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Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Prices Pump While New Meme Coin Hits 1.6 Million

狗狗币和柴犬价格飙升,新 Meme 币突破 160 万枚

发布: 2023/11/18 18:27 阅读: 398



The cryptocurrency market has been in recovery mode throughout 2023 and has finally resulted in significant gains since late October. The fourth quarter is traditionally the time of the year when crypto markets explode. With Bitcoin’s halving event just around the corner, investors are looking for the next high-return potential platform to invest in.


Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are the leading investment options in meme coin markets, but they may not be the choice that offers the highest return potential. A new platform, Meme Kombat, has hit a $1.6 million milestone in presale, showing massive growth potential. So, let’s see what’s happening with the meme coin markets and why you won’t like to miss investing in emerging platforms like Meme Kombat.

狗狗币和柴犬是模因币市场的领先投资选择,但它们可能不是提供最高回报潜力的选择。新平台 Meme Kombat 的预售金额已达到 160 万美元的里程碑,显示出巨大的增长潜力。那么,让我们看看 Meme 币市场正在发生什么,以及为什么您不想错过像 Meme Kombat 这样的新兴平台的投资。

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Dogecoin Showing Bullish Indicators


Meme coin markets have evolved exceptionally quickly in the past few weeks. The leading token – DOGE, has gained over 33.42% in the past two weeks, showing strong bullish signs and increased potential for future growth. The price of DOGE tokens has been rising steadily, surpassing the first support point of $0.07174 faster than expected. Moreover, it plowed right through the 10-day moving average of $0.07166, and considering that it held its ground, it kept growing to $0.07729, increasing gains for all token holders.

过去几周,模因币市场发展异常迅速。领先的代币 DOGE 在过去两周内上涨了 33.42% 以上,显示出强烈的看涨迹象和未来增长潜力的增加。 DOGE代币的价格一直在稳步上涨,以比预期更快的速度突破第一个支撑点0.07174美元。此外,它直接突破了 0.07166 美元的 10 日移动平均线,考虑到它坚守阵地,它继续上涨至 0.07729 美元,增加了所有代币持有者的收益。

The platform has a stable market cap of around $11 billion, but the daily trade volume is dropping, which could signal a bearish phase. However, as rumors that the social network X (formerly Twitter) will be accepting DOGE tokens as payment soon spreads, the token is likely to keep growing in late 2023 and early 2024. That said, Dogecoin won’t become the next $1 meme coin soon, but it could keep rising to $0.1 in the next few months.

该平台的稳定市值约为 110 亿美元,但每日交易量正在下降,这可能预示着看跌阶段。然而,随着社交网络 X(以前的 Twitter)将很快接受 DOGE 代币付款的传言传出,该代币可能会在 2023 年底和 2024 年初继续增长。也就是说,狗狗币不会成为下一个 1 美元的模因币很快,但未来几个月可能会继续升至 0.1 美元。

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Shiba Inu Looking More Uncertain That Dogecoin


Like Dogecoin, Shiba Inu has been in a slow but steady price increase phase in the past three weeks. The world’s 2nd largest crypto by market cap has been showing signs of a bullish phase, but the gains are not as impressive as everyone expected. Moreover, SHIB tokens have been losing their spot among the top 20 cryptos on the market, barely holding onto the 19th place with a $5.2 billion market cap. The crypto did gain over 30% in the past month, but the daily trade dropped by 42.6%, while the market cap shrank by almost 2%.

与狗狗币一样,柴犬在过去三周内一直处于缓慢但稳定的价格上涨阶段。按市值计算,全球第二大加密货币一直显示出看涨阶段的迹象,但涨幅并不像所有人预期的那么令人印象深刻。此外,SHIB 代币在市场前 20 名加密货币中的地位一直在下降,勉强以 52 亿美元的市值保住第 19 位。加密货币在过去一个月确实上涨了 30% 以上,但日交易量下降了 42.6%,而市值则缩水了近 2%。

Therefore, the indicators surrounding SHIB tokens are not as clear as they are for DOGE. Shiba Inu token holders were (and still are) hoping that the release of Shibarium, Shiba Inu’s metaverse project, will result in significant gains soon. However, due to Shibarium’s underwhelming performance, SHIB tokens will likely land at the $0.00009782 price level in the next week or two. That could happen only if the token breaks through the strongest resistance point at $0.000009, which could result in an increase to $0.0000113. SHIB holders are holding on to their tokens, waiting for a miracle, but if the token enters a downtrend, a massive sell-off could occur, resulting in a bearish phase.

因此,围绕SHIB代币的指标并不像DOGE那样清晰。 Shiba Inu 代币持有者曾经(并且仍然)希望 Shiba Inu 的元宇宙项目 Shibarium 的发布将很快带来重大收益。然而,由于 Shibarium 的表现不佳,SHIB 代币可能会在未来一两周内跌至 0.00009782 美元的价格水平。只有当代币突破 0.000009 美元的最强阻力点时,这种情况才会发生,这可能导致价格上涨至 0.0000113 美元。 SHIB持有者正在持有他们的代币,等待奇迹出现,但如果代币进入下跌趋势,可能会发生大规模抛售,从而导致看跌阶段。

Emerging Meme Coin That Raised Over $1.6 Million In Presale

新兴 Meme 代币预售筹集超过 160 万美元

While DOGE and SHIB are gaining ground in the meme coin markets as the industry leaders, an emerging platform called Meme Kombat raised over $1.6 million in a matter of weeks. It’s a unique meme coin built around AI-powered arena battles, and it’s likely the next token in the niche to result in 10x gains or higher. The meme-inspired gaming token offers excellent tokenomics, multiple reward systems, and high APY, so it’s easy to understand why so many investors are excited about its release.

虽然 DOGE 和 SHIB 作为行业领导者在 Meme 币市场上取得了进展,但一个名为 Meme Kombat 的新兴平台在几周内筹集了超过 160 万美元。这是一种围绕人工智能驱动的竞技场战斗构建的独特模因硬币,它很可能是利基市场中下一个带来 10 倍或更高收益的代币。这款受模因启发的游戏代币提供了出色的代币经济学、多种奖励系统和高年化收益,因此很容易理解为什么如此多的投资者对其发布感到兴奋。

Meme Kombat Overview

Meme 快打概述

Meme Kombat is a new meme coin platform with a unique battle arena. Namely, it allows users to select some of their favorite online meme characters and fight them against other players in the arena. The platform combines elements of three growing industries, gaming, cryptocurrencies, and online casinos, into an exciting experience with high rewards.

Meme Kombat 是一个新的 Meme 硬币平台,拥有独特的战斗竞技场。也就是说,它允许用户选择一些他们最喜欢的在线模因角色,并让他们在竞技场中与其他玩家对战。该平台将游戏、加密货币和在线赌场这三个不断发展的行业的元素结合起来,打造出令人兴奋的高回报体验。

At launch, players can choose one of 11 starting meme characters and put them against each other in AI-driven arena fights. These characters include Pepe the Frog, Doge, Patrickstar, and others. You can also stake your $MK tokens to earn high APY, currently over 820%.

游戏发售时,玩家可以从 11 个起始 Meme 角色中选择一个,让他们在 AI 驱动的竞技场战斗中相互对抗。这些角色包括青蛙佩佩、总督、帕特里克明星等。您还可以质押您的 $MK 代币来赚取高 APY,目前超过 820%。

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Meme Kombat’s tokenomics are designed according to the best industry practices, ensuring excellent liquidity and long-term rewards. Of the 12 million $MK tokens, 6 million are available during the ongoing presale event. Another 30% is reserved for staking and battle rewards, 10% will be used for DEX liquidity, and another 10% will be given out through community rewards.

Meme Kombat 的代币经济是根据最佳行业实践设计的,确保了出色的流动性和长期回报。在 1200 万个 $MK 代币中,有 600 万个在正在进行的预售活动期间可用。另外30%保留用于质押和战斗奖励,10%用于DEX流动性,另外10%将通过社区奖励发放。

Presale Event With Token-Staking Features


The official $MK token event launched in late October, raising over $1.6 million in just a few weeks. The token’s price will keep increasing every seven days during the presale, so the sooner you invest, the higher the returns you will get in the future. The event has attracted thousands of investors, and over 1300 have staked their tokens immediately. The current APY for staking $MK tokens is 821%, but the percentage decreases as the number of stakers increases.

官方 $MK 代币活动于 10 月底启动,短短几周内筹集了超过 160 万美元。预售期间,代币价格每7天上涨一次,越早投资,未来获得的回报就越高。该活动吸引了数千名投资者,超过 1300 人立即质押了他们的代币。当前质押 $MK 代币的 APY 为 821%,但该百分比随着质押者数量的增加而下降。

Meme Kombat is gearing up for some of the highest gains in the meme coin markets we’ve seen in months, and with enough backing, it could become the biggest gainer in the niche. Early investors will likely get much higher returns than they would with DOGE and SHIB, so don’t miss your chance to jump on the $MK train early.

Meme Kombat 正在为我们几个月来看到的 Meme 币市场的最高涨幅做准备,如果有足够的支持,它可能会成为利基市场中最大的赢家。早期投资者可能会获得比 DOGE 和 SHIB 高得多的回报,所以不要错过尽早搭乘 $MK 列车的机会。

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Wrapping Up


The latest numbers show that both DOGE and SHIB are in a bullish phase, but Dogecoin is showing stronger signs of future growth. However, both tokens are slowing down, and even if they hit the most optimistic gains, you are looking at a maximum of 10% in returns.

最新数据显示,DOGE 和 SHIB 都处于看涨阶段,但狗狗币显示出更强劲的未来增长迹象。然而,这两种代币都在放缓,即使它们达到了最乐观的涨幅,你最多只能看到 10% 的回报。

Investing in emerging cryptocurrencies such as Meme Kombat is always a better option, as you can buy $MK tokens at the lowest price possible, allowing you to get the highest returns once the platform goes live. So, take a chance, invest in Meme Kombat early, and watch your investment skyrocket as soon as $MK reaches the first DEX listings in Q1 of 2024.

投资 Meme Kombat 等新兴加密货币始终是一个更好的选择,因为您可以以尽可能最低的价格购买 $MK 代币,让您在平台上线后获得最高回报。因此,抓住机会,尽早投资 Meme Kombat,一旦 $MK 在 2024 年第一季度首次在 DEX 上市,您的投资就会飙升。

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