首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币诉讼被驳回:埃隆·马斯克获得清偿,狗狗币价格有望飙升?

Dogecoin Lawsuit Dismissed: Elon Musk Cleared, DOGE Price Surge Expected?


发布: 2024/09/01 22:46 阅读: 716

原文作者:Crypto News Flash



Dogecoin Proponent Elon Musk Wins Lawsuit, Boosting Price Expectations


Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and a prominent advocate for Dogecoin (DOGE), has emerged victorious in a significant lawsuit filed by aggrieved investors. This legal triumph carries profound implications for both Musk and the cryptocurrency community, raising questions about the future price trajectory of DOGE.

特斯拉首席执行官、狗狗币 (DOGE) 的著名倡导者埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 在受害投资者提起的一场重大诉讼中获胜。这一法律胜利对马斯克和加密货币社区都具有深远的影响,引发了人们对 DOGE 未来价格轨迹的质疑。

Musk Exonerated from Insider Trading Allegations


In a decisive victory, U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein dismissed charges against Musk, accusing him of defrauding investors through his promotion of Dogecoin trading. Specifically, Musk was alleged to have employed social media posts, a televised appearance, and other publicity tactics to artificially inflate DOGE's price. The lawsuit claimed that Musk leveraged Dogecoin wallets under his and Tesla's control to manipulate the market.

美国地区法官阿尔文·海勒斯坦 (Alvin Hellerstein) 取得了决定性的胜利,驳回了对马斯克的指控,指控他通过推广狗狗币交易来欺骗投资者。具体来说,马斯克被指控利用社交媒体帖子、电视露面和其他宣传策略人为抬高 DOGE 的价格。该诉讼称,马斯克利用他和特斯拉控制下的狗狗币钱包来操纵市场。

Judge Hellerstein dismissed the lawsuit, citing several reasons. He determined that Musk's statements regarding Dogecoin as the future currency of Earth or SpaceX's lunar ambitions were aspirational and not subject to falsification. Additionally, the judge ruled that no reasonable investor could possibly interpret Musk's posts as a basis for securities fraud claims.

海勒斯坦法官以几个理由驳回了诉讼。他认为,马斯克关于狗狗币作为地球未来货币或 SpaceX 登月雄心的声明是有抱负的,不能被伪造。此外,法官还裁定,任何理性的投资者都不可能将马斯克的帖子解读为证券欺诈指控的依据。

Positive Expectations for DOGE Price


Musk's legal victory has sparked a wave of optimism within the DOGE community. Experts anticipate a potential price surge in the cryptocurrency. At the time of writing, DOGE was trading at $0.1017, showing a modest 0.75% increase over 24 hours.

马斯克的法律胜利在 DOGE 社区内引发了一波乐观情绪。专家预计加密货币的价格可能会飙升。截至撰写本文时,DOGE 的交易价格为 0.1017 美元,24 小时内小幅上涨 0.75%。

Despite a decline in trading volume, market analysts believe that Musk's close association with Dogecoin will continue to drive bullish momentum. The dismissal of the lawsuit may also lend credibility to DOGE, potentially leading to increased adoption and a subsequent rise in price.

尽管交易量下降,但市场分析师认为,马斯克与狗狗币的密切联系将继续推动看涨势头。诉讼被驳回也可能会增加 DOGE 的可信度,从而有可能导致采用率的增加以及随后价格的上涨。



Elon Musk's victory in the Dogecoin lawsuit has created a positive outlook for the cryptocurrency. While market fluctuations may occur, the long-term prospects for DOGE appear promising, driven by Musk's support and the underlying value of blockchain technology.

埃隆·马斯克在狗狗币诉讼中的胜利为加密货币创造了积极的前景。尽管市场可能会出现波动,但在马斯克的支持和区块链技术的潜在价值的推动下,DOGE 的长期前景似乎充满希望。


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