首页 > 资讯新闻 > 埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 让 GEC 用狗狗币支付 Doge-1 卫星重新预订费 – 详情

Elon Musk Makes GEC Pay Doge-1 Satellite Rebooking Fee In Dogecoin – Details

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 让 GEC 用狗狗币支付 Doge-1 卫星重新预订费 – 详情

发布: 2024/02/07 06:22 阅读: 554



In a recent development, logistics firm Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) has revealed that they paid the rebooking fee for the Doge-1 satellite in Dogecoin (DOGE). This comes alongside news that the satellite won’t be taking off anytime soon. 

在最近的进展中,物流公司 Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) 透露,他们以狗狗币 (DOGE) 支付了 Doge-1 卫星的重新预订费。与此同时,有消息称该卫星不会很快起飞。

Doge-1 Satellite Rebooking Fee Paid In Dogecoin

Doge-1 卫星重新预订费以狗狗币支付

The CEO of Geometric Energy, Samuel Reid, confirmed in an X (formerly Twitter) post that they “had” to repay the rebooking fee to Elon Musk’s SpaceX in DOGE. This suggests that his company had no other choice but to use the meme coin to pay if they still intended to move on with the Doge-1 mission.

Geometric Energy 首席执行官塞缪尔·里德 (Samuel Reid) 在 X(前 Twitter)帖子中证实,他们“必须”向埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 在 DOGE 的 SpaceX 偿还重新预订费。这表明,如果他的公司仍打算继续执行 Doge-1 任务,他们别无选择,只能使用模因币来支付。

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While it is unclear why the payment in Dogecoin was mandatory, it was worth mentioning that Geometric Energy made the initial payment (in 2021) to launch the Doge-1 satellite in Dogecoin. As such, Space X and Elon Musk might have felt it was only natural the whole deal continues to be financed with the meme coin. 

虽然尚不清楚为何强制使用狗狗币付款,但值得一提的是,几何能源公司 (2021 年) 以狗狗币支付了发射 Doge-1 卫星的首笔款项。因此,Space X 和埃隆·马斯克可能会觉得整个交易继续由模因币融资是很自然的。

Space X, which is owned by the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, will be responsible for launching the Doge-1 satellite into the lunar orbit. Contrary to what some might think, this mission isn’t sending the Dogecoin token into space. Instead, the satellite will be used to display advertisements to Earth while orbiting the moon. 

世界首富埃隆·马斯克拥有的 Space X 将负责将 Doge-1 卫星发射到月球轨道。与某些人的想法相反,该任务并不是将狗狗币代币送入太空。相反,这颗卫星将用于在绕月球运行时向地球展示广告。

However, it has caught the interest of the DOGE community, considering how the project has amplified the meme coin’s utility. Such development can also be bullish for the crypto token once the satellite is finally launched. 

然而,考虑到该项目如何放大了模因币的效用,它引起了 DOGE 社区的兴趣。一旦卫星最终发射,这种发展也可能对加密货币有利。

Doge-1 Launch Delayed

Doge-1 发射延迟

Samuel Reid also revealed on a live voice chat on Telegram that the Doge-1 mission would be delayed. This was why Geometric Energy had to pay the rebooking fee in the first place, considering that the satellite will no longer be launching as a rideshare payload with the Intuitive Machines’ IM-1 mission. 

塞缪尔·里德还在 Telegram 的实时语音聊天中透露,Doge-1 任务将被推迟。这就是为什么 Geometric Energy 必须首先支付重新预订费的原因,因为考虑到该卫星将不再作为 Intuitive Machines 的 IM-1 任务的拼车有效载荷进行发射。

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Reid further stated that the delay was due to the fact that some equipment for the satellite was still being worked on. Once that is done and necessary approvals are obtained, the satellite is expected to be shipped to the United States from the United Kingdom. 


It is worth mentioning that GEC already got the necessary approval and license to launch the satellite from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), respectively. 


Meanwhile, Reid failed to provide a timeline for when the Doge-1 will now likely launch. He only stated that the satellite is likely to launch with the IM-2 or another mission that Space X launches. It, however, depends on when the Doge-1 is finally shipped to the US. 

与此同时,里德未能提供 Doge-1 何时可能发射的时间表。他只是表示,这颗卫星很可能与 IM-2 或 Space X 发射的另一项任务一起发射。不过,这取决于 Doge-1 最终何时运往美国。



Featured image from CoinGape, chart from Tradingview.com

精选图片来自 CoinGape,图表来自 Tradingview.com


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