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Dogecoin Failure To Launch Worries Investors, But Analyst Says It Could Change Soon


发布: 2023/12/19 07:01 阅读: 919



Despite being the most popular meme coin in the crypto market right now, the price of Dogecoin has not performed as well as investors expected. Instead of following the overall trend of all coins in the space to new yearly highs, the price continued to stall. So far, Dogecoin has proved to be undergoing a failure to launch, but this could be changing soon.


Dogecoin Price Still Stalling


So far in 2023, the price of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have rallied to new yearly highs, but Dogecoin has struggled to perform to the same extent. Even though the price has risen nicely from its 2023 lows of $0.058, it has continued to see only small gains when other assets have been seeing double-digit gains.

2023 年到目前为止,比特币和以太坊等加密货币的价格已升至年度新高,但狗狗币却难以达到同样的水平。尽管价格已从 2023 年低点 0.058 美元大幅上涨,但当其他资产出现两位数涨幅时,它仍然仅出现小幅上涨。

At the beginning of December, multiple developments also contributed to a rally that pushed the DOGE price above $0.1, a new yearly high, but barely as high as its counterparts. These announcements included the physical Dogecoin being sent to the moon in December, as well as the DOGE-1 space mission that is expected to take place in January 2024.

12 月初,多项事态发展也推动了 DOGE 价格上涨至 0.1 美元上方,创出年度新高,但与同类产品相比仅略高。这些公告包括 12 月将实物狗狗币发送到月球,以及预计将于 2024 年 1 月进行的 DOGE-1 太空任务。

However, as the excitement around these events has subsided, the DOGE price has gone back to its lackadaisical performance. Even after Shiba Inu, which is Dogecoin’s biggest rival, rallied 20% on Sunday, Dogecoin did not see more than a 4% increase before falling back down once more.

然而,随着这些事件的兴奋消退,DOGE 价格又回到了低迷的表现。即使狗狗币最大的竞争对手柴犬周日上涨 20%,狗狗币的涨幅也没有超过 4%,然后再次下跌。

This slow performance from Dogecoin has been worrying, especially for investors who seem to have been waiting forever for the price to launch. However, according to Galaxy analyst Zack Pokorny, this could change soon following a rise in multiple metrics.

狗狗币的缓慢表现一直令人担忧,特别是对于那些似乎一直在等待价格发布的投资者来说。然而,银河分析师 Zack Pokorny 表示,随着多项指标的上升,这种情况可能很快就会改变。

DOGE Could See A Massive Reversal Soon

DOGE 可能很快就会出现巨大逆转

In a new report posted on the Galaxy website, Pokorny highlights Dogecoin’s poor performance over the last two months. However, there have been some changes in the asset that have suggested that there could be a turn in the tide coming.

在 Galaxy 网站上发布的一份新报告中,Pokorny 强调了狗狗币在过去两个月的糟糕表现。然而,该资产发生了一些变化,表明趋势可能会出现转变。

One instance of this is the fact that the Dogecoin spot trading volume has risen drastically, rising to its third-highest level this year. The altcoin’s spot volume has also maintained these high values since it first hit in November, although it is yet to see new yearly highs.

一个例子是狗狗币现货交易量大幅上升,升至今年第三高水平。自 11 月首次触及以来,山寨币的现货交易量也一直保持在这些高值,尽管尚未创下年度新高。

Next is the increase in transactions on the network, as well as a rapid increase in the block sizes produced recently. These can be attributed to the Doginals, or DRC-20 tokens, that have become the rave recently in crypto. “Unconventional data points like block size also exhibit new catalysts to DOGE that didn’t exist in past cycles,” Pokorny explains.

接下来是网络上交易的增加,以及最近产生的区块大小的快速增加。这些可以归因于 Doginals 或 DRC-20 代币,它们最近在加密货币领域风靡一时。 “像区块大小这样的非常规数据点也展示了过去周期中不存在的 DOGE 新催化剂,”Pokorny 解释道。

Additionally, there have been a lot of new users on the Dogecoin network, with accounts non-zero balances rising 5% in a 30-day period, as well as an increase in sending accounts. “This is a positive sign of renewed and rapidly growing interest in DOGE and what is possible on-chain,” the analyst stated.

此外,狗狗币网络上出现了大量新用户,账户非零余额在 30 天内增加了 5%,发送账户也有所增加。这位分析师表示:“这是一个积极的迹象,表明人们对 DOGE 以及链上的可能性重新产生并迅速增长的兴趣。”

Pokorny explains that since the DOGE supply is growing older with the influx of new users, it suggests that demand for the meme coin is rising. Given these high increases, the analyst expects that the upcoming DOGE space mission could spur more enthusiasm.

Pokorny 解释说,由于随着新用户的涌入,DOGE 的供应量越来越老,这表明对模因币的需求正在上升。鉴于这些高增长,分析师预计即将到来的 DOGE 太空任务可能会激发更多热情。


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