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Dogecoin vs. Shiba Inu: The Battle of Meme Coins


发布: 2024/01/14 07:01 阅读: 525



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您还可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上阅读此新闻:Dogecoin vs. Shiba Inu:Meme Coins 之战

Meme coins have always excited their investors with the hype surrounding them since the day they emerged. These coins drag their investors through various moods and emotional states. While all this is happening, eyes turn to Dogecoin (DOGE), the top of the meme coin hierarchy, and its closest follower, Shiba Inu (SHIB). Last year was not very successful for these two altcoins, so let’s take a look at how the competition between them unfolded.

自出现之日起,Meme 币就一直因其周围的炒作而令投资者兴奋不已。这些代币让投资者经历各种情绪和情绪状态。当这一切发生时,人们的目光转向了狗狗币(DOGE),它是模因币层次结构的顶端,以及它最接近的追随者,柴犬(SHIB)。去年这两种山寨币的表现并不是很成功,所以让我们来看看它们之间的竞争是如何展开的。



When it comes to market value ranking, Dogecoin still leads the list of meme coins. Despite the crypto market surge last year, 2023 did not seem to be a good year for DOGE. The growth it experienced was called a complete disappointment among investors.

在市值排名方面,狗狗币仍然领先于模因币排行榜。尽管去年加密货币市场激增,但 2023 年对于 DOGE 来说似乎并不是好年头。它所经历的增长被投资者称为彻底失望。

According to CoinMarketCap data, the first dog-themed meme coin was only able to show a gain of 1.06% over the past year, shocking its investors. On the other hand, Shiba Inu (SHIB), inspired by DOGE and its biggest competitor, managed a modest but slightly better rise of 3.62%.

根据CoinMarketCap的数据,第一只以狗为主题的meme币在过去一年中仅上涨了1.06%,令投资者感到震惊。另一方面,柴犬 (SHIB) 受到 DOGE 及其最大竞争对手的启发,小幅上涨 3.62%,但略好一些。

Moreover, the price directions of the two meme coins were clearly showing the recent difference. While DOGE experienced a 12.45% loss in value over the past month, SHIB pleased its investors with a 4% growth during the same period.

此外,两种米姆币的价格方向清楚地显示了近期的差异。虽然 DOGE 在过去一个月的价值下跌了 12.45%,但 SHIB 同期却实现了 4% 的增长,令投资者感到满意。

Is SHIB Taking Over Doge’s Place?

SHIB 会取代 Doge 的位置吗?

While all this was happening, things were also looking negative for DOGE in terms of trading activity, with a decreasing demand reflected in the charts. According to data provided by Santiment, DOGE’s daily USD volume saw a 39% decrease compared to the previous month. Meanwhile, its rival SHIB was ahead, with its transaction value in USD increasing by 2% over a one-month period.

尽管发生了这一切,但 DOGE 的交易活动也出现了负面影响,图表中反映出需求下降。根据 Santiment 提供的数据,DOGE 每日美元交易量较上月下降 39%。与此同时,其竞争对手SHIB领先,其美元交易额在一个月内增长了2%。

The analysis of on-chain activities also revealed a similar trend. In the first 14 days of 2024, there was a noticeable decrease in DOGE’s daily transaction count, by 68%. On the other hand, if we talk about Shiba Inu, there was an 8% increase in transactions within its ecosystem.

对链上活动的分析也揭示了类似的趋势。 2024 年前 14 天,DOGE 的每日交易量明显减少了 68%。另一方面,如果我们谈论柴犬,其生态系统内的交易量增加了 8%。

The Relationship Between Elon Musk and Dogecoin


Since the day its name began to be mentioned, DOGE and Elon Musk have always had a clear connection. Musk’s moves have always had direct and indirect effects on DOGE.

自从它的名字开始被提及的那一天起,DOGE 和埃隆·马斯克就一直有着明显的联系。马斯克的举动一直对DOGE产生直接和间接的影响。

Unlike the relationship between Elon Musk and DOGE, Shiba Inu and even other meme coins like Bonk (SAGA Phone) have always been striving for real-world use cases and how to move forward. This situation causes DOGE to operate within a limited structure.

与埃隆·马斯克和 DOGE 之间的关系不同,Shiba Inu 甚至像 Bonk(SAGA Phone)这样的其他模因币一直在努力争取现实世界的用例以及如何前进。这种情况导致 DOGE 在有限的结构内运作。

Elon Musk had a significant impact on prices with his tweets during the past bull market, but he could not demonstrate the same power during the bear market, leading to a clear separation between the DOGE and Musk effect.

埃隆·马斯克在过去的牛市中通过他的推文对价格产生了重大影响,但他在熊市中却无法表现出同样的力量,导致 DOGE 效应和马斯克效应明显分离。

Due to its low performance in the crypto market, there has also been a weakening in the speculation-driven movements affecting DOGE. According to data from Coinglass, there is a noticeable difference in the number of investors taking short positions in DOGE compared to those taking long positions.

由于其在加密市场的低表现,影响 DOGE 的投机驱动运动也有所减弱。根据Coinglass的数据,持有DOGE空头头寸的投资者数量与持有多头头寸的投资者数量存在明显差异。

If we examine the same situation for SHIB, currently 64% of the open positions are long, once again demonstrating investors’ confidence in its rise.


The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Dogecoin vs. Shiba Inu: The Battle of Meme Coins

该帖子首次出现在 COINTURK 新闻:狗狗币 vs. 柴犬:Meme 币之战


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