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Dogecoin Forecasted to Hit $1: Here's When

狗狗币预计将达到 1 美元:何时

发布: 2023/12/08 06:28 阅读: 606



Dogecoin, initially conceived as a humorous cryptocurrency, has witnessed a notable surge in both popularity and market value throughout its existence. The asset managed to reach a peak of $0.1063 earlier in the same week. However, at press time, DOGE was trading at $0.09657 with a 5% daily drop.

狗狗币最初被认为是一种幽默的加密货币,在其存在过程中,其受欢迎程度和市场价值都出现了显着飙升。该资产在同一周早些时候达到了 0.1063 美元的峰值。然而,截至发稿时,DOGE 的交易价格为 0.09657 美元,日跌幅为 5%。

Market Dynamics and Open Interest


A pivotal factor propelling Dogecoin’s recent surge lies in the notable increase in notional open interest linked to DOGE futures and perpetual futures contracts. According to data from CoinGlass, there has been a remarkable 58% surge in open interest over the preceding week, reaching a substantial $625 million. This figure stands as the highest since Nov. 2, 2022, and industry experts contend that this surge, coupled with the rising price, validates a significant upward trend in the market.

推动狗狗币近期飙升的一个关键因素在于与狗狗币期货和永续期货合约相关的名义未平仓合约的显着增加。根据 CoinGlass 的数据,前一周未平仓合约大幅增长 58%,达到 6.25 亿美元。这一数字是自 2022 年 11 月 2 日以来的最高水平,行业专家认为,这种飙升,加上价格上涨,证实了市场的显着上升趋势。

The Path to $1

通向 1 美元之路

As Dogecoin gains momentum and successfully breaches various resistance levels, the prevailing question among investors centers on its potential to attain the coveted $1 milestone. Insights from DigitalCoinPrice indicate that Dogecoin is projected to reach $1 around the year 2030. The forecast posits a minimum trading price of $0.95 for the meme coin during that year, with an anticipated average price reaching $1. Furthermore, speculation abounds that Dogecoin could even attain a peak of $1.02 within the same timeframe.

随着狗狗币势头强劲并成功突破各种阻力位,投资者普遍关心的问题集中在其达到令人垂涎的 1 美元里程碑的潜力。 DigitalCoinPrice 的见解表明,狗狗币预计将在 2030 年左右达到 1 美元。该预测预计该年 Meme 币的最低交易价格为 0.95 美元,预计平均价格将达到 1 美元。此外,人们普遍猜测狗狗币甚至可能在同一时间范围内达到 1.02 美元的峰值。

Also Read: The Race to $1: Will Shiba Inu or Dogecoin Get There First?

另请阅读:1 美元的竞赛:柴犬或狗狗币会先到达那里吗?

Influential Factors on Dogecoin’s Valuation


Numerous factors contribute to the optimistic outlook for Dogecoin’s future performance. The substantial transfer of DOGE from Robinhood to an undisclosed wallet underscores robust investor interest and confidence in the cryptocurrency. Additionally, the surge in open interest in DOGE futures contracts suggests a growing sense of optimism among institutional and retail investors alike regarding Dogecoin’s potential for further appreciation.

许多因素促成了狗狗币未来表现的乐观前景。 DOGE 从 Robinhood 大量转移到一个未公开的钱包,突显了投资者对加密货币的浓厚兴趣和信心。此外,狗狗币期货合约未平仓合约的激增表明机构和散户投资者对狗狗币进一步升值的潜力越来越乐观。

Ongoing developments in the cryptocurrency space, evolving regulatory landscapes, and the broader acceptance of digital currencies are poised to play pivotal roles in shaping Dogecoin’s trajectory toward the $1 mark. As the cryptocurrency market matures, Dogecoin may benefit from increased adoption and an expanding user base, potentially propelling its value to new heights.

加密货币领域的持续发展、不断变化的监管环境以及对数字货币的更广泛接受,都将在塑造狗狗币走向 1 美元大关的轨迹中发挥关键作用。随着加密货币市场的成熟,狗狗币可能会受益于采用率的提高和用户群的扩大,从而有可能将其价值推向新的高度。

Also Read: Why is Dogecoin up by 16% Today?

另请阅读:为什么狗狗币今天上涨了 16%?

Despite the challenges on the path to $1 for DOGE, recent positive trends in market activity, coupled with an optimistic forecast from Digitalcoinprice, paint a promising picture for the meme coin’s future. As Dogecoin marks its 10th anniversary and continues to captivate the crypto community, investors will vigilantly monitor its progression toward the $1 milestone. Ultimately, only time will reveal whether Dogecoin can sustain its upward trajectory and realize the projected milestone by 2030.

尽管 DOGE 在迈向 1 美元的道路上面临挑战,但近期市场活动的积极趋势,加上 Digitalcoinprice 的乐观预测,为这种模因币的未来描绘了一幅充满希望的图景。随着狗狗币迎来 10 周年纪念日并继续吸引加密货币社区,投资者将密切关注其迈向 1 美元里程碑的进展。最终,只有时间才能揭示狗狗币是否能够维持其上升轨迹并在 2030 年实现预计的里程碑。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-forecasted-to-hit-1-here-s-when-tbt72988.html



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