首页 > 资讯新闻 > 埃隆·马斯克在狗狗币诉讼中反击,投资者转向DigiToads,其未来前景看好

Elon Musk Fires Back in Dogecoin Lawsuit, Investors Turn to DigiToads as its future look promising


发布: 2023/08/11 03:30 阅读: 296



After facing legal battles in an ongoing $258bn racketeering lawsuit accusing Dogecoin bosses of insider trading, Elon Musk recently fired back by declaring the action a “fanciful work of fiction”. The future of this lawsuit remains unclear, but it has arguably put a negative spin on the prospects for Dogecoin investors. However, one thing is clear: another memecoin is starting to surge. DigiToads (TOADS) continues to offer hope to memecoin investors and the wider crypto market as a whole, and prices continue to rise during its early presale journey. If you haven’t added this token to your portfolio before its new ico launch in a couple of weeks’ time, you might be missing out in a big way. Here’s why:

在一场持续的、指控狗狗币老板进行内幕交易的 2580 亿美元敲诈勒索诉讼中面临法律诉讼后,埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 最近予以回击,称这一行动是“奇幻的虚构作品”。这起诉讼的未来尚不清楚,但可以说它对狗狗币投资者的前景产生了负面影响。然而,有一件事是明确的:另一种模因币正在开始飙升。 DigiToads (TOADS) 继续为 memecoin 投资者和整个加密货币市场带来希望,并且价格在早期预售过程中持续上涨。如果您在几周后新 ICO 推出之前尚未将此代币添加到您的投资组合中,那么您可能会错失良机。原因如下:

DigiToads (TOADS) offers the best P2E ecosystem ever

DigiToads (TOADS) 提供有史以来最好的 P2E 生态系统

Other memecoins can’t match TOADS‘ incredible mechanics and long-term fundamentals. The core offering of the TOADS model is its remarkably fun TOADS swamp battle arena. In it, you will be able to battle it out with your own TOADS companions every season for rewards that are paid for by an overall 2% transaction tax. This tax is levied on entrants to the swamp arena, so the more you play, the more funds will be available for you to compete for. And the best TOADS battlers will win more TOADS tokens which can either be used to feed and power-up your unique companions to take them to the next level, or withdrawn for instant profits.

其他模因币无法与 TOADS 令人难以置信的机制和长期基本面相媲美。 TOADS 模型的核心产品是其非常有趣的 TOADS 沼泽战斗竞技场。在其中,您每个赛季都可以与您自己的 TOADS 同伴一较高下,获得奖励,而奖励则由 2% 的交易税支付。该税是向沼泽竞技场的进入者征收的,因此您玩得越多,可供您竞争的资金就越多。最好的 TOADS 战斗者将赢得更多 TOADS 代币,这些代币可用于喂养和增强您独特的同伴,使他们更上一层楼,也可提取以获取即时利润。

No other memecoin can match the credentials TOADS offers when it comes to utility and enjoyability. That’s why it’s currently considered the best crypto to buy, according to industry experts.

在实用性和愉悦性方面,没有其他 memecoin 可以与 TOADS 提供的凭证相媲美。据行业专家称,这就是为什么它目前被认为是最好的加密货币。

NFT-staking capabilities take things a step further

NFT 质押功能让事情更进一步

But if you’d rather take a step back and simply sit back and count your gains, TOADS makes it incredibly easy to do that, too. With the incredible TOADS NFT staking model, another 2% of transactions will be used to pay out residual income over time to those who lock in popular NFTs for the longest. So TOADS offers you the chance to enjoy your investment journey in a hands-on manner, or simply sit back and count your gains with its passive income protocol.

但如果您想退后一步,简单地坐下来计算您的收获,TOADS 也能让您轻松做到这一点。凭借令人难以置信的 TOADS NFT 质押模型,另外 2% 的交易将用于随着时间的推移向那些锁定流行 NFT 时间最长的人支付剩余收入。因此,TOADS 为您提供了亲身体验投资之旅的机会,或者只是坐下来通过其被动收入协议计算您的收益。

Time is running out to snap up TOADS presale discounts

抢购 TOADS 预售折扣的时间已经不多了

The revolutionary TOADS presale is nearly finished before it will become the best ico ever in the crypto space. You can still enjoy discounts of $0.05 before they go up to $0.055 when it launches into Uniswap. They could go even higher after that, so don’t miss your chance to get involved.

革命性的 TOADS 预售即将完成,之后它将成为加密货币领域有史以来最好的 ICO。当 Uniswap 上线时,您仍然可以享受 0.05 美元的折扣,之后折扣最高可达 0.055 美元。之后他们的价格可能会更高,所以不要错过参与的机会。

What about Dogecoin?


As arguably the most famous memecoin ever, Elon Musk has helped DOGE’s popularity in a big way. Some experts have criticized DOGE’s lack of fundamentals in the past, but DOGE is still considered by many to be the “people’s crypto”. Whatever happens in the current lawsuit, it is here to stay, and will remain a popular memecoin arguably for years to come.

作为可以说是有史以来最著名的模因币,埃隆·马斯克在很大程度上帮助了 DOGE 的流行。过去有一些专家批评DOGE缺乏基本面,但DOGE仍然被许多人认为是“人民的加密货币”。无论当前的诉讼发生什么,它都将继续存在,并且可以说在未来几年仍将是一种流行的模因币。



DOGE might bounce back, but TOADS is already bouncing. It’s got everything needed for success over the coming months, and its presale journey is about to launch into the stratosphere on official launch day. With a short time left to grab discounted prices, now is the time to act.

DOGE 可能会反弹,但 TOADS 已经在反弹了。它拥有未来几个月成功所需的一切,其预售之旅即将在正式发布当天进入平流层。抢购折扣的时间已经不多了,现在就是采取行动的时候了。

Visit DigiToads Presale

访问 DigiToads 预售

Mint DigiToads NFTs Here

在这里薄荷 DigiToads NFT

Buy DigiToads NFTs on OpenSea

在 OpenSea 上购买 DigiToads NFT

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