首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币(DOGE)三重支撑水平可能是资产的补救措施

Dogecoin (DOGE) Triple Support Level Might Be Remedy for Asset


发布: 2023/09/28 10:07 阅读: 347



Dogecoin (DOGE) has been dancing around a critical price point that has served as a robust support level since Aug. 18. Currently, the asset is priced at approximately $0.0605, according to the most recent data. This level has been a sanctuary for DOGE, successfully bouncing off it four times. Now, the asset is poised for a fifth bounce, and the crypto community is watching closely.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 一直围绕一个关键价格点波动,该价格点自 8 月 18 日以来一直是强劲的支撑位。根据最新数据,目前该资产的价格约为 0.0605 美元。这个关卡一直是 DOGE 的避难所,曾四次成功反弹。现在,该资产有望第五次反弹,加密货币社区正在密切关注。

The $0.06 price level is more than just a number; it is a psychological threshold for investors and traders alike. Each time DOGE has dipped to this level, it has managed to rebound, instilling a sense of reliability around this price point. The question now is, can it hold for the fifth time?

0.06 美元的价格水平不仅仅是一个数字;它是一个数字。对于投资者和交易者来说,这是一个心理门槛。每次 DOGE 跌至这个水平时,它都会成功反弹,在这个价格点周围灌输一种可靠感。现在的问题是,第五次还能坚持吗?

Dogecoin chartSource: TradingView


Recent data shows consistent trading volume and network activity for Dogecoin, which could be indicative of a strong support level. The asset's ability to maintain this price level could serve as a catalyst for future price movements, either propelling it to new heights or confirming its stability.


However, it is essential to note that the crypto market is highly volatile, and while past performance can be indicative, it is not a guarantee of future results. Therefore, investors should exercise caution and conduct their own due diligence before making any investment decisions.


Harbinger of volatility


As of the latest data, Ethereum is trading at approximately $1,591.46, while Bitcoin stands at $26,227. This shift in the ETHBTC pair is more than just a market quirk — it serves as a volatility indicator, signaling broader market trends.

截至最新数据,以太坊交易价格约为 1,591.46 美元,而比特币交易价格为 26,227 美元。 ETHBTC 货币对的这种转变不仅仅是市场的一个现象——它还是一个波动性指标,预示着更广泛的市场趋势。

The ETHBTC pair is often viewed as a barometer for the crypto market's volatility. When Ethereum gains against Bitcoin, it is usually a sign that alternative assets and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms are experiencing growth. This, in turn, often leads to increased market volatility as traders and investors shift their focus and resources.

ETHBTC 货币对通常被视为加密货币市场波动性的晴雨表。当以太坊相对于比特币上涨时,通常表明另类资产和去中心化金融(DeFi)平台正在经历增长。随着交易者和投资者转移注意力和资源,这往往会导致市场波动加剧。

Why is this pair a volatility indicator? Simply put, Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency, the "gold standard," if you will. When other assets, particularly Ethereum, start to gain against Bitcoin, it indicates a diversification of interest and investment. This diversification is often a precursor to higher volatility as it shows that the market is not just Bitcoin-centric anymore. The rise of DeFi platforms, most of which are built on the Ethereum blockchain, adds another layer to this narrative.

为什么该货币对是波动性指标?简而言之,比特币是最初的加密货币,如果你愿意的话,可以说是“黄金标准”。当其他资产,特别是以太坊开始相对于比特币上涨时,这表明兴趣和投资的多元化。这种多元化往往是波动性上升的前兆,因为它表明市场不再仅仅以比特币为中心。大部分 DeFi 平台都建立在以太坊区块链上,其兴起为这一叙述增添了另一层内容。

The recent uptick in Ethereum's price against Bitcoin suggests that we might be entering a phase of increased market volatility. It is a sign that traders and investors are looking beyond Bitcoin, exploring alternative assets that offer different kinds of value and utility. This is particularly important for Ethereum, which is at the heart of the booming DeFi sector.

最近以太坊相对于比特币的价格上涨表明我们可能正在进入市场波动加剧的阶段。这表明交易者和投资者正在超越比特币,探索提供不同价值和效用的替代资产。这对于以太坊来说尤其重要,它是蓬勃发展的 DeFi 领域的核心。

Shiba Inu stumbles


Shiba Inu, the meme coin that took the crypto world by storm, is now facing a critical juncture. The asset has recently dipped below the lower boundary of its ascending price trend, a move that could potentially accelerate its overall decline. As of the latest data, SHIB is trading at approximately $0.00000722, a concerning figure for investors who have been riding its uptrend.

Shiba Inu,风靡加密世界的模因币,现在正面临着一个关键时刻。该资产最近已跌破其上涨价格趋势的下限,此举可能会加速其整体下跌。截至最新数据,SHIB 的交易价格约为 0.00000722 美元,对于一直在上涨趋势中的投资者来说,这是一个令人担忧的数字。

The descending shift in Shiba Inu's price is not an isolated event; it is part of a broader pattern. Network activity and trading volume for SHIB have been on a downward trajectory, signaling waning interest or perhaps a consolidation phase before another price action. Either way, the asset's inability to maintain above this crucial threshold is a red flag for short-term bullish prospects.

柴犬价格的下降并不是一个孤立的事件;它是更广泛模式的一部分。 SHIB 的网络活动和交易量一直呈下降趋势,表明兴趣减弱,或者可能是另一次价格走势之前的盘整阶段。无论哪种方式,该资产无法维持在这一关键阈值之上,都是短期看涨前景的危险信号。

Analyzing the price dynamics, it is evident that Shiba Inu is struggling to find solid footing. The asset's fall below the lower border of its ascending trend could act as a catalyst for further depreciation. This is a classic case where breaking a key support level can trigger a cascade of sell orders, pushing the price even lower.


The situation is further exacerbated by decreasing network activity. A vibrant network is often a sign of an asset's health and potential for growth. In contrast, declining network activity usually indicates reduced investor interest, which can be a precursor to a price drop.



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