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Shiba Inu’s Impact on Dogecoin Explored: Insights from Market Analyst


发布: 2023/08/11 04:00 阅读: 470



The recent rise of Shiba Inu (SHIB) has certainly caught the attention of investors and enthusiasts. While Shiba Inu’s impressive performance has been the talk of the town, crypto analyst Ali suggests that this might have significant implications for another popular dog-themed cryptocurrency – Dogecoin (DOGE).


The numbers speak for themselves. According to Kaiko, Shiba Inu’s developer activity has surged, playing a pivotal role in its recent price increase. This surge in developer interest has been instrumental in pushing SHIB to outperform several altcoins, including the well-known Dogecoin.

数字不言而喻。 Kaiko 表示,Shiba Inu 的开发商活动激增,在近期价格上涨中发挥了关键作用。开发者兴趣的激增有助于推动 SHIB 超越多种山寨币,包括著名的狗狗币。

When comparing the returns of Shiba Inu and Dogecoin since the beginning of July, SHIB is currently taking the lead, evident in its robust upward trajectory at the start of August. CoinGecko data highlights that Shiba Inu has managed to maintain its positive stance across various time frames, with the exception of its yearly performance. Over the past 30 days, SHIB has recorded gains of an impressive 31.2%, a feat that Dogecoin has not been able to match entirely, showing gains of 16.3% during the same period.

比较柴犬和狗狗币自 7 月初以来的回报率,SHIB 目前处于领先地位,这从 8 月初的强劲上升轨迹中可见一斑。 CoinGecko 数据强调,除年度表现外,Shiba Inu 在不同时间范围内都成功保持了积极的立场。在过去 30 天里,SHIB 的涨幅达到了令人印象深刻的 31.2%,这是狗狗币无法完全匹敌的壮举,同期涨幅为 16.3%。

Shiba Inu and Dogecoin show correlation


The intriguing question that arises from this trend is whether Dogecoin, historically showing a strong correlation with SHIB in terms of price movements, will soon follow suit. Ali, the crypto analyst, presents the intriguing data from IntoTheBlock, which indicates a robust 60-day correlation coefficient of 0.74 between SHIB and DOGE. The implication is clear – when Shiba Inu’s price makes a move, Dogecoin tends to follow a similar path.

这种趋势引起的一个有趣的问题是,历史上在价格走势方面与 SHIB 具有很强相关性的狗狗币是否会很快效仿。加密货币分析师 Ali 展示了来自 IntoTheBlock 的有趣数据,该数据表明 SHIB 和 DOGE 之间的 60 天相关系数高达 0.74。含义很明确——当柴犬的价格变动时,狗狗币往往会遵循类似的路径。

Ali offers a word of caution, suggesting that the strong correlation between SHIB and DOGE could indicate a significant price move for Dogecoin in the near future, aligned with SHIB’s recent surge. Investors and crypto enthusiasts alike are now keeping a keen eye on Dogecoin, curious to see if it will indeed follow the trajectory set by its fellow dog-themed cryptocurrency. The world of crypto remains ever dynamic, and whether history repeats itself in this case is a question that only time will answer.

Ali 提出警告,表明 SHIB 和 DOGE 之间的强相关性可能表明狗狗币在不久的将来会出现重大价格变动,与 SHIB 最近的飙升一致。投资者和加密货币爱好者现在都在密切关注狗狗币,想知道它是否真的会遵循其他以狗为主题的加密货币所设定的轨迹。加密世界仍然充满活力,在这种情况下历史是否会重演是一个只有时间才能回答的问题。


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