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Dogecoin lead developer urges vigilance amidst security concerns


发布: 2023/11/07 09:59 阅读: 806




In a recent development, the prominent Dogecoin community leader and lead developer, known by the alias “Mishaboar,” has issued a crucial security advisory aimed at all Dogecoin holders. The developer raised concerns regarding a circulating email encouraging users to withdraw their funds from the “Dogechain dot info” website. While the email is indeed legitimate, the developer underscores the importance of caution in navigating the online space and protecting against potential phishing attempts.

在最近的一项进展中,著名的狗狗币社区领导者和首席开发人员(别名为“Mishaboar”)针对所有狗狗币持有者发布了一项重要的安全建议。开发商对一封鼓励用户从“Dogechain doge info”网站提取资金的流传电子邮件表示担忧。虽然该电子邮件确实合法,但开发人员强调了在在线空间中谨慎浏览并防范潜在网络钓鱼尝试的重要性。

The key takeaway from Mishaboar’s advisory is the necessity to exercise diligence in verifying website addresses when handling cryptocurrency assets. Rather than clicking on links within emails, users are strongly advised to type “dogechain dot info” directly into their web browsers. This seemingly simple step can be instrumental in safeguarding against phishing attempts, which can have severe consequences for unsuspecting cryptocurrency holders.

Mishaboar 的建议的主要要点是,在处理加密货币资产时,必须勤勉地验证网站地址。强烈建议用户直接在网络浏览器中输入“dogechain doge info”,而不是单击电子邮件中的链接。这个看似简单的步骤有助于防范网络钓鱼尝试,这可能会给毫无戒心的加密货币持有者带来严重后果。

The reason behind this precaution lies in the “.com” domain of Dogechain, which has been linked to scams and phishing activities. Mishaboar’s recommendation to manually input the website address is a pragmatic approach to ensure the authenticity of the platform and prevent potential security breaches.

这种预防措施背后的原因在于 Dogechain 的“.com”域,该域与诈骗和网络钓鱼活动有关。 Mishaboar 建议手动输入网站地址,这是一种务实的方法,可以确保平台的真实性并防止潜在的安全漏洞。

Dogecoin security guidance


Another concern raised in the Dogecoin community relates to issues with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). Many users have reported difficulties with their wallets due to lost 2FA authentication. In such cases, Mishaboar advises users to seek support from the website’s developers. These developers may request a legal document to disable 2FA authentication, provided that other login information is available. This measure aims to assist users who find themselves locked out of their accounts due to 2FA issues, offering a potential solution to regain access.

狗狗币社区提出的另一个问题与双因素身份验证(2FA)问题有关。许多用户报告称,由于 2FA 身份验证丢失,他们的钱包出现了问题。在这种情况下,Mishaboar 建议用户寻求网站开发人员的支持。如果其他登录信息可用,这些开发人员可能会要求提供法律文件来禁用 2FA 身份验证。该措施旨在帮助因 2FA 问题而被锁定帐户的用户,提供重新获得访问权限的潜在解决方案。

Mishaboar’s security recommendations extend beyond the specific issue of the email advisory. He strongly emphasizes the need to prioritize security when it comes to cryptocurrency storage. One of the fundamental precautions suggested is to avoid storing crypto in online wallets, whether encrypted or not. Online wallets, despite their convenience, are susceptible to hacking, potential developer misconduct, and website compromises, making them less secure options for long-term storage.

Mishaboar 的安全建议超出了电子邮件通报的具体问题。他强烈强调在加密货币存储方面需要优先考虑安全性。建议的基本预防措施之一是避免将加密货币存储在在线钱包中,无论是否加密。在线钱包尽管方便,但很容易受到黑客攻击、潜在的开发人员不当行为和网站妥协,这使得它们成为长期存储的不太安全的选择。

To bolster security, Mishaboar advocates the use of self-custodial wallets. These wallets empower users with control over their private keys, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or mismanagement by third parties. Furthermore, he highlights the importance of regularly backing up keys and storing seed phrases offline. This practice ensures that even in the event of hardware failures or unforeseen circumstances, users can recover their assets securely.

为了增强安全性,Mishaboar 提倡使用自我托管钱包。这些钱包使用户能够控制自己的私钥,从而降低第三方未经授权访问或管理不善的风险。此外,他还强调了定期备份密钥和离线存储助记词的重要性。这种做法确保即使在发生硬件故障或不可预见的情况下,用户也可以安全地恢复其资产。

For those who prefer the convenience of hot wallets, such as smartphone wallets, Mishaboar advises keeping only small amounts of cryptocurrency in these wallets. Hot wallets are connected to the internet, making them more vulnerable to potential security breaches. By limiting the exposure of their assets in hot wallets, users can mitigate risks associated with online storage.

对于那些喜欢热钱包(例如智能手机钱包)便利的人,Mishaboar 建议在这些钱包中仅保留少量加密货币。热钱包连接到互联网,使它们更容易遭受潜在的安全漏洞。通过限制热钱包中资产的暴露,用户可以降低与在线存储相关的风险。

Mishaboar extends his guidance to newcomers in the cryptocurrency space, particularly in their dealings with smart contracts, including Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Smart contracts are self-executing agreements with the terms of the contract directly written into code. While they offer exciting possibilities, they can also be complex and come with risks. Newcomers are encouraged to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with smart contracts or participating in NFT transactions to ensure a secure and informed experience.

Mishaboar 将他的指导扩展到加密货币领域的新手,特别是在处理智能合约方面,包括不可替代代币(NFT)。智能合约是自动执行的协议,合约条款直接写入代码中。虽然它们提供了令人兴奋的可能性,但它们也可能很复杂并且存在风险。我们鼓励新手在使用智能合约或参与 NFT 交易之前谨慎行事并进行彻底的研究,以确保安全和知情的体验。


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