フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコイン(DOGE)のトリプルサポートレベルは資産の救済策となる可能性がある

Dogecoin (DOGE) Triple Support Level Might Be Remedy for Asset


リリース: 2023/09/28 10:07 読む: 347



Dogecoin (DOGE) has been dancing around a critical price point that has served as a robust support level since Aug. 18. Currently, the asset is priced at approximately $0.0605, according to the most recent data. This level has been a sanctuary for DOGE, successfully bouncing off it four times. Now, the asset is poised for a fifth bounce, and the crypto community is watching closely.

ドージコイン(DOGE)は、8月18日以来、強力なサポートレベルとして機能する重要な価格点の周りで踊ってきました。最新のデータによると、現在、この資産の価格は約0.0605ドルです。このレベルは DOGE にとって聖域であり、4 回跳ね返すことに成功しました。現在、この資産は5回目の反発に備えており、暗号通貨コミュニティは注意深く監視しています。

The $0.06 price level is more than just a number; it is a psychological threshold for investors and traders alike. Each time DOGE has dipped to this level, it has managed to rebound, instilling a sense of reliability around this price point. The question now is, can it hold for the fifth time?

0.06 ドルの価格水準は単なる数字ではありません。それは投資家にとってもトレーダーにとっても同様に心理的な閾値です。 DOGE がこのレベルまで下落するたびに、なんとか回復し、この価格帯での信頼感を植え付けてきました。問題は、5回目も開催できるかどうかだ。

Dogecoin chartSource: TradingView

出典: TradingView

Recent data shows consistent trading volume and network activity for Dogecoin, which could be indicative of a strong support level. The asset's ability to maintain this price level could serve as a catalyst for future price movements, either propelling it to new heights or confirming its stability.


However, it is essential to note that the crypto market is highly volatile, and while past performance can be indicative, it is not a guarantee of future results. Therefore, investors should exercise caution and conduct their own due diligence before making any investment decisions.


Harbinger of volatility


As of the latest data, Ethereum is trading at approximately $1,591.46, while Bitcoin stands at $26,227. This shift in the ETHBTC pair is more than just a market quirk — it serves as a volatility indicator, signaling broader market trends.

最新データの時点で、イーサリアムは約1,591.46ドルで取引されているのに対し、ビットコインは26,227ドルとなっています。 ETHBTCペアのこの変化は単なる市場の特異性を超えており、より広範な市場トレンドを示すボラティリティ指標として機能します。

The ETHBTC pair is often viewed as a barometer for the crypto market's volatility. When Ethereum gains against Bitcoin, it is usually a sign that alternative assets and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms are experiencing growth. This, in turn, often leads to increased market volatility as traders and investors shift their focus and resources.

ETHBTC ペアは、暗号通貨市場のボラティリティのバロメーターとして見られることがよくあります。イーサリアムがビットコインに対して利益を上げている場合、それは通常、代替資産や分散型金融(DeFi)プラットフォームが成長している兆候です。これは、トレーダーや投資家が焦点やリソースを移すにつれて、市場のボラティリティの増大につながることがよくあります。

Why is this pair a volatility indicator? Simply put, Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency, the "gold standard," if you will. When other assets, particularly Ethereum, start to gain against Bitcoin, it indicates a diversification of interest and investment. This diversification is often a precursor to higher volatility as it shows that the market is not just Bitcoin-centric anymore. The rise of DeFi platforms, most of which are built on the Ethereum blockchain, adds another layer to this narrative.

なぜこのペアがボラティリティ指標なのでしょうか?簡単に言えば、ビットコインは元の暗号通貨であり、言うなれば「金本位制」です。他の資産、特にイーサリアムがビットコインに対して利益を上げ始めた場合、それは関心と投資の多様化を示しています。この多様化は、市場がもはやビットコイン中心ではないことを示すため、多くの場合、ボラティリティの上昇の前兆となります。 DeFiプラットフォームの台頭は、そのほとんどがイーサリアムブロックチェーン上に構築されており、この物語に新たな層を加えています。

The recent uptick in Ethereum's price against Bitcoin suggests that we might be entering a phase of increased market volatility. It is a sign that traders and investors are looking beyond Bitcoin, exploring alternative assets that offer different kinds of value and utility. This is particularly important for Ethereum, which is at the heart of the booming DeFi sector.


Shiba Inu stumbles


Shiba Inu, the meme coin that took the crypto world by storm, is now facing a critical juncture. The asset has recently dipped below the lower boundary of its ascending price trend, a move that could potentially accelerate its overall decline. As of the latest data, SHIB is trading at approximately $0.00000722, a concerning figure for investors who have been riding its uptrend.

仮想通貨界に旋風を巻き起こしたミームコイン「Shiba Inu」が今、重大な岐路に直面している。この資産は最近、価格上昇トレンドの下限を下回っており、この動きにより全体的な下落が加速する可能性があります。最新データの時点で、SHIBは約0.00000722ドルで取引されており、上昇トレンドに乗っている投資家にとっては懸念すべき数字となっている。

The descending shift in Shiba Inu's price is not an isolated event; it is part of a broader pattern. Network activity and trading volume for SHIB have been on a downward trajectory, signaling waning interest or perhaps a consolidation phase before another price action. Either way, the asset's inability to maintain above this crucial threshold is a red flag for short-term bullish prospects.

柴犬の価格の下落は単独の出来事ではありません。それはより広範なパターンの一部です。 SHIB のネットワーク活動と取引量は下降傾向にあり、関心が薄れているか、あるいは別の価格変動に向けた調整段階にあることを示しています。いずれにせよ、資産がこの重要な閾値を超えて維持できないことは、短期的な強気見通しにとって危険信号です。

Analyzing the price dynamics, it is evident that Shiba Inu is struggling to find solid footing. The asset's fall below the lower border of its ascending trend could act as a catalyst for further depreciation. This is a classic case where breaking a key support level can trigger a cascade of sell orders, pushing the price even lower.


The situation is further exacerbated by decreasing network activity. A vibrant network is often a sign of an asset's health and potential for growth. In contrast, declining network activity usually indicates reduced investor interest, which can be a precursor to a price drop.



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