フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコイン創設者が興味深い AI の「キラーアプリ」を予測

Dogecoin Founder Makes Curious AI 'Killer App' Prediction

ドージコイン創設者が興味深い AI の「キラーアプリ」を予測

リリース: 2024/01/26 22:06 読む: 735



ドージコイン創設者が興味深い AI の「キラーアプリ」を予測

Dogecoin cofounder Billy Markus, known on social media as “Shibetoshi Nakamoto,” took to X/Twitter to share one of his ironic predictions in the technology sphere.


Markus is a regular content creator on X, so he often comments on hyped subjects and topics, beyond cryptocurrency, in his tweets. One of those has been the rapid development of artificial intelligence recently, and today “Shibetoshi Nakamoto” posted a tweet on that.

マーカスは X の定期的なコンテンツ作成者であるため、暗号通貨を超えた誇大広告の主題やトピックについてツイートでコメントすることがよくあります。その一つが最近の人工知能の急速な発展で、今日「シベトシ・ナカモト」がそれに関するツイートを投稿しました。

"Killer app of AI and VR"


Billy Markus tweeted what may be considered an ironic prediction of which app may kill AI (artificial intelligence) and VR (virtual reality) apps in the future. He believes that one of the options here might be an app in which these two will be blended into one, resulting in the emergence of “an AI + VR anime girlfriend.”


the killer app of AI and VR is just gonna be an AI + VR anime girlfriend isn’t it

AIとVRのキラーアプリはAI + VRアニメガールフレンドになるだけですよね

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) January 25, 2024

— 中本シベトシ (@BillyM2k) 2024年1月25日

Earlier this month, Markus also touched on the topic of AI in a tweet dedicated to New Year's resolutions. He assumed that with the fast development of OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot and other flagship companies working on their own AI products, people will likely start experimenting with these “virtual assistants” in various spheres. That list included such elements as learning to draw, to code, to write a novel, becoming a lawyer and other options.

今月初め、マーカス氏は新年の抱負を捧げたツイートの中でAIの話題にも触れた。 OpenAI の ChatGPT チャットボットや、独自の AI 製品に取り組んでいる他の主力企業の急速な開発により、人々はおそらくさまざまな分野でこれらの「仮想アシスタント」の実験を始めるだろうと彼は推測しました。そのリストには、絵を描くこと、コーディングを学ぶこと、小説を書くこと、弁護士になること、その他の選択肢などの要素が含まれていました。

This year, Google and Microsoft (which owns OpenAI) have already launched their own AI-based products, and Microsoft is offering a free version of its Copilot for testing. Currently, OpenAI has upgraded the paid version of its ChatGPT to a level where it can already generate images, similar to the Midjourney app.

今年、Google と Microsoft (OpenAI を所有) はすでに独自の AI ベースの製品を発表しており、Microsoft はテスト用に Copilot の無料版を提供しています。現在、OpenAI は ChatGPT の有料版を、Midjourney アプリと同様に画像を生成できるレベルにアップグレードしました。

DOGE creator comments on Bitcoin price dump


Earlier this week, the Dogecoin cofounder issued a tweet of sarcasm and dark irony, commenting on Bitcoin's recent sharp decline in price. It happened on Jan. 23, when Bitcoin faced a massive liquidation of cryptocurrencies (including BTC) worth $100 million and plunged below the $40,000 level.


Today, the flagship cryptocurrency has managed to recover by 2.24%, regaining the $40,000 level again. Thus, since Tuesday this week, Bitcoin has regained 5.45%, rising from a low of $38,739.


On Jan. 18, Bitcoin reached a local peak of $42,864, but then a 9.72% decline followed as Bitcoin showed high volatility after the ETF approval.



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