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Dogecoin Founder Excited at Elon Musk's Company's Staggering Breakthrough


发布: 2024/09/18 16:10 阅读: 434




Cover image courtesy of U.Today


Billy Markus, the co-creator of the original meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin (created in collaboration with Jackson Palmer in 2013), has expressed his enthusiasm for Elon Musk's recent tweet on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter).

原始模因加密货币狗狗币(Dogecoin,于 2013 年与杰克逊·帕尔默 (Jackson Palmer) 合作创建)的联合创始人比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 对埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 最近在社交媒体平台 X(以前称为 Twitter)上发布的推文表达了他的热情。

In the tweet, Musk, the CEO of Tesla and founder of SpaceX among other companies, unveiled a groundbreaking device developed by his venture Neuralink.

在推文中,特斯拉首席执行官、SpaceX 等公司创始人马斯克推出了由他的企业 Neuralink 开发的突破性设备。

Elon Musk's Mission to Restore Sight to the Blind


Musk reposted a tweet from Neuralink announcing the development of Blindsight, a device that enables individuals who have lost both their eyes and their optical nerve to regain their sight.

马斯克转发了 Neuralink 的一条推文,宣布开发 Blindsight,这是一种可以让失去眼睛和视神经的人恢复视力的设备。

The success of the device, however, is contingent upon the preservation of the visual cortex. Musk emphasized that the device has the potential to "enable those who have been blind from birth to see for the first time."


Blindsight Device: A Revolutionary Breakthrough


The Blindsight device from Neuralink has the potential to restore vision even in individuals who have lost both their eyes and their optic nerve. With an intact visual cortex, it may also enable those born blind to experience sight for the first time.

Neuralink 的 Blindsight 设备即使对于失去眼睛和视神经的人也有恢复视力的潜力。凭借完整的视觉皮层,它也可能使那些先天失明的人第一次体验到视力。

Setting Realistic Expectations


To manage expectations, Musk clarified that the vision restored by the device will initially resemble "Atari graphics" with low resolution. However, he projected that vision could eventually surpass natural vision, allowing patients to perceive a wider range of wavelengths, including infrared, ultraviolet, and even radar wavelengths "like Geordi La Forge."


DOGE Founder Embraces Innovation


Billy Markus expressed his excitement and support for the innovative step in a comment below Musk's post, stating, "Well, that's incredible."


Markus, known online as Shibetoshi Nakamoto, is not only known as the co-creator of Dogecoin but also as a "personal online friend" of Elon Musk, despite their interactions being primarily limited to comments on each other's X posts.

马库斯,网名为 Shibetoshi Nakamoto,不仅是狗狗币的联合创始人,也是埃隆·马斯克的“个人网上朋友”,尽管他们的互动主要限于对彼此的 X 帖子的评论。

A Mutual Admiration Society


Markus consistently supports Musk's ideas and innovations, expressing unwavering enthusiasm. The two influential figures align on political views as well. In return, Musk has been an ardent supporter of Dogecoin, using his tweets to influence its price in the past.


In 2021, Musk referred to himself as "The DogeFather" on X and publicly endorsed Dogecoin during his debut on Saturday Night Live. This endorsement contributed to DOGE's all-time high of $0.7376 in May that year.

2021 年,马斯克在 X 上称自己为“The DogeFather”,并在周六夜现场首次亮相时公开支持狗狗币。这一背书促成了当年 5 月 DOGE 创下 0.7376 美元的历史新高。


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