フロントページ > 情報ニュース > ドージコインの価格が苦境:ホエールが8,500万ドージをロビンフッドに送金

Dogecoin Price In Trouble: Whale Transfers 85 Million DOGE To Robinhood


リリース: 2023/12/21 15:54 読む: 246



The Dogecoin price has been put in a perilous position once more after a DOGE whale made a massive transaction to an exchange. The transaction which was flagged by a DOGE community member has raised eyebrows in the space and could possibly be putting sell pressure on the altcoin.

ドージクジラが取引所に大規模な取引を行ったことで、ドージコインの価格は再び危険な立場に置かれた。 DOGEコミュニティメンバーによって報告されたこの取引は業界内で眉をひそめており、アルトコインに売り圧力をかけている可能性がある。

Dogecoin Whale Transfers Full Balance To Robinhood


On Tuesday, a single transaction carrying over $7 million worth of DOGE was noticed by a Dogecoin community member who posted the transaction on X (formerly Twitter). This transaction caught the attention of the community because it was carrying a little over 85 million DOGE.

火曜日、700万ドル相当のDOGEを運ぶ単一のトランザクションが、X(旧Twitter)にトランザクションを投稿したDogecoinコミュニティのメンバーによって注目されました。この取引は 8,500 万 DOGE を少し超える額だったため、コミュニティの注目を集めました。

At the time of the transaction, this tranche of coins was worth approximately $7.57 million, making it a large whale transaction. The destination of the transaction was even more concerning given that the coins were being sent to the Robinhood platform.


Now, the reason that this transaction is important is the fact that crypto holders will usually send their coins to centralized exchanges such as Robinhood to sell their coins. This is because they can take advantage of the cheap fees, as well as the deep liquidity provided by these platforms, to enable them to sell such large transactions with ease.


Furthermore, the X user noted an interesting thing about the sender’s address after the transaction. The whale no longer holds any Dogecoin on their account balance, which means they have sent all their coins to the exchange. This could signal that the whale is looking to completely exit their position as Dogecoin fails to launch.

さらに、X ユーザーはトランザクション後に送信者のアドレスについて興味深いことに気づきました。クジラはアカウント残高にドージコインをもう保有していません。これは、すべてのコインを取引所に送ったことを意味します。これは、ドージコインが打ち上げに失敗したため、クジラがその位置から完全に抜け出そうとしていることを示している可能性があります。

What Happens To DOGE Price?


The DOGE price could be seeing some negative headwinds ahead especially if this whale is really selling their coins. With sell pressure already pushing down the price, selling such a large amount of Dogecoin would no doubt trigger a further decline.


This sell pressure is already evident in the meme coin’s price which has fallen drastically over the past week. In the last day alone, DOGE’s price is down 3.28%, deviating from the Bitcoin trend that has seen the pioneer cryptocurrency recover from yesterday’s lows.

この売り圧力は、過去 1 週間で大幅に下落したミームコインの価格にすでに明らかです。最終日だけでDOGEの価格は3.28%下落し、先駆的な仮想通貨であるDOGEが昨日の安値から回復したビットコインのトレンドから逸脱している。

However, there could be a change in this sell pressure soon as bids for the meme coin start to ramp up. According to data from IntoTheBlock, bids are starting to overtake asks again, meaning that buyers are coming back to the market. If this continues, then Dogecoin could look to reclaim $0.1 once again.

ただし、ミームコインの入札が増加し始めると、すぐにこの売り圧力に変化が生じる可能性があります。 IntoTheBlockのデータによると、買値が再び売値を上回り始めており、買い手が市場に戻ってきていることを意味している。この状況が続けば、ドージコインは再び0.1ドルを取り戻そうとする可能性がある。

At the time of writing, Dogecoin is trading at $0.08994, with a 2.37% decline on the weekly chart. Its market cap is sitting at $12.79 billion, making it the 10th-largest cryptocurrency in the space behind Avalanche (AVAX).



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