首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币创始人在 2014 年之前还有另一个加密项目;这是怎么回事?

Dogecoin Founder Had Another Crypto Project Before 2014; What Happened to It?

狗狗币创始人在 2014 年之前还有另一个加密项目;这是怎么回事?

发布: 2023/12/19 08:35 阅读: 854



狗狗币创始人在 2014 年之前还有另一个加密项目;这是怎么回事?

Before creating the popular meme-inspired cryptocurrency Dogecoin, Billy Markus first developed an experimental digital token in 2013 called BELLS. However, this predecessor to Dogecoin was quickly abandoned after Markus launched Dogecoin just days later. DOGE would rapidly attract a large following. Now, nine years later, a small group has miraculously revived the long-dormant cryptocurrency network.

在创建受流行迷因启发的加密货币狗狗币之前,比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 于 2013 年首次开发了一种名为 BELLS 的实验性数字代币。然而,几天后马库斯推出狗狗币后,狗狗币的前身很快就被放弃了。 DOGE 很快吸引了大量追随者。现在,九年后,一个小团体奇迹般地恢复了长期休眠的加密货币网络。

On December 5th, 2023, Dogecoin celebrated its 10th birthday. Inspired by this milestone, Adam McBride, an avid Dogecoin supporter, came across Markus’ 2013 Bitcoin Talk forum post announcing a new cryptocurrency. That project was BELLS.

2023 年 12 月 5 日,狗狗币庆祝了它的 10 岁生日。受到这一里程碑的启发,狗狗币的狂热支持者 Adam McBride 偶然发现了 Markus 在 2013 年 Bitcoin Talk 论坛上发布的帖子,该帖子宣布了一种新的加密货币。那个项目就是BELLS。

Intrigued, McBride reached out to his friend and “uber dev” Luke Wright to investigate whether BELLS could be revived after its entire network infrastructure had been offline for nearly a decade.

出于好奇,麦克布莱德联系了他的朋友、“超级开发者”卢克·怀特 (Luke Wright),调查 BELLS 是否可以在其整个网络基础设施离线近十年后恢复运行。

Also read: Solana Christmas Price Prediction, How High Can SOL Go?

另请阅读:Solana 圣诞节价格预测,SOL 能涨到多高?

Dogecoin founder’s BELLS is now functioning

狗狗币创始人的 BELLS 现已投入使用

After some initial exploration, Wright confirmed that the original BELLS network and blockchain halted functioning in late 2014. Although forked community versions limped along for a few more years. However, in just two hours, Wright was able to use the archived source code and bootstrap enough network nodes to regain the functionality of the authentic first version of BELLS created by Markus.

经过一些初步探索,Wright 确认最初的 BELLS 网络和区块链已于 2014 年底停止运行。尽管分叉的社区版本又艰难地运行了几年。然而,在短短两个小时内,赖特就能够使用存档的源代码并引导足够的网络节点来重新获得由马库斯创建的真实第一版 BELLS 的功能。

After several days of troubleshooting connectivity and consensus issues, McBride reported that BELLS now appears to be fully operational once again in its original 2013 form. However, BELLS failed to gain more than very minimal adoption. It’s user base went to the breakout popularity of Dogecoin in December 2013.

经过几天的连接和共识问题故障排除后,McBride 报告称,BELLS 现在似乎再次以 2013 年的原始形式全面投入运行。然而,BELLS 的采用率极低。它的用户群随着 2013 年 12 月狗狗币的爆发而流行。

Time will tell whether this historical blockchain rebuild will garner renewed interest for use and development or remain a curio from the early pioneering days of cryptocurrencies. 


Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-founder-had-another-crypto-project-before-2014-what-happened-to-it-tbt74103.html



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