首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币价格陷入困境:Whale 将 8500 万 DOGE 转移给 Robinhood

Dogecoin Price In Trouble: Whale Transfers 85 Million DOGE To Robinhood

狗狗币价格陷入困境:Whale 将 8500 万 DOGE 转移给 Robinhood

发布: 2023/12/21 15:54 阅读: 246



The Dogecoin price has been put in a perilous position once more after a DOGE whale made a massive transaction to an exchange. The transaction which was flagged by a DOGE community member has raised eyebrows in the space and could possibly be putting sell pressure on the altcoin.

在狗狗鲸鱼向交易所进行大规模交易后,狗狗币的价格再次陷入危险境地。一位 DOGE 社区成员标记的交易引起了业界的关注,并可能给山寨币带来抛售压力。

Dogecoin Whale Transfers Full Balance To Robinhood

狗狗币鲸鱼将全部余额转移给 Robinhood

On Tuesday, a single transaction carrying over $7 million worth of DOGE was noticed by a Dogecoin community member who posted the transaction on X (formerly Twitter). This transaction caught the attention of the community because it was carrying a little over 85 million DOGE.

周二,一名狗狗币社区成员注意到了一笔价值超过 700 万美元 DOGE 的交易,并在 X(以前称为 Twitter)上发布了该交易。这笔交易引起了社区的关注,因为它携带了略高于 8500 万个 DOGE。

At the time of the transaction, this tranche of coins was worth approximately $7.57 million, making it a large whale transaction. The destination of the transaction was even more concerning given that the coins were being sent to the Robinhood platform.

交易时,这批代币价值约为 757 万美元,堪称一笔巨额鲸鱼交易。考虑到这些代币被发送到 Robinhood 平台,交易的目的地就更令人担忧了。

Now, the reason that this transaction is important is the fact that crypto holders will usually send their coins to centralized exchanges such as Robinhood to sell their coins. This is because they can take advantage of the cheap fees, as well as the deep liquidity provided by these platforms, to enable them to sell such large transactions with ease.

现在,这笔交易之所以重要,是因为加密货币持有者通常会将他们的代币发送到 Robinhood 等中心化交易所来出售他们的代币。这是因为他们可以利用这些平台提供的廉价费用以及深度流动性,使他们能够轻松出售如此大的交易。

Furthermore, the X user noted an interesting thing about the sender’s address after the transaction. The whale no longer holds any Dogecoin on their account balance, which means they have sent all their coins to the exchange. This could signal that the whale is looking to completely exit their position as Dogecoin fails to launch.

此外,X 用户在交易后注意到发件人地址的一个有趣的事情。鲸鱼的账户余额中不再持有任何狗狗币,这意味着他们已将所有硬币发送到交易所。这可能表明,由于狗狗币未能推出,鲸鱼正在寻求完全退出其头寸。

What Happens To DOGE Price?

DOGE 价格会发生什么变化?

The DOGE price could be seeing some negative headwinds ahead especially if this whale is really selling their coins. With sell pressure already pushing down the price, selling such a large amount of Dogecoin would no doubt trigger a further decline.

DOGE 价格未来可能会遇到一些负面阻力,尤其是如果这只鲸鱼真的在出售他们的代币的话。由于抛售压力已经压低了价格,如此大量的抛售狗狗币无疑会引发进一步的下跌。

This sell pressure is already evident in the meme coin’s price which has fallen drastically over the past week. In the last day alone, DOGE’s price is down 3.28%, deviating from the Bitcoin trend that has seen the pioneer cryptocurrency recover from yesterday’s lows.

这种抛售压力已经在模因币的价格中体现出来,该币的价格在过去一周大幅下跌。仅在最后一天,DOGE 的价格就下跌了 3.28%,偏离了比特币的趋势,这种先锋加密货币从昨天的低点反弹。

However, there could be a change in this sell pressure soon as bids for the meme coin start to ramp up. According to data from IntoTheBlock, bids are starting to overtake asks again, meaning that buyers are coming back to the market. If this continues, then Dogecoin could look to reclaim $0.1 once again.

然而,随着模因币的出价开始上升,这种抛售压力可能会发生变化。根据 IntoTheBlock 的数据,出价开始再次超过要价,这意味着买家正在重返市场。如果这种情况继续下去,那么狗狗币可能会再次收回 0.1 美元。

At the time of writing, Dogecoin is trading at $0.08994, with a 2.37% decline on the weekly chart. Its market cap is sitting at $12.79 billion, making it the 10th-largest cryptocurrency in the space behind Avalanche (AVAX).

截至撰写本文时,狗狗币的交易价格为 0.08994 美元,周线图下跌 2.37%。其市值为 127.9 亿美元,使其成为仅次于 Avalanche (AVAX) 的第十大加密货币。


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