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Dogecoin Turns 10: A Rundown Of The History Behind The Largest Meme Coin

狗狗币十岁了:最大的 Meme 硬币背后的历史概要

发布: 2023/12/07 06:28 阅读: 812



The foremost meme coin, Dogecoin (DOGE), turns 10 today, with the crypto token first being introduced on December 6, 2013. Ten years on, what was first created as a “joke” has gone on to become one of the largest cryptocurrencies with a large community to boot. 

最重要的模因货币狗狗币(DOGE)今天已满 10 岁了,该加密代币于 2013 年 12 月 6 日首次推出。十年过去了,最初作为“笑话”创建的货币已成为最大的加密货币之一有一个庞大的社区可供启动。

How Dogecoin Came To Be


Engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer created Dogecoin, and interestingly, the duo is said to have created the meme coin as a parody of Bitcoin. It was created at a time when cryptocurrencies were just garnering hype and was done as a way to satirize them. That would explain why the Japanese Shiba Inu dog was chosen as the meme coin’s logo.

工程师比利·马库斯(Billy Markus)和杰克逊·帕尔默(Jackson Palmer)创造了狗狗币,有趣的是,据说这两人创造了这种模仿比特币的模因币。它是在加密货币刚刚受到炒作的时候创建的,目的是为了讽刺它们。这可以解释为什么日本柴犬被选为模因硬币的标志。

Upon creation, Dogecoin began to gain some ground in the world of cryptocurrencies as it was seen as the fun and less serious crypto token. Many might argue that that remains DOGE’s standout feature to date. It is a token that has continued to thrive despite not necessarily having a roadmap or actual utility. Rather, it has simply relied on vibes and its light-hearted community

狗狗币一经创建,就开始在加密货币世界中占据一席之地,因为它被视为有趣且不那么严肃的加密代币。许多人可能会说,这仍然是 DOGE 迄今为止最突出的功能。尽管不一定有路线图或实际效用,但它仍然是一种持续蓬勃发展的代币。相反,它只是依赖于氛围和轻松的社区。

Aside from being created as a parody of Bitcoin, Dogecoin and the foremost cryptocurrency also share a bond. Dogecoin happens to be a fork of Litecoin, which in turn is a hard fork of Bitcoin. The relationship between Dogecoin and Litecoin is also not pronounced, but the former is said to have merged-mined with the latter back in 2014. 

除了作为比特币的模仿而创建之外,狗狗币和最重要的加密货币也有共同的纽带。狗狗币恰好是莱特币的一个分叉,而莱特币又是比特币的硬分叉。狗狗币和莱特币之间的关系也不明显,但据说前者早在 2014 年就与后者合并开采了。

Dogecoin’s community was one of its pillars from the get-go from the onset. They were partly responsible for building its popularity and increasing its utility at its early stages. In 2014, the community raised close to 27 million DOGE to send the Jamaican bobsled team to the Sochi Winter Olympics. They also raised 40 million DOGE in that same year for a community project in Kenya. 

狗狗币社区从一开始就是其支柱之一。他们对它的普及和早期阶段实用性的提高负有部分责任。 2014年,社区筹集了近2700万DOGE,用于送牙买加雪橇队参加索契冬奥会。同年,他们还为肯尼亚的一个社区项目筹集了 4000 万 DOGE。

Meanwhile, the meme coin’s popularity on Reddit earned it one of its earliest use cases as it was (and is still) used for tipping users on the site. 

与此同时,模因币在 Reddit 上的流行使其成为最早的用例之一,因为它曾经(并且仍然)用于给网站上的用户打赏。

Dogecoin’s Meteoric Rise


The world’s richest man, Elon Musk, has undoubtedly been integral to DOGE’s rise to the top. The first time he publicly commented about the meme coin was in 2019 when he said, “Dogecoin might be my fav cryptocurrency. It’s pretty cool.” 

世界首富埃隆·马斯克无疑对 DOGE 的崛起起到了不可或缺的作用。他第一次公开评论模因币是在 2019 年,当时他说:“狗狗币可能是我最喜欢的加密货币。它太酷了。”

Since then, Musk has gone on to make several cryptic comments about the meme coin which has in no small way contributed to its popularity. Beyond his fondness for Dogecoin, Musk is also reportedly invested in the meme coin’s development. 


DOGE’s breakout year came in 2021 when the meme coin surged by over 26,000% to hit an all-time high of $0.7376. This meteoric rise could be partly attributed to the wider acceptance DOGE began to enjoy. For instance, NBA team Dallas Mavericks began accepting the meme coin as a payment option. 

DOGE 的突破年出现在 2021 年,当时这款 Meme 代币飙升了 26,000% 以上,创下 0.7376 美元的历史新高。这种迅速崛起的部分原因可能是 DOGE 开始受到更广泛的认可。例如,NBA 球队达拉斯小牛队开始接受模因币作为支付选项。

Related Reading: Crypto Analyst Sheds Light On When The XRP Price Will Reach $10,000

相关阅读:加密货币分析师揭示 XRP 价格何时达到 10,000 美元

Musk’s biggest support for Dogecoin also came that year when he appeared as the host of “Saturday Night Live,” where he discussed the meme coin several times. At one point, while explaining what Dogecoin was, he called it the “future of currency.” 


All this while, Dogecoin made its way to the top, breaking into the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap. The meme coin currently leads the way among other meme coins and happens to be the second-largest PoW (proof-of-work) token by market cap (just behind Bitcoin).

一直以来,狗狗币都在一路登顶,跻身市值前 10 名的加密货币之列。目前,模因币在其他模因币中处于领先地位,并且恰好是按市值计算的第二大 PoW(工作量证明)代币(仅次于比特币)。

At the time of writing, DOGE is trading at $0.10 (on its 10th birthday), up by over 15% in the last 24 hours, according to data from CoinMarketCap. 

根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,截至撰写本文时,DOGE 的交易价格为 0.10 美元(10 岁生日),在过去 24 小时内上涨了 15% 以上。


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