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Dogecoin Sweepstakes Sparks Legal Battle as Coinbase Faces Supreme Court Scrutiny!

Coinbase 面临最高法院审查,狗狗币抽奖引发法律诉讼!

发布: 2023/11/04 06:00 阅读: 956

原文作者:CO NEWS


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  • A promotion gone awry: Coinbase’s Dogecoin sweepstakes leads to a Supreme Court showdown.
  • 一次促销活动出了差错:Coinbase 的狗狗币抽奖活动引发了最高法院的摊牌。

  • Participants allege that the crypto exchange’s fine print misled them, overshadowing a free entry option.
  • 参与者声称,加密货币交易所的细则误导了他们,掩盖了免费入场选项。

  • The case becomes a pivotal moment for legal interpretations of arbitration clauses in the digital age.
  • 该案成为数字时代仲裁条款法律解释的关键时刻。

Coinbase’s Dogecoin sweepstakes, intended to drive platform engagement, now faces legal challenges that have escalated to the U.S. Supreme Court, setting a precedent for consumer rights and corporate transparency.

Coinbase 的狗狗币抽奖活动旨在推动平台参与度,但现在面临着已升级至美国最高法院的法律挑战,为消费者权利和企业透明度树立了先例。

Court Denies Coinbase Arbitration Move

法院否认 Coinbase 仲裁举措

The promotional enthusiasm surrounding Coinbase’s Dogecoin giveaway has turned into a legal skirmish, with a federal judge rejecting the company’s push for arbitration. The plaintiff, David Suski, leads the charge against the exchange, alleging deceptive practices to boost Dogecoin trading, culminating in a class action that has garnered the attention of the highest court in the United States.

围绕 Coinbase 赠送狗狗币的促销热情已经演变成一场法律冲突,一名联邦法官驳回了该公司提出的仲裁请求。原告大卫·苏斯基 (David Suski) 对交易所提出指控,指控其采取欺骗性做法来促进狗狗币交易,最终引发集体诉讼,引起了美国最高法院的关注。

Coinbase 促销行为的法律焦点

The lawsuit accuses Coinbase of purposefully downplaying a no-purchase-necessary entry option for its $1.2 million Dogecoin sweepstakes, pointing to this as a tactic to enhance trading volume and, consequently, the company’s profits. This legal contest focuses on the fine line between marketing strategies and the obligation towards transparent communication with consumers.

该诉讼指控 Coinbase 故意淡化其价值 120 万美元的狗狗币抽奖活动中无需购买的入场选项,并指出这是一种提高交易量的策略,从而提高公司的利润。这场法律竞赛的重点是营销策略和与消费者进行透明沟通的义务之间的界限。

Supreme Court to Review Coinbase’s Arbitration Clauses

最高法院将审查 Coinbase 的仲裁条款

In a notable development, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review the decision to keep the sweepstakes-related claims in court. This marks a significant moment for Coinbase as it struggles with the repercussions of its arbitration agreements, challenging the enforcement of such clauses amidst growing concerns over consumer rights in the digital domain.

一个值得注意的进展是,美国最高法院已同意审查将抽奖相关索赔保留在法庭上的决定。这对 Coinbase 来说是一个重要时刻,因为它正在努力应对仲裁协议的影响,在数字领域消费者权利日益受到关注的情况下挑战此类条款的执行。

The Controversy Behind the Free Entry Method


The crux of the class action is the allegation that Coinbase deliberately obscured the alternative, cost-free sweepstakes entry route to manipulate its Dogecoin trading volumes. With the legal argument centered on California’s consumer protection laws, the outcome of this case could have widespread implications for advertising practices in the crypto industry.

集体诉讼的关键是指控 Coinbase 故意掩盖替代的、免费的抽奖进入途径,以操纵其狗狗币交易量。由于法律争论集中在加州的消费者保护法,此案的结果可能会对加密行业的广告实践产生广泛的影响。

Implications for Coinbase and Sweepstakes Entrants

对 Coinbase 和抽奖活动参与者的影响

David Suski, representing the sweepstakes participants who opted for the paid entry, claims the lack of clear disclosure violated California’s false advertising and competition statutes. The suit seeks restitution exceeding $5 million and has raised critical questions about the enforceability of consumer agreements versus promotional terms.

选择付费参与的抽奖参与者的代表戴维·苏斯基 (David Suski) 声称,缺乏明确的披露违反了加州的虚假广告和竞争法规。该诉讼要求赔偿超过 500 万美元,并提出了有关消费者协议与促销条款的可执行性的关键问题。

Coinbase 的法律辩护和过去的仲裁成功

Coinbase, standing by its user agreements that mandate arbitration, must now present a compelling argument to the Supreme Court to reverse the lower court’s ruling. The company’s prior success in moving a different user lawsuit to arbitration casts a shadow of precedent, yet the current case could pivot in an unexpected direction.

Coinbase 坚持其强制仲裁的用户协议,现在必须向最高法院提出令人信服的论据,以推翻下级法院的裁决。该公司之前成功地将另一起用户诉讼提交仲裁,这为先例蒙上了一层阴影,但当前的案件可能会朝着意想不到的方向发展。

Public Response and Industry Critique


The public reaction, particularly from the cryptocurrency community on platforms like Reddit, has been one of dismay and criticism, with accusations that Coinbase exploited the sweepstakes to artificially pump Dogecoin’s trading metrics. This sentiment underscores a broader skepticism towards Coinbase’s marketing methods and its handling of meme tokens like Dogecoin.

公众的反应,尤其是来自 Reddit 等平台上的加密货币社区的反应,是一种沮丧和批评,指责 Coinbase 利用抽奖活动人为推高狗狗币的交易指标。这种情绪凸显了人们对 Coinbase 的营销方法及其对狗狗币等模因代币的处理方式的更广泛怀疑。



The Dogecoin sweepstakes saga places Coinbase at a legal crossroads, with the Supreme Court set to weigh in on a matter that intertwines marketing strategies with the ethical responsibility of disclosure. The ruling will not only determine the fate of the class action against Coinbase but also shape future corporate conduct and the transparency expected in promotions within the rapidly evolving crypto landscape.

狗狗币抽奖事件将 Coinbase 置于法律的十字路口,最高法院将介入这一将营销策略与信息披露的道德责任交织在一起的问题。该裁决不仅将决定针对 Coinbase 的集体诉讼的命运,还将影响未来的公司行为以及在快速发展的加密货币领域中促销活动的透明度。

The post Dogecoin Sweepstakes Sparks Legal Battle as Coinbase Faces Supreme Court Scrutiny! appeared first on COINOTAG NEWS.

Coinbase 面临最高法院审查,狗狗币抽奖活动引发法律诉讼!首先出现在 COINOTAG 新闻上。

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