstand the massive forces exerted at lift off.

下一次发射尝试的日期尚未确定,但 SpaceX 老板埃隆·马斯克上个月暗示,在工程师能够建造一个能够承受升空时施加的巨大力量的发射台后,未来可能会更频繁地进行飞行测试。

“Just inspected the Starship launch pad and it is in great condition,” he wrote on X.

“刚刚检查了星舰发射台,它状况良好,”他在 X 上写道。

“No refurbishment needed to the water-cooled steel plate for next launch. Congrats to SpaceX team and contractors for engineering and building such a robust system so rapidly!”.

“下次发射时不需要对水冷钢板进行翻新。祝贺 SpaceX 团队和承包商如此迅速地设计和建造了如此强大的系统!”。

Ship 28 is one of three upper-stage prototypes under development at SpaceX’s Starbase facility, according to Next Spaceflight, alongside two Super Heavy boosters.

据 Next Spaceflight 称,28 号船是 SpaceX Starbase 设施正在开发的三架上级原型之一,另外还有两架超重型助推器。

SpaceX will need to wait for approval from regulators, including the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), before any Starship launch can be attempted.

SpaceX 需要等待包括美国联邦航空管理局 (FAA) 在内的监管机构的批准,然后才能尝试进行任何星舰发射。

SpaceX is expected to ramp up testing of its Starship rocket in 2024, having already secured a multi-billion dollar contract with Nasa to use the next-generation rockets in its Artemis program.

SpaceX 预计将在 2024 年加大对其 Starship 火箭的测试力度,该公司已经与 NASA 签订了一份价值数十亿美元的合同,将在其 Artemis 计划中使用下一代火箭。

Mr Musk’s firm is one of several private companies contracted to develop rockets and other technologies for the program, which will see the US space agency aim to establish a presence on the Moon.


The tech billionaire’s ultimate aim is to build a fleet of Starships in order to set up a permanent human colony on Mars, which he claims will be possible before 2050.

这位科技亿万富翁的最终目标是建造一支星际飞船舰队,以便在火星上建立永久的人类殖民地,他声称这将在 2050 年之前实现。

更多关于 SpaceX 星际飞船 埃隆·马斯克


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