フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコインのローンチ失敗は投資家を心配させているが、アナリストらはそれがすぐに変わる可能性があると述べている

Dogecoin Failure To Launch Worries Investors, But Analyst Says It Could Change Soon


リリース: 2023/12/19 07:01 読む: 919



Despite being the most popular meme coin in the crypto market right now, the price of Dogecoin has not performed as well as investors expected. Instead of following the overall trend of all coins in the space to new yearly highs, the price continued to stall. So far, Dogecoin has proved to be undergoing a failure to launch, but this could be changing soon.


Dogecoin Price Still Stalling


So far in 2023, the price of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have rallied to new yearly highs, but Dogecoin has struggled to perform to the same extent. Even though the price has risen nicely from its 2023 lows of $0.058, it has continued to see only small gains when other assets have been seeing double-digit gains.


At the beginning of December, multiple developments also contributed to a rally that pushed the DOGE price above $0.1, a new yearly high, but barely as high as its counterparts. These announcements included the physical Dogecoin being sent to the moon in December, as well as the DOGE-1 space mission that is expected to take place in January 2024.


However, as the excitement around these events has subsided, the DOGE price has gone back to its lackadaisical performance. Even after Shiba Inu, which is Dogecoin’s biggest rival, rallied 20% on Sunday, Dogecoin did not see more than a 4% increase before falling back down once more.

しかし、これらのイベントの興奮が沈静化するにつれ、DOGE の価格はさえないパフォーマンスに戻りました。ドージコインの最大のライバルである柴犬が日曜日に20%上昇した後でも、ドージコインは4%しか上昇せず、再び下落した。

This slow performance from Dogecoin has been worrying, especially for investors who seem to have been waiting forever for the price to launch. However, according to Galaxy analyst Zack Pokorny, this could change soon following a rise in multiple metrics.


DOGE Could See A Massive Reversal Soon


In a new report posted on the Galaxy website, Pokorny highlights Dogecoin’s poor performance over the last two months. However, there have been some changes in the asset that have suggested that there could be a turn in the tide coming.


One instance of this is the fact that the Dogecoin spot trading volume has risen drastically, rising to its third-highest level this year. The altcoin’s spot volume has also maintained these high values since it first hit in November, although it is yet to see new yearly highs.


Next is the increase in transactions on the network, as well as a rapid increase in the block sizes produced recently. These can be attributed to the Doginals, or DRC-20 tokens, that have become the rave recently in crypto. “Unconventional data points like block size also exhibit new catalysts to DOGE that didn’t exist in past cycles,” Pokorny explains.

次に、ネットワーク上のトランザクションの増加と、最近生成されるブロック サイズの急速な増加です。これらは、最近暗号通貨界で大流行しているドギナル、つまり DRC-20 トークンに起因すると考えられます。 「ブロック サイズなどの型破りなデータ ポイントも、過去のサイクルには存在しなかった DOGE に対する新しい触媒を示します」と Pokorny 氏は説明します。

Additionally, there have been a lot of new users on the Dogecoin network, with accounts non-zero balances rising 5% in a 30-day period, as well as an increase in sending accounts. “This is a positive sign of renewed and rapidly growing interest in DOGE and what is possible on-chain,” the analyst stated.

さらに、Dogecoin ネットワークには多くの新規ユーザーが存在し、ゼロ以外のアカウント残高は 30 日間で 5% 増加し、送信アカウントも増加しました。 「これは、DOGEとオンチェーンで何が可能なのかに対する関心が新たに急速に高まっていることを示す前向きな兆候だ」とアナリストは述べた。

Pokorny explains that since the DOGE supply is growing older with the influx of new users, it suggests that demand for the meme coin is rising. Given these high increases, the analyst expects that the upcoming DOGE space mission could spur more enthusiasm.

ポコルニー氏は、新規ユーザーの流入によりDOGEの供給が古くなっているため、ミームコインの需要が高まっていることを示唆していると説明する。このような大幅な増加を考慮すると、アナリストは、今後の DOGE 宇宙ミッションがさらに熱意を高める可能性があると予想しています。


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