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The 5 Meme Coins Catching the Attention of Smart Investors

吸引聪明投资者注意的 5 种 Meme 代币

发布: 2023/11/18 18:59 阅读: 758

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post The 5 Meme Coins Catching the Attention of Smart Investors appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

吸引聪明投资者注意的 5 种 Meme 币的帖子首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

Historically, meme coins have been among the best cryptocurrencies to invest in during bull markets. In 2021, the likes of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu outperformed the broader crypto market.

从历史上看,模因币一直是牛市期间最适合投资的加密货币之一。 2021 年,狗狗币和柴犬等加密货币的表现优于更广泛的加密货币市场。

Analysts have agreed on the beginning of a new bull market. As a result, many investors have turned again to meme coins. In this article, we will find out why Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Floki, Bonk, and Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) have caught the attention of smart investors.

分析师一致认为新一轮牛市的开始。结果,许多投资者再次转向模因币。在本文中,我们将了解为什么狗狗币、柴犬币、Floki、Bonk 和 Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 引起了聪明投资者的关注。


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Dogecoin ($DOGE) Could See a Massive Breakout 


In previous bull markets, Dogecoin experienced remarkable price surges. And, as the leading meme coin, it is bound to experience a major rally in the new bull market. Although the price of Dogecoin has struggled so far in 2023, top analyst, Ali Martinez, has projected a potential outbreak for the meme coin.

在之前的牛市中,狗狗币经历了显着的价格飙升。而且,作为领先的模因币,它必然会在新的牛市中经历大幅上涨。尽管狗狗币的价格在 2023 年迄今为止一直举步维艰,但顶级分析师阿里·马丁内斯 (Ali Martinez) 预计,这种模因币可能会爆发。

Already, $DOGE is seeing increased whale activity as reported by Santinent. This shows that smart investors expect a major price surge from Dogecoin. If $DOGE breaks above the $0.0786 resistance mark, it could rally to the $0.0850 target. For the bull market, some analysts have forecasted an all-time high of $1 for the leading meme coin.

据 Santinent 报道,$DOGE 发现鲸鱼活动有所增加。这表明聪明的投资者预计狗狗币的价格将大幅上涨。如果 DOGE 突破 0.0786 美元阻力位,则可能反弹至 0.0850 美元目标。对于牛市,一些分析师预测领先的 meme 代币将创下 1 美元的历史新高。

Shiba Inu’s Development Activity To Fuel Bull Run

柴犬的开发活动为 Bull Run 加油

In 2023, Shiba Inu led the development activity among meme coins. The project has launched a layer 2 network (Shibarium), AI products, and an identity network. These developments will culminate in Shiba Inu becoming a blockchain ecosystem filled with utility.

2023年,柴犬引领了模因币的开发活动。该项目推出了二层网络(Shibarium)、人工智能产品和身份网络。这些发展最终将使 Shiba Inu 成为一个充满实用性的区块链生态系统。

These developments have attracted investors from all corners of the crypto market. With more products set to be added to the Shiba Inu network, analysts have predicted more price gains for SHIB. Crypto analyst, Captain Faibik, has already projected a 2x rally for $SHIB by mid-December, making Shiba Inu one of the best cryptocurrencies to invest in.

这些发展吸引了来自加密货币市场各个角落的投资者。随着更多产品将添加到 Shiba Inu 网络中,分析师预测 SHIB 的价格将进一步上涨。加密货币分析师 Captain Faibik 预计,到 12 月中旬,SHIB 美元将上涨 2 倍,使 Shiba Inu 成为最值得投资的加密货币之一。

Floki ($FLOKI) Gets Bullish Rating As Staking Picks Up Momentum 

随着质押势头增强,Floki ($FLOKI) 获得看涨评级

Floki Inu has been one of the best cryptocurrency investments in 2023. Year-to-date, the meme coin has gained more than 350%, more than Bitcoin and Ethereum. According to analysts, this impressive price performance of $FLOKI could continue.

Floki Inu 是 2023 年最好的加密货币投资之一。今年迄今为止,这款 meme 币的涨幅已超过 350%,超过了比特币和以太坊。据分析师称,$FLOKI 令人印象深刻的价格表现可能会持续下去。

In October, Floki launched a staking reward program for its community. The program has begun gaining attention. The 30-day MVRV has already increased to 96%, meaning smart investors who bought last month are in a 96% profit. Analysts at FXStreet have even projected a short-term price increase of up to 70% for $FLOKI.

10 月,Floki 为其社区启动了一项质押奖励计划。该计划已开始受到关注。 30天MVRV已经增加到96%,这意味着上个月买入的聪明投资者已经获得了96%的利润。 FXStreet 的分析师甚至预测 $FLOKI 的短期价格涨幅高达 70%。

Bonk Outperforms Top Meme Coins 

Bonk 的表现优于顶级 Meme 代币

Bonk has been the dark horse of the meme coin sector. On the monthly chart, the meme coin has notched gains of more than 1,300%. According to market analysts, the price of $BONK has been rising in tandem with Solana, which has gained more than other altcoins. 

Bonk 一直是模因币领域的黑马。在月度图表上,Meme 币的涨幅超过 1,300%。据市场分析师称,$BONK 的价格一直与 Solana 同步上涨,其涨幅超过其他山寨币。

Bonk is a dog-themed meme coin on the Solana network. The meme coin has also formed a golden cross on its daily chart. This bullish formation could see the price of $BONK continue increasing. While Bonk has already notched substantial gains it could still be one of the best crypto to invest in today.

Bonk 是 Solana 网络上的一种以狗为主题的模因币。该模因币也在其日线图上形成了一个金色十字。这种看涨形态可能会导致 $BONK 的价格继续上涨。尽管 Bonk 已经取得了可观的收益,但它仍然可能是当今最值得投资的加密货币之一。

Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) Set for Massive Surge in the Bull Market

Galaxy Fox($GFOX)将在牛市中大幅上涨

Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) has emerged as a potential replacement for Shiba Inu and Dogecoin because it solves the major problem of lack of utility. The project has incorporated a play-to-earn gaming ecosystem into its meme coin token. The ecosystem is built around a fun-packed web3 runner game where players will become intergalactic foxes. 

Galaxy Fox($GFOX)已成为柴犬和狗狗币的潜在替代品,因为它解决了缺乏实用性的主要问题。该项目已将边玩边赚钱的游戏生态系统纳入其模因币代币中。该生态系统是围绕一款充满乐趣的 web3 跑步游戏构建的,玩家将成为星际狐狸。

The game is designed to be exciting, with characters being unique to their holders. Players will compete against others in different events across various galaxies within the virtual world. Rewards will be handed to top players within the top 20% on the intergalactic leaderboard.


As a hybrid of both worlds, analysts have predicted even more gains for $GFOX than other meme coins. In the bull market, Galaxy Fox could increase by up to 50x, outperforming the crypto market and becoming one of the best ICOs to date. Currently, in the early stages of its crypto presale, $GFOX is available at only $0.00066 per token.

作为这两个世界的混合体,分析师预测 $GFOX 的收益甚至比其他模因币还要多。在牛市中,Galaxy Fox 的涨幅可能高达 50 倍,跑赢加密货币市场,成为迄今为止最好的 ICO 之一。目前,在加密货币预售的早期阶段,$GFOX 的价格仅为每个代币 0.00066 美元。

Learn more about Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) here:

在此了解有关 Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 的更多信息:

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