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SEC Approves Bitcoin ETFs: What’s Next for BTC and Crypto?

美国证券交易委员会批准比特币 ETF:比特币和加密货币的下一步是什么?

发布: 2024/01/11 17:34 阅读: 524



美国证券交易委员会批准比特币 ETF:比特币和加密货币的下一步是什么?

  • SEC approves first U.S. spot Bitcoin ETFs after a decade-long effort.
  • 经过十年的努力,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 批准了美国首只现货比特币 ETF。

  • Trading is set to begin with major exchanges and liquidity support.
  • 交易将从主要交易所和流动性支持开始。

In a landmark decision, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has given the green light to the country’s first regulated spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The approval, granted just a day after a false announcement briefly sent markets into disarray, marks the end of a challenging decade-long journey for proponents of spot Bitcoin ETFs.

美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 做出了一项具有里程碑意义的决定,为该国首个受监管的现货比特币交易所交易基金 (ETF) 开了绿灯。这一批准是在虚假公告短暂导致市场陷入混乱的一天后获得的,标志着现货比特币 ETF 支持者长达十年的充满挑战的旅程的结束。

On January 10, the SEC approved the 19b-4 applications from industry giants including ARK 21Shares, Invesco Galaxy, VanEck, WisdomTree, Fidelity, Valkyrie, BlackRock, Grayscale, Bitwise, Hashdex, and Franklin Templeton.

1 月 10 日,SEC 批准了 ARK 21Shares、Invesco Galaxy、VanEck、WisdomTree、Fidelity、Valkyrie、BlackRock、Grayscale、Bitwise、Hashdex 和 Franklin Templeton 等行业巨头的 19b-4 申请。

This crucial regulatory nod paves the way for the listing and trading of spot Bitcoin ETFs on major U.S. exchanges such as NYSE, Cboe Global Markets, and Nasdaq. Trading, eagerly anticipated by market participants, could commence as early as 4 a.m. ET, coincides with the opening of U.S. stock exchanges, with major trading firms poised to provide liquidity for these groundbreaking products.

这一重要的监管认可为现货比特币 ETF 在纽约证券交易所、芝加哥期权交易所全球市场和纳斯达克等美国主要交易所的上市和交易铺平了道路。市场参与者热切期待的交易最早可能在美国东部时间凌晨 4 点开始,与美国证券交易所开市时间一致,主要交易公司准备为这些突破性产品提供流动性。

First Day Of Bitcoin ETFs Approval

比特币 ETF 获批第一天

The approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs marks a significant milestone for the cryptocurrency market, with global implications. The journey to regulatory acceptance has been long, but with the SEC‘s green light, a new era in crypto investment has begun.

现货比特币 ETF 的批准标志着加密货币市场的一个重要里程碑,具有全球影响。获得监管认可的过程很漫长,但随着美国证券交易委员会的批准,加密货币投资的新时代已经开始。

The crypto community celebrated the historic approval of spot ETFs. There are tens of thousands of crypto users flooding platforms like X with celebratory messages under the trending hashtag #BitcoinETF.

加密货币社区庆祝现货 ETF 的历史性批准。数以万计的加密货币用户在 X 等平台上涌入了 #BitcoinETF 趋势标签下的庆祝信息。

Justin Sun, founder of Tron, expressed his views on this development, stating

Tron 创始人孙宇晨表达了他对这一发展的看法,他表示

The approval of Bitcoin ETF in the United States demonstrates that the trend of cryptocurrencies is unstoppable. Shortly, Asian and Chinese markets will also embrace this opportunity, and Bitcoin will eventually reach the world’s eight billion people.


With 11 spot Bitcoin ETFs now available, some having attracted billions of dollars in assets before launch, market participants eagerly anticipated the commencement of trading. Bitcoin’s spot market, futures markets, and futures ETFs are expected to contribute to the liquidity of spot ETFs on the first day.

目前已有 11 只现货比特币 ETF 上市,其中一些在推出前已吸引了数十亿美元的资产,市场参与者热切期待交易的开始。比特币现货市场、期货市场、期货ETF预计将在首日贡献现货ETF的流动性。

Amidst this, Bitcoin showcased a modest surge of 0.42%, trading at $46,128. Meanwhile, altcoins like Ethereum, Avalanche, and Dogecoin experienced exponential growth. However, the analysts predict that the upcoming days will see BTC hitting new all-time highs.

在此期间,比特币小幅上涨 0.42%,交易价格为 46,128 美元。与此同时,以太坊、雪崩和狗狗币等山寨币经历了指数级增长。然而,分析师预测,未来几天比特币将创下历史新高。


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