首页 > 资讯新闻 > 忘记 X 上的狗狗币支付:Shiba Inu 团队倡导 SHIB 纳入

Forget Dogecoin Payments On X: Shiba Inu Team Advocates For SHIB Inclusion

忘记 X 上的狗狗币支付:Shiba Inu 团队倡导 SHIB 纳入

发布: 2024/01/24 06:07 阅读: 859



Dogecoin (DOGE) has continued to be speculated as the crypto token that will be picked if any crypto token is to be included in X’s (formerly Twitter) payments service. Despite that, this Shiba Inu (SHIB) team member has gone ahead to make a case as to why SHIB should also be considered in X’s plans. 

如果 X 的(以前的 Twitter)支付服务中包含任何加密代币,狗狗币(DOGE)继续被认为是会被选择的加密代币。尽管如此,这位柴犬 (SHIB) 团队成员还是继续阐述了为什么 X 的计划中也应考虑 SHIB。

Shiba Inu Marketing Lead Calls For SHIB Inclusion 

柴犬营销主管呼吁纳入 SHIB

Shiba Inu’s Marketing Lead, Lucie, made a direct request to X’s owner and the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, in an X post that has now become unavailable. The marketing expert also outlined reasons why SHIB should be included in the X payments, as she highlighted the selling points of the SHIN ecosystem and its community. 

Shiba Inu 的营销主管 Lucie 在 X 帖子中直接向 X 的所有者、世界首富埃隆·马斯克提出了请求,但该帖子现已无法访问。这位营销专家还概述了 SHIB 应包含在 X 支付中的原因,并强调了 SHIN 生态系统及其社区的卖点。

相关阅读:新的 X 支付账户引发了对狗狗币整合的猜测

Lucie seemed to suggest that SHIB’s inclusion in the X payments was a partnership that would be mutually beneficial for both parties. Considering how strong and vibrant the SHIB community is believed to be, X payments can establish a large customer base in the community. 

Lucie 似乎暗示 SHIB 纳入 X 付款是一种对双方都有利的合作伙伴关系。考虑到 SHIB 社区的强大和活力,X 支付可以在社区中建立庞大的客户群。

On the other hand, SHIB could end up enjoying a wider adoption, seeing the number of persons that already use the X platform. With SHIB being a payment method on X, the crypto token is bound to enjoy a greater utility and see more users onboarded into its ecosystem. Following Lucie’s remarks, members of the SHIB community also showed support for the cause. 

另一方面,鉴于已经使用 X 平台的人数,SHIB 最终可能会得到更广泛的采用。随着 SHIB 作为 X 上的一种支付方式,加密代币势必会享受到更大的效用,并吸引更多用户加入其生态系统。 Lucie的发言后,SHIB社区的成员也表达了对这一事业的支持。

It remains to be seen whether or not the calls for SHIB’s inclusion in X payments will fall on deaf ears or not. However, the SHIB community has also shown that they aren’t one to relent, as there are likely to be more calls for the meme coin to be included in X Payments, which is expected to launch this year

将 SHIB 纳入 X 支付的呼声是否会被置若罔闻,还有待观察。然而,SHIB 社区也表明,他们不会松懈,因为可能会有更多人呼吁将 Meme 币纳入预计今年推出的 X Payments 中。

The X platform is already forging ahead with plans to make this a reality. The X account for X Payments was recently created, and the team already received money transmitter licenses in 17 states. 

X 平台已经在推进计划,以实现这一目标。 X Payments 的 X 账户最近创建,该团队已获得 17 个州的资金转移许可证。

SHIB price sitting at $0.00000857 | Source: SHIBUSD on Tradingview.com

SHIB 价格为 $0.00000857 |资料来源:Tradingview.com 上的 SHIBUSD

Between Shiba Inu And Dogecoin


Despite Lucie’s move, DOGE undoubtedly remains the first choice if Musk and his X team were to decide on including a crypto token in their plans. The reason isn’t farfetched, considering that the world’s richest man is known to be invested in the foremost meme coin’s development. The subtle battle for dominance between both meme coins could also influence Musk’s decision. 

尽管 Lucie 做出了这一举动,但如果 Musk 和他的 X 团队决定在他们的计划中加入加密代币,DOGE 无疑仍然是首选。考虑到世界首富投资于最重要的模因币的开发,这个原因并不牵强。两种模因币之间争夺主导地位的微妙斗争也可能影响马斯克的决定。

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SHIB is commonly referred to as the ‘Dogecoin Killer.’ However, it has yet to live up to that status, as DOGE remains the largest meme coin by market cap. A potential inclusion of DOGE and exclusion of SHIB in X Payments will help further cement the former’s position. This is something Elon Musk would be well aware of. 

SHIB 通常被称为“狗狗币杀手”。然而,它尚未达到这一地位,因为 DOGE 仍然是市值最大的模因币。 X Payments 中可能纳入 DOGE 并排除 SHIB,这将有助于进一步巩固前者的地位。埃隆·马斯克很清楚这一点。

Featured image from CryptoRank, chart from Tradingview.com

精选图片来自 CryptoRank,图表来自 Tradingview.com


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