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Dogecoin Founder Issues Bitcoin Statement on Further BTC Decline


发布: 2024/01/24 06:07 阅读: 749




Billy Markus, who founded the iconic meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin together with Jackson Palmer back in 2013 and launched it, has taken to Twitter/X social media network to comment on the further plunge Bitcoin took earlier today as it went below the $39,000 level.

比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 于 2013 年与杰克逊·帕尔默 (Jackson Palmer) 一起创立了标志性的模因加密货币狗狗币 (Dogecoin) 并推出了它,他在 Twitter/X 社交媒体网络上对比特币今天早些时候跌破 39,000 美元的进一步暴跌发表了评论。

“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”, as Markus is known on Twitter, stated in his recent tweet “Good morning to everyone except Bitcoin,” thus showing sarcastically his dissatisfaction with the volatility of the world’s largest cryptocurrency, the one which he and Palmer parodied when they created DOGE.

马库斯在推特上被称为“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”,他在最近的推文中表示“除了比特币之外,大家早上好”,从而讽刺地表达了他对世界上最大的加密货币波动性的不满,他和帕尔默在创建这种加密货币时模仿了这种波动性。总督。

good morning to everyone except bitcoin


— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) January 23, 2024

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 1 月 23 日

Earlier today, the leading digital currency dived under $39,000, hitting $38,543. However, it quickly rebounded, adding 2.41% (versus the previous loss of 3.52%) and at the time of this writing, BTC is exchanging hands at $39,471.

今天早些时候,领先的数字货币跌破 39,000 美元,触及 38,543 美元。然而,它很快反弹,上涨了 2.41%(之前下跌了 3.52%),在撰写本文时,BTC 的交易价格为 39,471 美元。

Bitcoin bloodbath continues


Since the approval of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the start of ETF trading on January 11, Bitcoin first responded with a sharp increase above the $49,000 level.


However, that did not last long and Bitcoin started its rapid descent into the red. By now, it has lost a whopping 19.56%, falling from $49,000 to the current $39,471 price mark.

然而,这种情况并没有持续多久,比特币开始迅速陷入赤字。截至目前,其价格已大幅下跌 19.56%,从 49,000 美元跌至目前的 39,471 美元。

As reported, earlier today the cryptocurrency market was struck by a massive bloodbath as $100 million in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were liquidated across various crypto trading venues.

据报道,今天早些时候,加密货币市场遭受了一场大规模的血洗,价值 1 亿美元的比特币和其他加密货币在各个加密货币交易场所被清算。

Aside from that, according to a recent tweet of cryptocurrency analyst and trader Ali Martinez, over the period of the last two weeks, Bitcoin miners have dumped a large chunk of Bitcoin, getting rid of 70,000 BTC (the equivalent of $3 billion in fiat).

除此之外,根据加密货币分析师兼交易员 Ali Martinez 最近的一条推文,在过去两周内,比特币矿工抛售了大量比特币,抛售了 70,000 BTC(相当于 30 亿美元的法定货币) 。

Bitcoin is not going into $30,000 range: Samson Mow

Samson Mow:比特币不会进入 30,000 美元范围

Aside from that, Grayscale continues to dump Bitcoin from its Grayscale Bitcoin Trust onto the market. Yesterday, the company spearheaded by Michael Sonnenshein sold 14,292 BTC worth more than have a billion US dollars.

除此之外,灰度继续将其灰度比特币信托基金中的比特币倾销到市场上。昨天,由 Michael Sonnenshein 领导的公司出售了 14,292 比特币,价值超过 10 亿美元。

Still, while a great many cryptocurrency traders hope that Bitcoin will drop into the $30,000 range, so they can start buying the dip, vocal Bitcoin maximalist and evangelist, CEO of Jan3, Samson Mow, does not believe it is likely to happen.

尽管如此,尽管许多加密货币交易者希望比特币能跌至 30,000 美元区间,这样他们就可以开始逢低买入,但直言不讳的比特币最大化主义者和布道者 Jan3 首席执行官 Samson Mow 并不认为这可能发生。

In the meantime, Mow remains a strong believer that Bitcoin will eventually reach the much-expected $1 million mark. However, he does not specify when it is likely to happen.

与此同时,Mow 仍然坚信比特币最终将达到万众期待的 100 万美元大关。不过,他没有具体说明这可能发生的时间。


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