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Dogecoin Founder Slams SEC Boss Over Crypto Regulation Comments

狗狗币创始人抨击 SEC 老板对加密货币监管的评论

发布: 2023/12/23 06:33 阅读: 257



SEC Chairman Gary Gensler has been getting a lot of backlash from the crypto industry and the latest comes from Dogecoin founder Billy Markus. The backlash has persisted over the years in relation to regulations to help govern the crypto industry, something that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has failed to provide to stakeholders in the industry.

美国证券交易委员会主席加里·詹斯勒 (Gary Gensler) 受到了加密货币行业的强烈反对,最新消息来自狗狗币创始人比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus)。多年来,对于帮助管理加密货币行业的法规的强烈反对一直持续存在,而美国证券交易委员会(SEC)未能向该行业的利益相关者提供这一信息。

The Gensler Interview On Regulation

Gensler 关于监管的采访

Gary Gensler appeared on CNBC in an interview where he talked about compliance when it comes to investing. More specifically, the interview focused on laws that govern the crypto space and how the agency is working to regulate it.

加里·詹斯勒 (Gary Gensler) 接受 CNBC 采访时谈到了投资方面的合规性。更具体地说,采访的重点是管理加密货币领域的法律以及该机构如何努力对其进行监管。

In a clip of the interview shared by the SEC chairman on X (formerly Twitter), Gensler talks about how non-compliance is rampant in the crypto space. Additionally, the SEC boss stated that securities laws are also not being followed by those in the industry, even though these securities laws are there to help investors with proper disclosures to know the kind of investments that they’re making.

在 SEC 主席在 X(以前称为 Twitter)上分享的采访片段中,Gensler 谈到了加密货币领域的不合规行为是如何猖獗的。此外,美国证券交易委员会的负责人表示,尽管这些证券法是为了帮助投资者进行适当的披露,以了解他们正在进行的投资类型,但业内人士也没有遵守证券法。

Gensler explains that these laws are also there to protect investors from falling for fraudulent schemes. “There has been far too much fraud and bad actors in the crypto field,” the SEC boss narrated. “There’s a lot of noncompliance, not only with the securities laws, but other laws around any money laundering and protecting the public.”

金斯勒解释说,这些法律也是为了保护投资者免遭欺诈。 “加密货币领域存在太多的欺诈和不良行为,”SEC 老板说道。 “存在很多不合规情况,不仅违反了证券法,还违反了有关洗钱和保护公众的其他法律。”

He reiterated that crypto is the “Wild West.” However, even though it makes up such a small part of the United States capital market, Gensler believes that “it can undermine confidence when so many people have been hurt and all they can do is then stand in line at a bankruptcy court.”


Dogecoin Founder Responds To Gensler

狗狗币创始人回应 Gensler

Gensler’s comments during the interview have not been taken lightly by investors in the crypto space and Billy Markus is one of those who have come forward to express their displeasure. The Dogecoin founder responded to Gensler’s post, pointing out the fact that there have actually been no frameworks laid out for crypto firms to follow.

加密货币领域的投资者并没有轻视 Gensler 在采访中的言论,Billy Markus 是站出来表达不满的人之一。狗狗币创始人对 Gensler 的帖子做出了回应,指出实际上并没有制定可供加密公司遵循的框架。

Markus accused the SEC boss of not laying out “any actual rules” and instead just ‘hand waving.’ The Dogecoin founder further called Gensler useless, saying; “You’re basically useless in every single way.”

马库斯指责 SEC 老板没有制定“任何实际规则”,而只是“挥手”。这位狗狗币创始人进一步称 Gensler 毫无用处,他说; “你在各方面基本上都是无用的。”

Interestingly, the Dogecoin founder is not the only one who has taken issue with Gensler recently. Brad Garlinghouse, CEO of Ripple, a company that has been in a long-running battle with the SEC over alleged securities violations, also called out Gensler, calling him a hypocrite.

有趣的是,这位狗狗币创始人并不是最近唯一一个对 Gensler 提出异议的人。 Ripple公司的首席执行官布拉德·加林豪斯(Brad Garlinghouse)也批评Gensler,称他是伪君子。Ripple公司因涉嫌证券违规行为而与美国证券交易委员会(SEC)进行了长期斗争。

“Stunning hypocrisy from the person who cozied up to the biggest fraud in recent memory. Gensler is a political liability whose actions have decimated consumers and destroyed the integrity of the SEC while remaining buddy-buddy with Wall Street,” the Ripple CEO said.

“这个人对近期记忆中最大的欺诈行为抱有令人震惊的虚伪态度。 Gensler 是一个政治责任,他的行为大量减少了消费者并破坏了 SEC 的诚信,同时仍与华尔街保持着好朋友关系。”Ripple 首席执行官表示。


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