首页 > 资讯新闻 > 自从埃隆·马斯克发推文以来,这位狗狗币投资者就在等待 1 美元,现在正在购买 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Retik Finance (RETIK)

This Dogecoin Investor Who Is Waiting for $1 Since Elon Musk Tweet Is Now Buying Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Retik Finance (RETIK)

自从埃隆·马斯克发推文以来,这位狗狗币投资者就在等待 1 美元,现在正在购买 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Retik Finance (RETIK)

发布: 2024/01/11 19:02 阅读: 665



自从埃隆·马斯克发推文以来,这位狗狗币投资者就在等待 1 美元,现在正在购买 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Retik Finance (RETIK)

Recall 2021? The crypto market was buzzing with rocket emojis and diamond hands, with Dogecoin (DOGE) reigning supreme in the world of memes. Thanks to Elon Musk’s tweets and a passionate online community, DOGE skyrocketed from a modest value to an impressive 73 cents, turning Dogecoin dreams into reality for some. However, like all hype, the meme party had to come to an end. As the crypto winter set in, Dogecoin’s value slipped back to single digits. So, what’s a Doge fan to do when the promised moon landing feels more like a trip to the corner store? For many, the solution involves a strategic shift and the diversification of meme-fueled aspirations. This is where Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Retik Finance (RETIK) come into play—two emerging stars in the crypto space that are catching the attention of disappointed Dogecoin enthusiasts, especially the one waiting for Dogecoin (DOGE) to get to $1.

还记得2021年吗?加密货币市场充斥着火箭表情符号和钻石手,狗狗币(DOGE)在表情包世界中占据主导地位。感谢 Elon Musk 的推文和热情的在线社区,DOGE 从平淡的价值飙升至令人印象深刻的 73 美分,将狗狗币梦想变成了现实。然而,就像所有的炒作一样,模因派对必须结束。随着加密货币冬天的到来,狗狗币的价值回落至个位数。那么,当承诺的登月感觉更像是去街角商店旅行时,Doge 粉丝该怎么办呢?对于许多人来说,解决方案涉及战略转变和迷因推动的愿望的多样化。这就是 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Retik Finance (RETIK) 发挥作用的地方——加密货币领域的两个新兴明星吸引了失望的狗狗币爱好者的注意力,尤其是那些等待狗狗币 (DOGE) 升至 1 美元的投资者。

Dogecoin(DOGE): A Tale of Hype and Unfulfilled Promises


Dogecoin’s (DOGE) meteoric rise in 2021 was a textbook case of market madness. Its price lacked fundamental backing, instead relying on the fickle whims of social media and the endorsement of a tech billionaire with a penchant for dog-themed jokes. The community, strong and vocal, fueled the fire with memes, hype, and a contagious “to the moon!” spirit.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 在 2021 年的迅速崛起是市场疯狂的教科书案例。它的价格缺乏基本面的支持,而是依赖于社交媒体反复无常的突发奇想以及一位喜欢狗主题笑话的科技亿万富翁的认可。这个强大而发声的社区通过表情包、炒作和富有感染力的“登上月球!”助长了火势。精神。

But like any pyramid scheme built on speculation, DOGE’s house of cards eventually toppled. As the initial frenzy subsided and reality set in, the lack of real-world utility and the ever-inflating supply (unlike Retik Finance’s capped 1 billion) became glaring weaknesses. The price tumbled, leaving many early adopters holding the leash of a deflated dream.

但就像任何建立在投机基础上的传销一样,DOGE 的纸牌屋最终倒塌了。随着最初的狂热消退和现实的到来,现实世界实用性的缺乏和不断膨胀的供应(与 Retik Finance 的 10 亿上限不同)成为了明显的弱点。价格暴跌,让许多早期采用者陷入了破灭的梦想。

Shiba Inu (SHIB): A New Hope for Meme Coin Mania?

Shiba Inu (SHIB):Meme Coin 狂热的新希望?

SHIB, the self-proclaimed “Dogecoin killer,” emerged from the ashes of DOGE’s decline. Launched in 2020, SHIB rode the wave of meme coin popularity, boasting a larger and more engaged community than its predecessor. But unlike Dogecoin (DOGE), SHIB boasts a burn mechanism, permanently removing a portion of tokens from circulation, theoretically leading to price appreciation. However, even though the DOGE investor is currently buying Shiba Inu (SHIB), its reliance on the same hype-driven model as Dogecoin raises concerns. Its price, though experiencing some recent surges, remains highly volatile, susceptible to the whims of social media and influencer endorsements. While its community is passionate, it can also be prone to infighting and FOMO-fueled panic selling.

SHIB,自称为“狗狗币杀手”,是从 DOGE 衰落的废墟中崛起的。 SHIB 于 2020 年推出,顺应了模因币的流行浪潮,拥有比其前身更大、参与度更高的社区。但与狗狗币(DOGE)不同的是,SHIB 拥有销毁机制,将部分代币永久从流通中移除,理论上会导致价格升值。然而,尽管 DOGE 投资​​者目前正在购买柴犬 (SHIB),但其对与狗狗币相同的炒作驱动模型的依赖引发了担忧。尽管其价格最近经历了一些飙升,但仍然高度波动,容易受到社交媒体和影响者认可的突发奇想的影响。尽管其社区充满热情,但也很容易出现内讧和因 FOMO 而引发的恐慌性抛售。

This Dogecoin Investor Sees Retik Finance (RETIK) as the Best Token for Better Returns: Why?

这位狗狗币投资者将 Retik Finance (RETIK) 视为获得更好回报的最佳代币:为什么?

Frustrated by the unfulfilled promises of “to the moon” with little substance behind Dogecoin (DOGE), the cryptocurrency investor sees Retik Finance (RETIK) as the best token that provides a welcome departure from the meme coin echo chamber. Its foundation is built on real-world applications and a yield-generating DeFi platform, enabling users to generate passive income on their cryptocurrency holdings and real-life spending. This is not just about speculation and viral marketing; it is about real-world utility and tangible returns. Gone are the days of blindly following the whims of meme coin sovereigns. Retik Finance (RETIK) empowers its token holders with a unique governance structure. This means, as a RETIK investor, you’re not just along for the ride; you have a say in the project’s direction. You get to vote on proposals, influence development decisions, and be a part of shaping Retik Finance’s future. This stands in stark contrast to the centralized control of most meme coins, where the fate of your investment rests solely in the hands of a select few. The Dogecoin investor is likely to be interested in the project’s ongoing presale, which offers a price of just $0.07 in stage 5 before listing on two of the five largest exchanges in a few months. This is seen as a calculated risk and an opportunity to diversify his portfolio with a project that offers more than just empty promises. It’s a bet on the future of DeFi, a coin with a purpose, and the power of active community participation.

加密货币投资者对狗狗币 (DOGE) 背后几乎没有任何实质内容的“登月”承诺感到沮丧,认为 Retik Finance (RETIK) 是最好的代币,它提供了一个与迷因币回声室相背离的最佳代币。其基础建立在现实世界的应用程序和产生收益的 DeFi 平台上,使用户能够通过其持有的加密货币和现实生活支出产生被动收入。这不仅仅是投机和病毒式营销;它关乎现实世界的效用和有形的回报。盲目追随模因硬币主权者的奇思怪想的日子已经一去不复返了。 Retik Finance (RETIK) 为其代币持有者提供独特的治理结构。这意味着,作为 RETIK 投资者,您不只是随波逐流,而是随波逐流。您对项目的方向有发言权。您可以对提案进行投票,影响开发决策,并成为塑造 Retik Finance 未来的一部分。这与大多数模因币的集中控制形成鲜明对比,在大多数模因币中,您的投资命运仅掌握在少数人手中。狗狗币投资者可能对该项目正在进行的预售感兴趣,该项目在第五阶段的价格仅为 0.07 美元,几个月后将在五个最大交易所中的两个交易所上市。这被视为一种经过计算的风险,也是一个通过一个不仅仅提供空头承诺的项目来实现投资组合多元化的机会。这是对 DeFi 未来的赌注,这是一种有目的的货币,也是对社区积极参与的力量的赌注。



“Diamond hands” and “to the moon” are no longer the mantras of this Dogecoin (DOGE) investor. Though battered by the meme coin’s decline, he has abandoned the hype train and boarded the Retik Finance (RETIK) Express. Why? Because for this savvy investor, it is no longer about viral tweets and Shiba Inu (SHIB) memes. Instead, it is about utility, innovation, and the promise of real, sustainable returns.

“钻石手”和“登上月球”不再是这位狗狗币(DOGE)投资者的口头禅。尽管受到模因币下跌的打击,他还是放弃了炒作列车,登上了 Retik Finance (RETIK) Express。为什么?因为对于这位精明的投资者来说,它不再是病毒式推文和柴犬 (SHIB) 表情包。相反,它关乎效用、创新以及真正、可持续回报的承诺。

Visit the links below for more information about Retik Finance (RETIK):

请访问以下链接,了解有关 Retik Finance (RETIK) 的更多信息:


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