首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币创始人做出了好奇的人工智能“杀手级应用”预测

Dogecoin Founder Makes Curious AI 'Killer App' Prediction


发布: 2024/01/26 22:06 阅读: 735




Dogecoin cofounder Billy Markus, known on social media as “Shibetoshi Nakamoto,” took to X/Twitter to share one of his ironic predictions in the technology sphere.

狗狗币联合创始人比利·马库斯(Billy Markus)在社交媒体上被称为“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”,他在 X/Twitter 上分享了他在技术领域的一个具有讽刺意味的预测。

Markus is a regular content creator on X, so he often comments on hyped subjects and topics, beyond cryptocurrency, in his tweets. One of those has been the rapid development of artificial intelligence recently, and today “Shibetoshi Nakamoto” posted a tweet on that.

Markus 是 X 上的常规内容创建者,因此他经常在推文中评论加密货币之外的炒作主题和主题。其中之一就是人工智能最近的快速发展,今天“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”就此发布了一条推文。

"Killer app of AI and VR"


Billy Markus tweeted what may be considered an ironic prediction of which app may kill AI (artificial intelligence) and VR (virtual reality) apps in the future. He believes that one of the options here might be an app in which these two will be blended into one, resulting in the emergence of “an AI + VR anime girlfriend.”

比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 在推特上发布了一条可能被认为具有讽刺意味的预测,预测未来哪个应用程序可能会杀死 AI(人工智能)和 VR(虚拟现实)应用程序。他认为,其中一个选择可能是将两者融合为一个应用程序,从而出现“AI+VR动漫女友”。

the killer app of AI and VR is just gonna be an AI + VR anime girlfriend isn’t it


— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) January 25, 2024

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 1 月 25 日

Earlier this month, Markus also touched on the topic of AI in a tweet dedicated to New Year's resolutions. He assumed that with the fast development of OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot and other flagship companies working on their own AI products, people will likely start experimenting with these “virtual assistants” in various spheres. That list included such elements as learning to draw, to code, to write a novel, becoming a lawyer and other options.

本月早些时候,马库斯还在一条专门讨论新年决心的推文中谈到了人工智能的话题。他认为,随着 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 聊天机器人和其他致力于开发自己的人工智能产品的旗舰公司的快速发展,人们可能会开始在各个领域尝试这些“虚拟助手”。该清单包括学习画画、编码、写小说、成为一名律师和其他选择等内容。

This year, Google and Microsoft (which owns OpenAI) have already launched their own AI-based products, and Microsoft is offering a free version of its Copilot for testing. Currently, OpenAI has upgraded the paid version of its ChatGPT to a level where it can already generate images, similar to the Midjourney app.

今年,谷歌和微软(OpenAI 的所有者)已经推出了自己的基于人工智能的产品,微软也提供了免费版本的 Copilot 进行测试。目前,OpenAI 已将其 ChatGPT 的付费版本升级到已经可以生成图像的级别,类似于 Midjourney 应用程序。

DOGE creator comments on Bitcoin price dump


Earlier this week, the Dogecoin cofounder issued a tweet of sarcasm and dark irony, commenting on Bitcoin's recent sharp decline in price. It happened on Jan. 23, when Bitcoin faced a massive liquidation of cryptocurrencies (including BTC) worth $100 million and plunged below the $40,000 level.

本周早些时候,这位狗狗币联合创始人发布了一条充满讽刺和黑色讽刺的推文,对比特币最近价格的大幅下跌发表了评论。事情发生在 1 月 23 日,当时比特币面临价值 1 亿美元的加密货币(包括 BTC)的大规模清算,并跌破 4 万美元的水平。

Today, the flagship cryptocurrency has managed to recover by 2.24%, regaining the $40,000 level again. Thus, since Tuesday this week, Bitcoin has regained 5.45%, rising from a low of $38,739.

今天,旗舰加密货币已成功反弹 2.24%,再次重回 40,000 美元水平。因此,自本周二以来,比特币已从 38,739 美元的低点上涨了 5.45%。

On Jan. 18, Bitcoin reached a local peak of $42,864, but then a 9.72% decline followed as Bitcoin showed high volatility after the ETF approval.

1 月 18 日,比特币一度触及 42,864 美元的局部峰值,但随后因 ETF 批准后比特币表现出高波动性而下跌 9.72%。


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