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Dogecoin In Space: DOGE-1 Announces Strategic Partnership With Radio Doge

太空狗狗币:DOGE-1 宣布与 Radio Doge 建立战略合作伙伴关系

发布: 2023/12/08 06:33 阅读: 411



Dogecoin funded and the Space X Doge-1 Mission is moving closer to its launch after securing a major partnership with Radio Doge.

在与 Radio Doge 建立主要合作伙伴关系后,由狗狗币资助的 Space X Doge-1 任务距离发射又近了一步。

DOGE-1 Makes New Alliance

DOGE-1 建立新联盟

CubeSat mission, DOGE-1 has recently achieved a new milestone which is poised to propel its space mission forward. According to an X (formerly Twitter) post by Dogecoin enthusiast, @itsallrisky, DOGE- 1 lunar has made a strategic alliance with Radio Doge, a decentralized communication and data transmission network. 

CubeSat 任务 DOGE-1 最近实现了一个新的里程碑,有望推动其太空任务向前发展。根据狗狗币爱好者 @itsallrisky 在 X(以前的 Twitter)上发布的帖子,DOGE-1lunar 已与 Radio Doge(一个去中心化通信和数据传输网络)建立了战略联盟。

“The DOGE-1 lunar satellite will join forces with Radio Doge. The satellite will be able to facilitate Dogecoin transactions over the radio. The lunar economy is taking shape,” the post read. 

“DOGE-1 月球卫星将与 Radio Doge 联手。该卫星将能够通过无线电促进狗狗币交易。月球经济正在形成,”帖子中写道。

The announcement was made on a live X space by Samuel Reid, CEO and Co-Founder of the Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC). Reid officially announced the partnership of the DOGE-1 lunar mission and Radio Doge, outlining the key benefits the alliance would bring to the crypto space. 

几何能源公司 (GEC) 首席执行官兼联合创始人塞缪尔·里德 (Samuel Reid) 在 X 直播空间宣布了这一消息。 Reid 正式宣布 DOGE-1 月球任务与 Radio Doge 的合作伙伴关系,概述了该联盟将为加密货币领域带来的主要好处。

According to the GEC CEO, the new partnership will see people without access to the internet perform Dogecoin transactions seamlessly. Reid unveiled the partnership to officially commemorate Dogecoin’s 10th birthday on Wednesday, December 6.

GEC 首席执行官表示,新的合作伙伴关系将使无法访问互联网的人们无缝地执行狗狗币交易。里德于 12 月 6 日星期三宣布了这一合作伙伴关系,以正式纪念狗狗币 10 岁生日。

“The Doge-1 satellite is going to integrate with Radio Doge and that’s a pretty substantial achievement that Geometric Space Corporation is bringing to the crypto community and the world. And it’s a great collaboration between Dogecoin foundation and GEC directly,” Reid stated.

“Doge-1 卫星将与 Radio Doge 集成,这是几何空间公司为加密货币社区和世界带来的一项相当重大的成就。这是狗狗币基金会和 GEC 之间的直接合作,”Reid 说道。

The incorporation of Radio Doge into the DOGE-1 lunar mission would adequately facilitate the GEC’s mission to collect lunar spatial intelligence and globally broadcast feeds and data from the moon to Earth using high-technology sensors and cameras. 

将 Radio Doge 纳入 DOGE-1 月球任务将充分促进 GEC 的任务,即收集月球空间情报,并使用高科技传感器和摄像机从月球向地球全球广播馈送和数据。

The partnership will also enable the official launch of the DOGE-themed moon mission which is scheduled to take place on January 14, 2024.

此次合作还将使 DOGE 主题月球任务正式启动,计划于 2024 年 1 月 14 日进行。

Key Events Accelerating Dogecoin Lunar Launch


According to the X handle, @itsallrisky, the DOGE-1 lunar mission has been moving closer to its launch date following key developments in the initiative’s development.

据 X 账号 @itsallrisky 称,随着该计划的开发取得关键进展,DOGE-1 月球任务已经距离发射日期越来越近了。

One of the primary events includes the recent approval of the DOGE-1 lunar mission by the United States National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). This approval was a significant milestone for the DOGE-1 which enabled it to get a complete license to launch by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

主要事件之一包括美国国家电信和信息管理局 (NTIA) 最近批准 DOGE-1 月球任务。此次批准对于 DOGE-1 来说是一个重要的里程碑,使其获得了美国联邦通信委员会 (FCC) 的完整发射许可。

Additionally, the DOGE-1 mission has secured multiple advertising clients including a gaming company, and Non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The DOGE ads are preparing to be featured on the satellite and via internet video feeds which may be streamed to various locations on Earth. 

此外,DOGE-1 任务还获得了多个广告客户,包括一家游戏公司和不可替代代币 (NFT)。 DOGE 广告正准备在卫星上和通过互联网视频源进行展示,这些视频源可以流式传输到地球上的各个地点。

To add to the excitement, the news of the DOGE-1 lunar mission has positively impacted the sentiment of the Dogecoin community, as well as attributed to slight upticks in the price of DOGE.

更令人兴奋的是,DOGE-1 登月任务的消息对狗狗币社区的情绪产生了积极影响,并导致 DOGE 价格小幅上涨。


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