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Dogecoin Retail Buyers Are Outbidding DOGE Sellers On The Open Market


发布: 2023/12/13 10:10 阅读: 998



Dogecoin is still gaining traction among retail investors despite not rallying as hard as some other altcoins in the crypto market. These retail investors have been placing large buy orders on the open market which has managed to drown out the sell pressure of the last few days.


Dogecoin Buy Orders Outpace Sell Orders


In an interesting twist of events, Dogecoin buyers are becoming the dominant players in the meme coin. This turn in dominance is proven by the order book data across top exchanges which show a very large buy wall compared to that of sellers.


IntoTheBlock shows on its Exchange-Onchain Market Depth page that the Dogecoin bidders are way more than the askers. The figures for this are currently sellers with orders amounting to 318.8 million DOGE at an average asking price of $0.095544.

IntoTheBlock 在其 Exchange-Onchain 市场深度页面上显示,狗狗币的竞标者远多于询问者。目前卖家的订单量为 3.188 亿 DOGE,平均要价为 0.095544 美元。

In contrast, the buy orders surmount the sellers with 444.28 million DOGE in open buy orders at an average price of $09.95508. This means there is demand for Dogecoin up to the tune of 125.48 million DOGE in the open market currently.

相比之下,买单数量超过了卖家,未平仓买单数量为 4.4428 亿 DOGE,平均价格为 09.95508 美元。这意味着目前公开市场上对狗狗币的需求高达 1.2548 亿 DOGE。

This is a significant increase from the previous day’s figures where buyers outpaced sellers by just 61 million DOGE. This goes to show that demand for Dogecoin is still very high and a single catalyst could set it off towards new 2023 highs.

这比前一天的数字显着增加,前一天买家多于卖家仅 6100 万 DOGE。这表明对狗狗币的需求仍然非常高,只需一个催化剂就可以将其推向 2023 年新高。

DOGE Whales Coming Out To Play


Retail investors are not the only ones looking to take advantage of a potential price recovery for Dogecoin. IntoTheBlock’s large transaction data also points to large DOGE whales starting to rouse from their slumber and joining the party.

散户投资者并不是唯一希望利用狗狗币潜在价格回升的投资者。 IntoTheBlock 的大量交易数据也表明,大型 DOGE 鲸鱼开始从沉睡中醒来,加入了这个队伍。

Between Sunday, December 10, and Monday, December 11, there was an uptick in the number of large transactions being carried out on the network. These large transactions are those carrying at least $100,000 and above. In this timeframe, the total number of large transactions sent was from 1,460 to 1,780, translating to a 20% increase in large transactions. This increase in large transactions saw the large transaction volume go from $1.35 billion to $1.62 billion.

从 12 月 10 日星期日到 12 月 11 日星期一,网络上进行的大额交易数量有所增加。这些大额交易是指金额至少为 100,000 美元及以上的交易。在此时间范围内,发送的大额交易总数从 1,460 笔增加到 1,780 笔,这意味着大额交易增加了 20%。大额交易的增加导致大额交易额从 13.5 亿美元增加到 16.2 亿美元。

This rise in retail buy bids in addition to the rising volume of large transactions paints a very bullish picture for the Dogecoin price. If historical performance holders, then DOGE could be seeing a delayed rally which could see its price finally cross $0.15.

除了大宗交易量的增加之外,零售买盘的上涨也为狗狗币的价格描绘了一幅非常乐观的景象。如果历史表现保持不变,那么 DOGE 可能会看到延迟的反弹,其价格可能最终突破 0.15 美元。

For now, the meme coin is still facing hefty resistance at $0.1 where there have been large sell-offs and multiple rejections. However, if DOGE is able to surmount this level and turn it into support, the bulls will regain total control.

目前,meme 币仍面临 0.1 美元的巨大阻力,此前曾出现大规模抛售和多次拒绝。然而,如果DOGE能够突破这一水平并将其转化为支撑,多头将重新获得完全控制权。


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