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Crypto: Musk Clears Accusations Of Dogecoin Manipulation!


发布: 2024/09/01 22:45 阅读: 953




Elon Musk Prevails in Dogecoin Lawsuit


Elon Musk and his company, Tesla, have secured a significant legal victory against investors who accused them of manipulating the price of the cryptocurrency Dogecoin. Federal Judge Alvin Hellerstein dismissed the complaint, rejecting allegations that Musk and Tesla artificially inflated and then caused the collapse of Dogecoin's value.

埃隆·马斯克和他的公司特斯拉在针对指控他们操纵加密货币狗狗币价格的投资者方面取得了重大法律胜利。联邦法官阿尔文·海勒斯坦(Alvin Hellerstein)驳回了这一申诉,驳回了有关马斯克和特斯拉人为膨胀并导致狗狗币价值暴跌的指控。

Dismissal of Lawsuit, Major Implications


In a Thursday ruling, Judge Hellerstein ended months of legal proceedings by dismissing the class action lawsuit. The plaintiffs had claimed that Musk manipulated Dogecoin's price by 36,000% over two years through his tweets, Saturday Night Live appearance, and the temporary modification of Twitter's logo.

在周四的裁决中,海勒斯坦法官驳回了集体诉讼,结束了长达数月的法律诉讼。原告声称,马斯克在两年内通过他的推文、周六夜现场露面以及临时修改 Twitter 徽标,将狗狗币的价格操纵了 36,000%。

However, Judge Hellerstein dismissed these allegations as "aspirational and fanciful," stating that they lacked factual basis and were likely to be proven false. He also criticized the vagueness of the accusations of market manipulation and insider trading. This ruling, rendered with prejudice, prevents any future attempts to refile the case.


Musk and Dogecoin: A Scrutinized Relationship


The outcome of the lawsuit adds to the ongoing speculation about Musk's influence on the cryptocurrency market. Some analysts speculate that Musk may hold up to 20% of Dogecoin's total supply. This allegation, although unproven, highlights the potential impact that individuals like Musk can have on the crypto space.

该诉讼的结果加剧了人们对马斯克对加密货币市场影响力的猜测。一些分析师推测,马斯克可能持有狗狗币总供应量的 20%。这一指控虽然未经证实,但凸显了像马斯克这样的个人可能对加密货币领域产生的潜在影响。

While Dogecoin's price declined by 5.5% following the verdict, attention remains focused on Musk's future actions in the cryptocurrency industry. His legal victory may paradoxically increase scrutiny of his involvement in the crypto market.

尽管狗狗币的价格在判决后下跌了 5.5%,但人们的注意力仍然集中在马斯克未来在加密货币行业的行动上。自相矛盾的是,他的法律胜利可能会增加对他参与加密货币市场的审查。


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